Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1839: : Follow Seiko to the door (4 more)

The sales of Wenquxing electronic dictionary are not like the opening of the house in Jinshachi.

At the beginning, sales fell, and after the advertisement was broadcast, it began to improve. A new change was made every day. The ad slogan "Send Wenquxing at the beginning of school" was too toxic, and it infected the sales market in Guangdong Province in a short time...Xia Xiaolan's own beautiful bubbling , Not only the sales data of Wenquxing’s rising, on February 8th, her family Zhou Cheng came to Hong Kong City!

Zhou Cheng went directly to the hotel to look for her, Xia Xiaolan threw in his arms, Zhou Cheng had good arms, and turned around twice around Xia Xiaolan.

"You have stayed in the hotel for a few days and dare not go out?"

As for.

This is Hong Kong City, not Longtan Tiger's Den.

Xia Xiaolan lay on his shoulders, "It's better to do more than to do less. I want to take a good rest for a few days. When you come over, I don't want to cause too much trouble."

"...That really wronged you."

His daughter-in-law is a physique that is easy to cause trouble. It may be that she is good-looking and easily attracts the attention of others. When encountering the same thing, his daughter-in-law is always the most fire-absorbing target-even if it is the Du family's thing. , A young girl of her helped Du Zhaohui win the competition. The Du family who lost hated Du Zhaohui and hated her.

What's the matter with her?

She is just a help with money.

Zhou Cheng's "grief" was ridiculous, and Xia Xiaolan bit his shoulder lightly:

"I'm not wronged, I just don't want to go to war."

Regarding the Du family, why did she jump out to attract firepower.

Zhou Cheng saw that she hadn't swelled to the point of losing her senses, and the anxious mood she had rushed all the way was slightly relaxed, and the questions she asked were similar to those of Xiaoyou:

"If you don't find Ye Xiaoqiong, do you plan to stay in Port City forever and not go back?"

Is Pengcheng's business gone?

The new real estate will go on sale.

There is also the beginning of the semester of Huaqing.

I can't really take root in Hong Kong City, I have to go back sooner or later.

"In fact, it is not that there is no news at all. Du Zhaohui and Xu Shu's people are helping to find, basically narrowing the target to two or three places. Du Zhaoji put Ye Xiaoqiong under house arrest...I want to rescue Ye Xiaoqiong."

I really thought she was in the hotel for a few days, just eating and drinking for beauty, and she was still doing business.

Zhou Cheng understood right away.

"But you're thinking, if you rescued Ye Xiaoqiong, how should you settle her?"

This is indeed embarrassing for his wife.

She doesn't care about everything, and she doesn't easily intervene in other people's lives. The more critical the place, the more respect other people's choices are.

But once you intervene, it must be a good start and a good end.

Take Yuli as an example. At the beginning, I just wanted to find a female secretary who could share the work. After discussing this with Yuli, a big change happened on Yuli's side.

No one pulls it, Yuli's life has been destroyed so thoroughly, it is not easy to turn over by her own strength.

Xiaolan decided to take this one, so she would not only simply use Yuli as a secretary... what Xiaolan taught Yuli would be enough for Yuli in the future.

Zhou Cheng didn't want to see his daughter-in-law too entangled:

"Let's go with the flow. We rescued her because we knew about it and didn't help her conscience. When she came out, she returned all the calligraphy and paintings she bought. She chose how to live her life."

When Ye Xiaoqiong came out, the thread that had been buried for so long before could almost clean up Yuan Han by raising his hand.

As for the future goals in life, it's okay to continue to fight with Zhou Yi, Zhou Cheng feels that it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Zhou Yi really owed it to him. Ye Xiaoqiong had a conscience bottom line, and he couldn't kill Zhou Yi. Then Zhou Yi owed Ye Xiaoqiong what he owed, and Zhou Yi would pay it by herself.

How can I wipe Zhou Yi's **** forever? In the future, her own children, Zhou Cheng, will be weaned. Zhou Yi is really a cousin!

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "You are right."

Although Ye Xiaoqiong may not accept those calligraphy and paintings in vain, how the other party chooses is the same thing. She and Zhou Cheng should speak clearly and clearly, and shouldn't be vague and guess again and estimate again.

Zhou Cheng was right. Respecting Ye Xiaoqiong's choice is the most important thing.

Xia Xiaolan immediately stopped struggling.

"Then we will come directly to the door?"

"Yes, just come to the door."

Next, Xia Xiaolan could be regarded as seeing Zhou Cheng's domineering. Didn't you suspect that two or three places were suspicious? Without guessing and entangled, Zhou Cheng took her to the door one by one.

The first place was empty.

In the second place, Du Zhaoji was forced out.

"Mr. Zhou, you are trespassing in private houses. Who gives you the right to do this on Hong Kong Island?"

Zhou Cheng suddenly smiled, "Hong Kong Island's law includes private intrusion into private houses, is there any illegal detention? I remember kidnapping on Hong Kong Island is a felony, what do you think of Du Er Shao."

Du Zhaoji's eyes were dark, "If you can't find the person you want--"

If you can’t find it, then change to another place.

Zhou Cheng is not very comfortable with these ways of doing things in Hong Kong.

Zhou Cheng didn't say anything, Du Zhaoji still didn't understand.

The corner of his eyes jumped, whether it was Xia Xiaolan or Zhou Cheng, it was Du Zhaohui who found him to be angry!

This is Hong Kong Island.

If he doesn't give Zhou Cheng face, the other party is nothing here!

"No one can enter without my consent!"

"Zhaoji, don't be so angry. I just got angry with my dad about this matter. He asked you to go to the company and he has something to tell you. It's not like being a big brother who likes to sue you for a black situation. Big brother starts from brotherly feelings. , I am afraid that you will go astray. If you want to win against me, there are still many opportunities in the future. If you focus on such trivial matters, how will you compare with me in the future?"

Du Zhaohui strode forward.

As soon as Zhou Cheng arrived on Hong Kong Island and went to the hotel to meet Xia Xiaolan, Du Zhaohui received the news.

What about this person's wickedness, and didn't want Zhou Cheng to be in the limelight, so he ran to Du Xingrong and complained about it.

A small special helper, Du Zhaoji did not care about what entanglement Du Zhaoji had with the other party.

But Du Zhaohui said that Xia Xiaolan came to Hong Kong Island for the sake of this little special help, and said that his disappointed and distressed younger brother was consumed by the woman. Even if Du Xingrong knew that his eldest son was only acting, he was said to have been on his mind.

Does Du Xingrong's son still lack women?

After losing the test, he took a woman to exasperate. Such a pattern was too small, and Du Xingrong had to take care of it.

Du Zhaohui invited Shang Fang's sword and swaggered over, fearing that he might not be disgusting enough in Du Zhaoji's heart, so he kept pulling hatred.

Du Zhaoji's face changed, and finally walked away:

"Then please do it yourself!"

Du Zhaoji gave up resisting, and Zhou Cheng was not polite, and directly unscrewed the door lock.

There were only two middle-aged women with panic faces in the room.

"Where is Ye Xiaoqiong?"

Xia Xiaolan rushed into the house.

The two middle-aged women pointed to the window, "She escaped, we dare not notify Mr. Du."

Sheets torn together in strips hang from the window.

20 floors, can Ye Xiaoqiong escape with this? I'm not making a movie!

"Zhou Cheng, what do you think Du Zhaoji is doing?"

Could it be that they were transferred before she and Zhou Cheng came over?

Impossible, Chai Hai stared at this place with people, Du Zhaoji had no time to move away.

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