Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1815: : Victory in the first battle! (4 more)

"If Du Zhaoji has no other cards, he is sure to lose."

At this time, Xia Xiaolan also has the confidence to say this.

"You don't need to send me back. You should stay there before the business closes today to prevent emergencies."

Du Zhaohui nodded obediently, "You are tired of the square today. I will take you home and turn back immediately."

Xia Xiaolan was also tired and didn't want to talk.

Except for taking a break at lunchtime, she has been working as a salesperson at Wenquxing today. With her neat lips, she didn't let the electronic dictionary sell zero duck eggs on the first day of sales.

Saying too much in one breath, she really didn't want to say any extra words at this time.

Victory is in sight, and there is no strength to discuss... Finally, what is the turnover on the first day? Du Zhaohui will definitely inform her of the data at the latest, so there is no need to worry about this.

Xia Xiaolan went home.

Neither Tang Hongen nor Liu Fen came back. The house was deserted, and she fell into bed tired and went to sleep.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the phone rang, and Du Zhaohui's triumphant voice rang:

"1.71 million! The first day's turnover was 1.71 million! This model is so popular, is it as we said, continue the shopping lottery tomorrow?"

Xia Xiaolan slept dazedly:

"Then you need to talk about it? Keep doing it for three days in a row!"

Compared with the publicity investment of Hetong Rong Plaza in other places, the cost of the shopping lottery is nothing at all. Three days add up to hundreds of thousands. Du Zhaohui can fully afford the money.

After talking about Xia Xiaolan, she hung up the phone.

Du Zhaohui is not lost at all. For men, the relationship between men and women will be irritating, but the success of the career will make a man feel energetic and become very confident.

Du Zhaohui has always been confident.

Don't be afraid of anything now!

He generously let Xia Xiaolan rest, and when he looked at the time for himself, he didn’t care if his old son Du Xingrong was resting at this time, and whether his wife was sleeping with his arm around him, so he directly called back to Hong Kong Island——


"Well, Dad, I want to report to you. Today is the day when the electronics store in Hongrong Plaza opens. You know, we today--"

"Can you tell me the point?"


This dead old man, listening to this impatient voice, he really doesn't care about the business of the store, he really went to bed first?

Du Zhaohui was blown up.

He scolded the old man eight hundred times in his heart, but his tone was respectful and filial, as if he was mixed with eight hundred catties of honey:

"Dad, the turnover on the first day of today is 1.71 million Chinese dollars."

"...Okay, I see. You won't report tomorrow. I will send someone to pay attention to the movements of your square. On the 5th, you will return to Hong Kong on time for the spring banquet with all the statistics!"

Du Xingrong directly put the phone down.

Du Zhaohui was so angry that he dropped the phone:

"Dead old man!"

It took him a year of hard work to make this achievement. How much saliva can be wasted by complimenting him?

Du Zhaohui has become accustomed to Xia Xiaolan doing this, and he still thinks that Xia Xiaolan has personality.

Du Zhaohui was full of resentment when he changed Du Chengrong's own father to do so.


Hong Kong Island.

Du Xingrong was actually not as indifferent as Du Zhaohui imagined.

It's not like he was perfunctory Du Zhaohui, who would not send someone to see the development of the Congrong Square tomorrow. This morning, Hongrong Plaza launched a shopping raffle, and someone had reported it to Du Weirong.

Du Tungrong knew at the time that the turnover on the first day of Tungrong Plaza was absolutely indistinguishable.

The project of Tsung Rong Plaza is one link and one link, from the establishment of investment, obtaining support from the local government, to the implementation of the midway construction, the control of the progress, and the investment and drainage before the opening...Every link is selected by Du Xingrong. Nothing wrong.

Spend the least money and engage in the greatest publicity.

Countdown to suspense in the newspaper.

The bombing of current affairs news.

Upholstered advertisements on train seats.

Including the shopping raffle that was announced today.

People with this courage and vision, regardless of age, men and women, if they are willing to do something for Du Xingrong, he must at least give the other party a vice president, and he will give enough annual salary and dividends!

After hanging up Du Zhaohui's phone, Du Xingrong really couldn't sleep.

He lit a cigar himself.

After a while, a pair of hands smoked the cigar from behind:

"Pregnant women can't smoke secondhand smoke, which is bad for the development of their children! Why are you still up to sleep?"

Xia Ziyu was the only one who dared to speak like this in front of Du Xingrong.

Since Xia Ziyu confirmed that she was pregnant and talked to Du Xingrong, she has become more casual in front of Du Xingrong.

Other women didn't let Du Tengrong smoke. It must be from the perspective of caring about Du Tengrong's body. Xia Ziyu was not like that. She had something to say. Du Tengrong obviously liked her tone too.

Du Yurong didn't stop her from extinguishing the cigar, but suddenly smiled:

"The call was made by Zhaohui. The Zhengrong Plaza he built opened today, and the momentum is very good... What are your thoughts?"

Xia Ziyu's heart tightened.

"What can I think? Although he brought me to you, I am his mother and I am pregnant again. I am not an enemy with him, but you can't force me to be happy for his success. !"

She was really not happy at all.

When Du Zhaohui got 5% of the shares, she was even more disadvantaged.

If she is not convinced that she is pregnant, she doesn't know how panicked she is at this time, maybe she is already packing up valuables and preparing to leave Hong Kong secretly.

Du Tingrong held her waist and warned her:

"I like women to be careful from time to time. It is cute to be jealous. But I don't like my women's heart is too big. You can accept whatever I am willing to give you. No one can get the things I don't want to give. This time. The test is about 5% of the group’s shares. Whether Zhaohui wins or Zhaoji wins, it has nothing to do with you. If you are worried that Zhaohui will be embarrassed when you return to Hong Kong, I will send you to the United States to raise a baby and take your baby there. Be born!"

Go to the U.S. to raise a baby?

Xia Ziyu has never been to the United States.

When she was in the country, someone said to send her to the United States, she didn't know how happy she would be.

But at this time, Du Xingrong said to send her to the United States to have a baby, Xia Ziyu refused a hundred.

It is not a matter of days to raise a fetus, it takes a few months at every turn.

A man is the most fickle thing, eating a bowl and thinking about the pot, her relationship with Du Tingrong is not deep, and after a few months away from Hong Kong, if there are other women around Du Tingrong, the situation will be too bad for her!

Xia Ziyu must hold Du Tsingrong firmly now. Without Du Tsing's favor, Du Zhaohui would cross the river unscrupulously and demolish the bridge.

"You think too much, what can I do? No matter who wins or loses, there will be results in three or four days. Presumably how they both perform now is under your control. I never thought I could Control your decision. As for how to deal with me after returning to Hong Kong—"

Xia Ziyu raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, "Isn't there still you to protect me? When a son dares to bully his father's woman, then you, the head of the family, are not worthy of the name!"

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