Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1847: : Have a good scolding, have a good time! (1 more)

He Shiyuan had imagined this segment countless times.

The first time I wrapped myself in a quilt, the broom hit the body through the quilt and it didn't hurt, but Yuan Han was barely exposed. After Zhou Yi was beaten many times, his body was instantly covered with traces of being beaten.

He Shiyuan screamed and told Zhou Yi to get out, hiding behind Yuan Han.

Zhou Yi's eyes were congested with anger:

"Who am I? You told me to get out, surnamed Yuan, tell this broken shoe who I am!"

Yuan Han was naked and painful, and could only drag over the pillow to cover the key parts.

"Zhou, Zhou do you..."

"You want to ask why I am not in the United States? How can I succeed in catching the **** if I don't come back suddenly!"

No matter how many rhetoric Yuan Han has, he will get stuck at this time.

Zhou Yi suddenly appeared to catch the traitor and caught the scene. He couldn't explain it!

This is the most helpless aspect of Ruanfan men. They changed some powerful men and were caught and raped by the yellow-faced woman in the family. Maybe they would get angry first and beat Huang-faced woman for being ignorant.

Where is Yuan Han?

Yuan Han dare not!

His ghosts were obsessed with his mind, the worms went to his brain, and he woke up in an instant.

Caught by Zhou Yi, does the Zhou family know about this, and what does the Zhou family plan to do with him?

Yuan Han hid the broom and looked at the door. Zhou Yi didn't even close the door. Naturally, he alarmed the residents of the hotel early. The scene of catching **** was really uncontrollable to watch-thank goodness, none of the few people who probed their brains. The figure of the Zhou family!

Only Zhou Yi is alone.

Yuan Han's heavenly spirit was covered, he knelt on the bed, holding Zhou Yi's waist and not letting go:

"Xiaoyi, I was wrong! I missed you too much, I was so obsessed with my heart, I...I'm sorry, you kill me, as long as you can breathe it out. Xiaoyi, this woman and I just acted on occasion, it was she who seduceed me. Me!"

At this time, Ye Xiaoqiong was in the corridor.

Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng felt that it was not good to stand in the corridor, just at the door of the next room.

The eyes of the three people collided.

Ye Xiaoqiong had no expression on her face, and she had been mentally prepared for Yuan Han's shamelessness a long time ago. What Yuan Han would say and what he would do is all in anticipation.

But when I heard it, I still felt disgusting.

How can a person be so shameless?

Things will never be what Yuan Han wants, because He Shiyuan is from Ye Xiaoqiong.

While Yuan Han hugged Zhou Yi and the couple twisted together, He Shiyuan was already dressed quickly, and the actions of professionals could not be imitated by others.

The acting skills of professionals are beyond the reach of ordinary women.

He Shiyuan walked to Zhou Yi's side and slapped Zhou Yi twice with her hands. With so much strength, Zhou Yi immediately disheveled her head and her eyes were dull.

"...Do you dare to hit me?!"

"Shi, Shiyuan!"

Yuan Han squatted.

He Shiyuan thought that this was for Miss Ye. Although her palm was still hurting, she did not hold back her anger. Taking advantage of Zhou Yi's failure to recover, she slapped Zhou Yi severely—this was for The disgusting man she hit by herself is even more annoying than the guests she took. It was Zhou Yi. She wanted to wrong herself to sleep with the disgusting man. What happened to Zhou Yi's more slaps?

"Why don't I dare to beat you, what kind of green onion are you, shout at me!"

He Shiyuan was so arrogant when she acted, Zhou Yi was a bit suppressed.

At this time, I suddenly remembered Joan's reminder, let her figure out the identity of He Shiyuan.

What is He Shiyuan's status?

She is the daughter of the He family, a wealthy businessman on Hong Kong Island, and a representative of Hong Kong businessmen who came to Pengcheng to invest. She is high-profile and arrogant. !

He Shiyuan kicked Yuan Han away, who was still in a daze, and she pulled Zhou Yi by the collar and hit Zhou Yi on the bed:

"What are you?"

"I told you to get out, why are you not obedient?"

"You are also worthy to scold me for broken shoes? I am a broken shoe, what about you! I can't walk when I see a man, and whether he has a wife or child, I have to pursue it-oh, to say this, we are half a cat. What qualifications do you have to hit me?"

"No, I'm still a bit stronger than you, I just get what I need, but I never thought about marrying this scumbag! If you want to say it is low, you are the lowest!"

Zhou Yi was beaten up.

Also be scolded and confused.

Since childhood, who would dare to slap her and scold her like this?

People who watched catching the prostitutes started to give pointers.

"This is too arrogant, dare to hit the original with the broken shoes?"

"Yeah! Too arrogant!"

Two enthusiastic people couldn't stand it. They wanted to come in and help Zhou Yi pull He Shiyuan away. He Shiyuan snorted fiercely:

"What kind of match is she? She also grabbed this man from other women. I can do whatever she can do!"

Uh, the enthusiastic crowd is a bit daunting.

What kind of plot development is this?

Zhou Yi was embarrassed with disheveled hair, her face was bruised, and there were tears in her eyes, He Shiyuan poked her guilty conscience.

"You nonsense! Yuan Han and his ex-wife have long lost feelings. They were officially with me only after they divorced. You are broken shoes. He and I are married couples who had a marriage certificate!"

He Shiyuan spit on her face: "You look like a person, but you say such shameless words, do you believe this?"

She dragged Zhou Yi to the bare Yuan Han.

"Take a good look at this man. He has no feelings with his ex-wife. He has feelings with you, right? He has feelings with you, how can he climb onto my bed! What is the relationship? I just see his skin is pretty good. Just play with him, you think I really look at this rubbish? I just prostituted a duck, paid a fee, and gave money to prostitutes, do you understand? I pay, I am the guest, you Is that how you treat your husband's guests?"

Zhou Yi's blood couldn't flow anymore.

People are also completely stiff.

She really regarded Yuan Han as a treasure.

Yuan Han, who is tall, handsome, and gentle, is the man who moves her heart.

The man who refused the family-friendly blind date arranged by the family, the man who had to marry the life and death...He Shiyuan belittles Yuan Han and bluntly said that Yuan Han is a duck. What is Zhou Yi who married a duck?

Physically, Zhou Yi was beaten and could not fight back.

Mentally, Zhou Yi was completely attacked by He Shiyuan to the point of being defeated.

Without his own true ability, he can never have real confidence. Zhou Yi dares to do it. Isn't it just because of his family background, someone wipes his butt?

Suddenly, there was such a daughter of a Hong Kong businessman who showed that she didn't care about Zhou Yi's arrogant family background, and devalued Zhou Yi for nothing. Zhou Yi didn't know how to refute it.

Zhou Yi, really never doubted why Yuan Han and his ex-wife divorced?

No, she had suspected it.

However, a woman who is in love will go into it?

She even has a secret little pride. No matter what happened to her ex-wife, she is the ultimate winner. If she wants Yuan Han, she can get Yuan Han. This is the treatment Miss Zhou should have-now, He Shiyuan Wearing a disguised identity, Zhou Yi could train her, humiliate her, and beat her when Zhou Yi didn't have a helping hand.

The treatment that Miss Zhou should have is not recognized by He Shiyuan!

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