Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1799: : How much did you make by investing ten million? (4 more)

Yuan Han stayed at Zhou's house for more than an hour, but did not wait for Zhou Wenbang to return home.

He wanted to hug Zhou Ke, Zhou Ke was not familiar with him at all, and would cry as soon as he touched him.

Yuan Han was extremely embarrassed.

Jiang Hong didn't leave him to eat either. Yuan Han vented his anger on the innocent tree on the side of the road when he left the family courtyard. The tree was also unlucky, and misfortune came from the sky. He was kicked a few times:

"Obviously there is a relationship, but you don't use it for me, don't help me, your relationship will be brought to the coffin?"

He didn't lie.

Originally, he and Mayor Tang were considered relatives.

As long as Zhou Wenbangken gives him a chance, he doesn't know how fast he can climb in Pengcheng!

Just talk about what He Shiyuan asked him to help.

It's just a piece of land. How easy would it be for Mayor Tang to say something?

The matter has not been settled yet, He Shiyuan's shot is 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, which is really going to be successful. He took 500,000 Hong Kong dollars in it, which is not too small!

Yuan Han's Adam's apple rolls.

Mayor Tang...Will he come to Beijing to celebrate the New Year?

After all, Xia Xiaolan's mother and daughter live in Beijing.

I heard Zhou Yi said before that Xia Xiaolan's family lived in Shichahai, and Yuan Han's heart moved slightly.

Of course, he usually doesn’t dare to go to the Pengcheng City government. He goes to see Tang Hongen with a careless attitude. The relative relationship with Mayor Tang is a rumor that he has let go. No one else would ask Mayor Tang, but if Yuan Han went by himself, he would be stopped. See it, it's pierced.

Now it’s different. Those who are celebrating the New Year’s Day, don’t hit the smiley person. He comes to the door in the name of a relative to pay a New Year’s greeting. Mayor Tang will not chase him out!

Yuan Han made up his mind to eat He Shiyuan's "thanks".

A big husband must not be without power for a day.

But money is also a good thing.


On New Year's Eve, when I woke up early in the morning, Tang Hongen felt itchy nose and a bit uncomfortable in his throat.

"Could it be a cold?"

Liu Fen looked at him worriedly.

The winter in Pengcheng is relatively warm, and the winter in Beijing is cold. Tang Hongen didn't rest even after getting off the plane. It might have caught a cold.

"I'm fine..."

He spoke with nasal sounds.

Liu Fen thought that taking medicine for the Chinese New Year didn't seem to be very good, so she had to ask her grandma to give Tang Hongen a bowl of shredded ginger, radish and scallion soup.

Xia Xiaolan got up a little later, and Laotang was already sitting at the table obediently, drinking the Aixin brand food therapy soup.

Seeing her coming, Tang Hongen picked up the bowl:

"Let your mother scoop a bowl for you too?"

The smell is rather pungent, and Xia Xiaolan has already smelled a very strong smell.

"Okay, prevent colds!"

Both of them were holding a big bowl and drinking soup, Tang Hongen wiped his mouth:

"You are going to participate in Shengxuan's wedding today. Most of the Song family will go. The Song family and Shengxuan are relatives, so they want to show some face. But other people, Mrs. Song Zhicheng, dare not invite more. Old Song will not be happy...whatever someone says to you at the wedding, you don't care about it. You are the guest invited by the man. If you don't give you face, you just don't give you a face."

Will the Song family bully her?

No way.

Last time I went to Xiangshan Courtyard, haven't convinced a group of Song family members?

After going to the study to meet Mr. Song, the Song family's attitude was different.

When I met Song Minglan and his daughter successively in the United States, Xia Xiaolan also felt that the problem was not big.

"For your face, they won't embarrass me. I don't have anything to worry about. If someone bullies me, the Song family will look ugly!"

This is the benefit of being young.

If you are young and shameless, you will be invincible wherever you go.

If Tang Hongen is not there, if the Song family "bullies" her, it is all the Song family's fault hahaha!

Tang Hongen couldn't stop being stretched by her words: "You!"

Really unscrupulous.

But it's pretty good. People who look at it this way can live more easily.

"Uncle Tang, don't worry, there are so many guests, there are not many people that Mrs. Song dared to invite, I guess there are many people invited by the bridegroom, they just engage in personal connections, this time I am going to see Lively!"

She was embarrassed to tell Tang Hongen that she wanted to see if Sheng Xuan and Ji Ya would fight...

When it is almost noon, there is a car honking outside, which is the advantage of living close.

It's Xu Changle.

"Uncle Xu is not going?"

"My dad sent me to be a representative."

Hehe, too, it is normal to be a representative of a son. Zhu Suizhou invited the father and son of the Xu family, and Xu Zhongyi is not that kind of lively.

Xia Xiaolan got into Xu Changle's car.

At the same time, before attending Shengxuan's wedding, the Ji family had a fight.

Ji Ya's eldest brother Ji Lin already knew about the 10 million loan.

Ji Ya also asked her family to help with the loan at the beginning. Ji Lin’s wife firmly disagreed. If Ji Lin dared to cheer her to agree, Ji Lin’s wife would say that she would no longer care about the relationship between husband and wife, and would choose to divorce Ji Lin—she was only talented. Regardless of whether the divorce will affect Ji Lin's job prospects, she just can't stand it. There is always a premonition that being a fine girl will drag the whole family!

No, it's not fine.

Ji Ya is really mentally ill. This is a paranoia that doctors have diagnosed. After marrying George, she also took medicine intermittently. It's just that she has not fallen ill recently, which does not mean that she will never fall ill!

Ji Lin also didn't want his small family to be torn apart.

Under the pressure of his wife, he refused Ji Ya's request smoothly.

Ji Ya also found Zhen Wenxiu.

Zhen Wenxiu only considers her husband Ning Haodong's career career, and is afraid to take such matters into her body, so she directly rejects Ji Ya.

Ji Ya was forced to find Sheng Xuan.

In fact, Ji Lin and Zhen Wenxiu have an idea. If Ji Ya really wants to expand his business, the first person to find is George.

After all, what George showed at the time was not ordinary rich.

Why didn't Ji Ya ask George to ask Qian Jilin to understand.

He only knows that Ji Ya finally got the loan, and has done a considerable amount of business. There are dozens of stores across the country, and he doesn't worry about the trouble of finding Tang Hongen all day. Ji Lin still thinks that his sister has become normal. Up.

But this time Ji Ya returned to the capital and asked Ji Lin to find a way to help. Ji Lin knew that Ji Ya had not changed at all. Does the original recipe taste good?

"Where did I change so much money for you? You said that the clothing business makes money, but you spread out such a big stall and you make money?"

Throw in tens of millions in a year, and you always have to see some output, right?

Didn't that Xia Xiaolan's make a fortune with a clothing store? Even if Ji Lin is a layman, he is not stupid.

Others can make money, there is no reason Ji Ya can't make money.

With an investment of tens of millions and earning a few million, you can negotiate with the bank and make an instalment repayment. This difficulty will be overcome.

Ji Ya has an itchy throat and wants to smoke:

"Of course I made money. I made hundreds of thousands this year, which is not enough."

Earning hundreds of thousands a year is really a lot.

But I didn't make much money in my imagination.

Ji Ya also didn't understand why, she had all the retail terminals in her hands, and logically she should earn more, but after calculating the accounts, she really only earned a few hundred thousand!

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