Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1842: : You obviously know how to make soup (1 more)

Being caught on the scene by the future old husband, although Zhou Cheng hasn't done anything yet, he is on the verge of being uncontrollable.

Xia Xiaolan's face was reddened, Zhou Cheng was also a little embarrassed.

Tang Hongen walked forward with his hands behind his back, Xia Xiaolan blinked at Zhou Cheng, and the two walked behind with gifts, and walked in one after the other with Tang Hongen.

"How did you get there together? Zhou Cheng, hurry in, come on, and what else to buy!"

Liu Fen saved his hairy son-in-law.

In front of Liu Fen, Lao Tang was particularly docile, and he could show Zhou Cheng's face but not Liu Fen's face.

"Aunt Liu, this was only bought during the Chinese New Year. The fifteenth of the first lunar month has not passed, so this year is not over. I am sorry to pay you and Uncle Tang's old age."

Liu Fen took the things that Zhou Cheng was holding, and Zhou Cheng took the things to her door and talked about it. In fact, she was also prepared, and took out a red envelope from her apron and stuffed it to Zhou Cheng: "The auntie also wishes you a happy new year!"

It is not the first time that Liu Fen has given Zhou Cheng money. He used to secretly put pocket money in Zhou Cheng's pocket. Xia Xiaolan said many times that Zhou Cheng was not short of money, and Liu Fen still did not change this habit.

Before, I was afraid that Zhou Cheng would be embarrassed and secretly put pocket money in his pocket. This year, the situation is a bit different.

Zhou Cheng proposed to Xiaolan!

The relationship between the two young people went even further. As the saying goes, the son-in-law is half son, so if you round it up, Liu Fen can now regard Zhou Cheng as a family member.

It's all a family, shouldn't it be right for the elders to send a New Year red envelope to the younger generation?

Liu Fen gave this red envelope with confidence, and Zhou Cheng accepted it very calmly:

"You are so kind to me!"

The mother-in-law in the future is on his side, and her mouth is not sweeter at this time, she is too stupid.

Tang Hongen was even more upset when he heard it.

A Fen is soft-hearted and easy to be coaxed, and this stinky boy is too slippery.

The coaxed Liu Fen's voice was lowered by an octave, "Hong En, go to the kitchen to check the heat for me, I still don't know how to make soup, isn't it good to cook?"

"Why, everything you make is delicious!"

Can't make soup?

My dear mother, are you sure you don’t know how to make soup?

Comrade Hei Mian Shen Lao Tang, his expression softened at once, so he went to the kitchen quickly!

Liu Fen then grabbed Xia Xiaolan, who had never had a chance to speak, and whispered, "What's wrong with this?"

Xia Xiaolan hesitated, "I just happened to see Zhou Cheng and I stay in the car for a while."

That shouldn't be.

Liu Fen comforted Zhou Cheng, "Don't mind Zhou Cheng, your Uncle Tang is awkward, just follow him for a while."

How can Zhou Cheng mind.

Seriously, he can understand why Tang Hongen is not pleasing to his eyes.

He will have a daughter with Xiaolan in the future. When he thinks that his daughter will be deceived by an unknown stinky boy when he grows up, even his "daughter" is still in illusion. Zhou Cheng's hands are itching now, especially wanting to fight. Broke the brat's leg.

Mayor Tang thought of Xiaolan as his daughter, and that was the response.

"Aunt Liu, let me help in the kitchen and give Uncle Tang a start."

Hey, what's the matter with this kid, he finally found an excuse to separate the two temporarily, and he wanted to get together in front of Lao Tang. Liu Fen was anxious.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I can handle it, this is what I have to do."

Zhou Cheng said so, and Xia Xiaolan let him go. Two men, one middle school and one youth, are not impossible. Between men, there are naturally men's ways to solve problems!

"Mom, it's okay, let Zhou Cheng go."

Zhou Cheng put on his apron and went into the kitchen, with an upright attitude.

To be honest, no matter it is Tang Hongen or Zhou Cheng, neither of them have much culinary talents. Both of them have special work characteristics and have no chance to cook. But the two people have the same idea on this matter. If one person must do housework, men are naturally stronger than women. Why don't they do it?

Distressed a woman, not just talking about it.

Doing housework is not faceless.

It is always very happy to be able to cook a meal for the woman you like.

Liu Fen made soup, stewed mutton, and prepared flour.

Zhou Cheng went into the kitchen and washed his hands. "Uncle Tang, do you want to make dumplings or noodles? Let me knead the noodles."

Haha, thought he had forgotten what was downstairs just now when he was fighting for performance?

Tang Hongen gave up her position, "You knead it, it should be hand-rolled noodles."

A New Year’s greeting, from the New Year to the fifteenth of the first lunar month, is almost over, Lao Tang, the future husband’s temper has been procrastinated...a breath of anger to clean up the stinky brat who proposes without permission, has not been sent out, except for being angry, There are other moods, which are quite complicated anyway.

The Lord Mayor read "I'm upset" all over his face. Zhou Cheng should be counseled and let Lao Tang command blindly in the kitchen, saying that he has no strength to knead the dough.

It's humming anyway, it's not pleasing to the eye.

Xia Xiaolan eavesdropped with her ears erected, looked at each other with her mother, and asked with her eyes: Why is your husband so naive? This is still a mayor, he is a middle-aged uncle of menopause!

Liu Fen's eyes were empty.

Why is it so naive, can she know?

When she first met, she had the style of a leader who was not angry and mighty, so she dared to see it straight.

After getting married, Lao Tang's image at home is getting more and more off-track.

Not angry and prestigious?

No, no, nothing at all!

Just like now, Liu Fen feels like he is acting like a baby when he deliberately expresses his anger.

She was a little cute in her childishness, and she couldn't help but want to get used to each other... For Lao Tang, she still had to follow the hair.

Xia Xiaolan didn't care about the kitchen, and helped Liu Fen with other things. When it was almost time for dinner, Liu Yong brought his wife and children over and smelled the aroma as soon as he entered the door:

"Xiaolan, did your mother stew lamb today? It's delicious! Pengcheng people don't like to eat lamb very much, I miss this bite."

The food culture is related to the regional climate. Lingnan likes to make soup because it needs to clear the heat and the food is light. However, mutton is a very hot ingredient. Lingnan people do not dare to eat more.

Liu Yong, the stomach of southern Henan province, doesn't have a deep love for seafood. He just wants to drink spicy soup and noodles with mutton!

"There is lamb. Uncle, you can eat more later. Zhou Cheng is helping in the kitchen."


The scent of lamb has faded a bit.

When it comes to Zhou Cheng, Liu Yong immediately changed his face. He is worthy of being Tang Hongen's pro-elder brother and Zhou Cheng's second-in-law!

No, the rankings are in no particular order. Anyway, Zhou Cheng is very unpleasant.

Zhou Cheng also has a "little brother-in-law" who was very wary of him before, and Liu Yong has to show his face. Liu Zitao has already rushed into the kitchen. He wants to discuss with Zhou Cheng whether Sister Xiaolan can marry later... He is still willing to call Zhou Cheng the husband of Zhou. Will he bully his sister in the future?

Liu Zitao panicked to find Zhou Cheng for "negotiation", he was a little afraid of Zhou's brother-in-law.

No, don't be afraid, he is a man, so I have to protect Sister Xiaolan!

Liu Zitao walked into the kitchen with his chest straight, and organized his language silently.

Li Fengmei rolled her eyes secretly, "Xiaolan, aunt is supporting you, let them sing by themselves!"

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