Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1816: : House arrest (1 more)

Xia Ziyu uses a very simple radical method.

Du Xingrong could see clearly, but was too lazy to expose her.

Because Xia Ziyu is telling the truth, of course he has the final say in the Du family!

"If you don't go to the U.S., it's okay. Then you can settle down and have a good baby."

Du Xingrong asked Xia Ziyu to go to bed first, and Xia Ziyu didn't tease him anymore, letting him sit in the study.

Du Xingrong is not angry tonight, but happy.

Xia Ziyu is in a heavy mood. What is Du Xingrong happy about? Happy Du Zhaohui is doing well?

Du Zhaoji was true too. Once he had agreed to form an alliance, Du Zhaoji also checked Liu Fen for her, but he never said how to "repay" her... Could it be that Du Zhaoji had already given up first?

Xia Ziyu didn't want Du Zhaohui to win.

But Du Xingrong had already given a warning, she did not dare to intervene in this matter.

If you don't interfere, Du Xingrong will protect her safety. Once you intervene... Du Xingrong will let her face Du Zhaohui by herself!


The first day's turnover of Xingrong Square was just calculated in the evening. Except for those whom Du Zhaohui proactively notified, everyone who should know actually knew it.

An apartment in the city on Hong Kong Island.

Du Zhaoji took the statistics that he had just sent, and kicked the door open.

The house is not big or small, and the layout is very simple. Inside live, Ye Xiaoqiong, and two middle-aged women who are in charge of looking at Ye Xiaoqiong.

Regardless of whether she is eating or sleeping, or even going to the bathroom, 24 hours a day, the two women will take turns following her next to her body, so that she can't run away or ask anyone for help.

Du Zhaoji did what he said and put Ye Xiaoqiong under house arrest.

After the violence in the office, he did not forcibly have a relationship with Ye Xiaoqiong, but **** is the same as domestic violence, with the difference between zero and countless times.

The atrocities had already occurred, and it was not that Du Zhaoji did not commit the violence again, and Ye Xiaoqiong would relax his vigilance.

Du Zhaoji was full of alcohol.

Ye Xiaoqiong thought to himself, if he dares to do something, he might as well die together!

I don’t know whether the desk lamp next to the sofa can be fatal in one blow?

Du Zhaoji approached step by step, "What is your expression that I thought I would touch you again?"

Ye Xiaoqiong's hand was about to touch the lamp, and Du Zhaoji grabbed it.

"Where did you hide those things?"

"I don't know what you said."

"You don't know? It's the set you made that prostitute. There must be some evidence, right?"

Ye Xiaoqiong did not break free, but a mockery appeared on her face:

"Second Young Master, you are really going farther and farther on the crooked road, and time is getting closer and closer. You think you can't win Du Da Young, so you are determined to use other means, right?"


She has evidence that she can clean up Yuan Han and put Yuan Han to death.

But she will not give it to Du Zhaoji.

If such evidence was obtained by Du Zhaoji, Yuan Han would be unlucky. How could Du Zhaoji avenge her, but using Yuan Han as a breakthrough point, he could deal with other people... How wide is the scope of other people, Ye Xiaoqiong does not OK.

She was blinded by hatred. After being put under house arrest by Du Zhaoji, she couldn't contact the outside world. She could only think about these things over and over again, and then she slowly sorted out her thoughts.

Du Zhaoji clenched her wrist tightly, "I don't need you to evaluate what I do. You don't have to pretend to be a moral model in front of me, Ye Xiaoqiong, I will say it again, and hand over the evidence."

"There is no evidence, what shall I hand over..."

Du Zhaoji threw her hand away fiercely:

"Then I can only go to the prostitute, a lowly woman like her, who quietly disappears into the world, and no one will care about it!"

Ye Xiaoqiong looked at him seriously, and suddenly smiled after a long while:

"Second Young Master, I don't think you will do anything to her. You are not the kind of person who takes human life as a child's play. Why do you have to say that? Killing does not solve the problem. Second Young Master always disdains you."

For a while, neither of the two spoke.

Du Zhaoji's mood is very complicated.

Because Ye Xiaoqiong was right, he would not kill.

Although he was raised in Du's family, he was different from Du Zhaohui. He was guarded by his mother. Others targeted Du Zhaohui but would not attack him.

Killing is a simple and rude method. There is no technology to speak of. There is nothing in this world that cannot be solved by wisdom. Why does he use the most stupid method?

Ye Xiaoqiong knows him well.

A woman who knew him so well refused to help him wholeheartedly.

This annoyed Du Zhaoji.

Because even people like Du Zhaohui have someone to help!

After a long while, Du Zhaoji took the initiative to break the silence and threw the documents in his hand on the table:

"Du Zhaohui's square officially opened today. The business is very good. The first day's turnover exceeded 1.7 million. If the first day's turnover can be maintained at the level of one-fifth throughout the year, his square's annual turnover will exceed 100 million. This is just the beginning, because so far, Hongrong Plaza has only opened one storey of electronic stores. It is a complex. Relying on the popularity of electronic stores, there are countless potentials that can be tapped... Why is it such a good project? Did Du Zhaohui discover it?"

Du Zhaohui He De He Neng.

This project is hard to come by no matter which company on Hong Kong Island develops, but it was taken by Du Zhaohui.

Du Zhaohui didn't have the brains at all. From the selection to the opening today, it was all others behind the scenes. Is this a win over him?

Du Zhaoji stared at Ye Xiaoqiong's expression carefully:

"Do you think Du Zhaohui is determined to win?"

Ye Xiaoqiong shook his head, "...It may be a bit twisty, Er Shao, you have a back hand."

As for what the back hand is, even she doesn't know.

Du Zhaoji never trusted her completely, and was always afraid that she would turn back, so even she was kept in the dark.

At this time, her personal freedom was restricted by Du Zhaoji again, and Ye Xiaoqiong was extremely anxious.

Du Zhaoji refused to elaborate:

"The victory or defeat will be determined soon. You will see. If I lose, I will still be the second young master of the Du family. You will not have a chance to go out. If I win..."

If you win, you will be the future Patriarch of the Du family.

The Du family's staff listened to him, and Ye Xiaoqiong was even more unavoidable.

It wasn't until Du Zhaoji came with alcohol, and then disappeared with alcohol, that Ye Xiaoqiong released her clenched palm.

She picked up the documents brought by Du Zhaoji from the table, and through the lines of words, she seemed to be able to see the grand occasion of the opening day of Hongrong Plaza.

Such promising projects supported by local governments are really dazzling.

The Second Young Master is not lacking in strength, the Second Young Master may lack some luck.

The same is the starting capital of 20 million Hong Kong dollars, how do you choose to start a business?

The factory opened by Er Shao in Thailand is already very good.

It's a pity that the existence of Chung Rong Square is too dazzling!

She hated Du Zhaoji and was grateful to Du Zhaoji.

Du Zhaoji raped her and put her under house arrest-Ye Xiaoqiong did not hesitate, she was looking forward to Du Zhaoji's defeat! If Du Zhaoji wins, she will be the opponent's forbidden for the rest of her life.

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