Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1824: : That 10 million flowers are too valuable! (1 more)

"If he wants to ask, others must answer? How old is he!"

Du Zhaohui was the first to object to it. Suddenly, Du Xingrong's hands were itchy. He wanted to grab something and hit someone, but found that the nearest to his hand was a paperweight on the table.

This is still an antique of the Song Dynasty. One son was broken and he had other cubs. When the paperweight was broken, he could never find a second one that was exactly the same.

"Shut up, if you don't want to listen, get out now!"

Du Zhaohui blushed and his neck was thick. Seeing that he was about to go to work with Du Yingrong, Xia Xiaolan ended up playing the game:

"Everything can't be told to others, as long as the two young masters don't want to ask about my company's business secrets, other things don't matter."

She is also very thick-skinned.

Qihang Real Estate has only undertaken one successful project so far. In front of the Hongrong Group, it is the difference between new children and middle-aged adults. There is no business secret worthy of the second young master of the Hongrong Group.

Du Zhaohui snorted, "Some people are just ignorant and find that they are not good at what they do. What if you really want to ask you about trade secrets? Just let your guard down on him even though he looks gentle. There is a word How do you say it, Sven... Yes, Sven scum!"

It’s really hard for you. I can still get the word ‘sven scum’ right.

Xia Xiaolan also knew that Du Zhaohui was defending her, and smiled without refuting it.

Du Zhaoji was not affected in the slightest. What he wanted to ask was obviously an early draft:

"Ms. Xia is the founder of Pengcheng Qihang Real Estate. Although Qihang Real Estate has not been established for a long time, it has a very amazing residential community project. The community named "Jinshachi" is a real estate developed by Miss Xia. Right? I remember that the advertisements hit Hong Kong Island at that time. Last year, I set sail and took another piece of land to see what Miss Xia said. This time I want to develop high-rise residential buildings. I don’t know if I understand these conditions."

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "The Second Young Master is very concerned about small companies like Qihang. You are right. The word'amazing' is too high, it is the second youngest's absurd praise!"

"Are you flattering or checking your account?"

Du Zhaohui yelled.

Du Zhaoji directly ignored his interference and put a document on the table:

“I’m definitely not a false praise. Miss Xia’s company has just launched a popular project. This is Miss Xia’s outstanding talent in the real estate field. In February last year, I found out that my eldest brother remitted a sum of money to Miss Xia. My account, Ms. Xia, is there such a thing?"

Xia Xiaolan's eyes were not near-sighted, and she saw the file Du Zhaoji put on the table, which was the transfer record.

So she readily admitted:

"Innate talent is the second younger than reputation. It is true that Young Master Du sent me money... I just don’t know what this has to do with the Second Young Master. Does the Second Young Master think that I and Young Master are jointly laundering money? He sends the money in. My account violates the laws of Hong Kong Island?"

Xia Xiaolan's tone is relaxed, but Du Xingrong's expression is not very good:

"Zhaoji, please feel free to ask anything you want. Don't go around wasting Miss Xia's time."

Du Tingrong looked at the transfer records and was not surprised at all.

In terms of spending money, the eldest son, Du Zhaohui, is really willing to spend more than 1 million US dollars, which is exactly 10 million Hong Kong dollars at last year’s exchange rate.

This is not Du Xingrong's unique feeling. It is a fact known to all in Hong Kong that Du Zhaohui used to spend half of the money he took each year, and half of the money he took by his "girlfriends."

However, no girlfriend has ever received so many gifts at once, because Du Zhaohui has not counted the money, and probably never has a balance of tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in his account!

Du Xingrong already knew what the second son wanted to ask.

But he thinks that there is no need to ask, because this money is definitely the most valuable sum that Du Zhaohui has spent for more than 20 years!

Du Zhaoji didn't understand what Laodou meant, or he was pretending to be confused. Du Xingrong didn't want him to continue to ask, but he also regarded him as partial to Du Zhaohui.

"Of course it's not against the law. I just want to ask Ms. Xia for proof. My eldest brother made such a large sum of money for you. What is the intention? You two are definitely not boyfriend and girlfriend. As far as I know, Ms. Xia does have a relationship in mainland China. A boyfriend with deep feelings, right?"

When Du Zhaoji said this, he looked at Xia Xiaolan's hand.

That diamond ring is enough to explain many problems.

Xia Xiaolan raised her hand, "Er Young Master Du knows a lot. My boyfriend and I are more than a deep relationship. We are already engaged and now an unmarried couple. So I won't accept your big brother's big transfer gift for no reason. With such a large circle, don’t you just want to ask me why I accepted this money-this is the'consultant fee' your elder brother gave me. He wants to build the Chongrong Plaza, and feels that he is not familiar with this field, so he hired it. I help."

Xia Xiaolan confessed happily!

Du Zhaohui's yin and yang added: "Why, I have to get your approval even if I hire someone as a consultant? They are all receiving 20 million Hong Kong dollars in entrepreneurial capital, and there is no restriction that I can't hire a consultant."

When Du Zhaohui said "20 million Hong Kong dollars", his tone was extraordinarily strong.

Du Zhaoji is dissatisfied, isn't he?

The same received 20 million Hong Kong dollars. Du Zhaoji was provided with funds behind his back. He also wanted more funds, but he could only sell his house and car. The Hong Kong media laughed at him for months!

Later, I was able to borrow money from the old man because the land for the Pongrong Square was approved. The old man saw that the project was profitable, so he would be so generous to support him.

"Zhaoji, I give your brothers the same money to start a business. I don’t care if you have other sources of funds. I don’t care if your eldest brother sells the RV to increase the investment amount. This is the way to do business. There is a capital of 20 million Hong Kong dollars. It means that you can only do a business of 20 million yuan. No matter where you find more funds, banks or other people dare to lend you the money. There is only one reason. The project you choose can make people see the hope of profit! Ask you about self-raised funds, let alone whether your elder brother asks you to ask for a consultant. The 10 million Hong Kong dollars he spent is a lot, but this did not make his project loss, so he spent the right amount of money. Knowing people and making good use of them is also the skill needed to be a boss. If you are not good at things, you should leave it to those who are good at it. Picking is very important to people..."

Du Xingrong just said that Du Zhaohui's 10 million Hong Kong dollars was too worthwhile.

Don’t Du Tengrong know that Xia Xiaolan played a big role in the success of Tung Rong Plaza?

What Du Zhaoji could find out, Du Xingrong didn't know that there was a ghost!

But Du Xingrong did not directly judge that Du Zhaohui lost the competition because of this.

As he said, a big boss doesn't need to know everything, at least he must have a human eye, put the most appropriate person in the most suitable position, and let the other party play the most important role!

From this point of view, Du Zhaohui's vision is right, and he has good luck. He caught Xia Xiaolan's talent as soon as he shot it. If Xia Xiaolan is willing to come to the Congrong Group, Du Zongrong is willing to give her a vice president.

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