Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1848: : It's not just a matter of men's and women's styles (2 more)

Zhou Yi was stunned.

The enthusiastic masses were also suppressed by He Shiyuan.

Dare to love this original partner, who is also a man who has stunned others. He has done something improper, and now he is scolded by others?

Oh, this **** guy is really capable, even though he's naked and embarrassed now, he can see that he is tall and handsome.

"Hey, don't worry about other people's housework."

"That's not right, then you can't beat people to death."

"Yes, right, right, I was almost confused by what you said. My ex-wife is qualified to be beaten. This lesbian, what you did is not good?"

He Shiyuan stared, "I'm doing good or bad, what does it have to do with you? Just watch the excitement, don't be nosy!"

This woman is too arrogant, and the enthusiastic people are scolded enough.

When He Shiyuan beat Zhou Yi, Yuan Han finally found his pants, quickly put on the pants, and pulled He Shiyuan:

"You are crazy, hit Xiaoyi like this—"

He Shiyuan went back to Hong Kong Island after slapped people, patted his butt, and he would still stay to bear the anger of the Zhou family.

It was originally his fault that Zhou Yi came to catch the traitor. He also asked He Shiyuan to beat Zhou Yi like a pig, and the Zhou family would definitely kill him afterwards! He Shiyuan's questioning of Zhou Yi also made Yuan Han tremble.

It's impossible for He Shiyuan to know those things, he just scolded Zhou Yi indiscriminately, right?

Zhou Yi shouldn't know either.

He did it very cleanly, and Ye Xiaoqiong was also missing after the divorce.

Even if Ye Xiaoqiong ran out now, there was no evidence...

Yuan Han stabilized his mind and stood in front of Zhou Yi, "I was seduced by you, I am sorry Xiaoyi, I was wrong, but you are not allowed to hurt Xiaoyi now, don't force me to beat a woman——"


Before Yuan Han finished speaking, He Shiyuan gave him a backhand.

"I still want to clean up you in a while. You jumped out now? You didn't hear me just now. You are a duck of my prostitute. Can you take care of my business?"

Yuan Han had long known how arrogant and domineering He Shiyuan was.

But when He Shiyuan seduce him, this domineering is a little spicy pants, very attractive.

He Shiyuan turned her face ruthlessly, even hitting him!

Yuan Han squeezed his fist to beat someone, stinky lady, except for being caught and raped by Zhou Yi just now, no woman has ever beaten him!

He is the only son of the Yuan family, and his mother and two sisters love him.

He has been handsome since he was a child, and the girls let him.

He Shiyuan belittle him, Yuan Han is very annoyed, He Shiyuan still dares to do it now, Yuan Han does not care if the other party is a woman. He squeezed his fist to do it, and two men in suits ran in outside, calling "Miss" in their mouths.

He Shiyuan shouted: "Hold this man down for me!"

The two men who looked like bodyguards pressed Yuan Han to the ground.

He Shiyuan waved her hands and slapped her hands vigorously.

The high-heeled shoes are sharp, so Yuan Han's kick is painful, but he can't move. The enthusiastic crowd looked dumbfounded, the woman beat the woman, they wanted to pull it, want to save it. The same goes for men beating women, and lesbians are a disadvantaged group. What should I do if the woman beats a man, pull it or not?

"He Shiyuan, you are crazy, do you still want to invest in Pengcheng, you hit Xiaoyi, and then hit me—"

He Shiyuan kicked him again with the toe of her shoe, "Why, are you threatening me with your father-in-law's family relationship? Bah, after seeing this incident today, your wife's ghost is obsessed with and forgive you. Your Yue family is not stupid, but I'll let you go... Yuan Han, you lied to me that you could get through the relationship and get the land for me, and you also took the benefit from me. I haven't settled the account with you yet."

Enthusiastic people, now they dare not be enthusiastic anymore.

Caught in bed is a matter of male and female style.

What a lot of land, it's costly, it doesn't sound right.

Yuan Han was in cold sweat.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't charge you any money, I'm just a small clerk for any land grant."

"Chairman Yuan, you are going to pretend to be counseling at this time? The old lady is not so smelly that she pulls onto the bed. If you didn't say that you are a relative of XX, or the son-in-law of XX, how much energy and relationship do you have, I can sleep with you?"

He Shiyuan's words frightened Yuan Han.

He can do these things, but he can't talk them out!

Things were done behind the Zhou family.

The land must have not run down, but He Shiyuan paid him 50,000 Hong Kong dollars for the benefit, but he used a lot.

Yuan Han yelled towards Zhou Yi, "Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, save me, she framed me, she is going to drag Zhou's family into the water, if I am unlucky, how will outsiders treat my can call me and kill me. , Let's go over this matter first, Xiaoyi, you have something to say!"

Zhou Yi shuddered.

After all, she is a girl from the Zhou family, she has been fascinated by her since she was a child, and she is not without political sensitivity at all.

Yuan Han, this dog, really took the benefit of this woman, and promised to grant this woman land?

Zhou Yi used both hands and feet to get up from the ground and push all the enthusiastic people out.

"You go, go away, this is our own business, we handle it ourselves!"

No, you can't let these people listen to it anymore. If things get up, they won't be able to cover the lid. Zhou Yi desperately pushed people out, with the yin and yang of enthusiastic comrades:

"Comrade, we are all leaving, what should you do if you are beaten to death?"

"Yeah, what else can I do to benefit? I have to report to the police station... which unit does this Section Chief Yuan belong to?"

Zhou Yi just knelt down for these people.

"Go out, you go out first, I won't blame anyone if I was beaten to death. This is a housework and there is no gain. Why are you taking care of other people's affairs!"

Zhou Yi turned blue and drove everyone out, then closed the door with a bang.

He Shiyuan looked at her with a smile but Zhou Yi couldn't help shaking.

The humiliation and beating just now destroyed Zhou Yi.

She took a sigh of relief now, discovering that He Shiyuan was not only trying to humiliate her.

Yuan Han, did the Zhou family really collect the benefits?

This is bribery.

This is terrible.

No matter how stupid Zhou Yi is, she knows that her father and her second uncle are the mainstays of the Zhou family and the backer of her Miss Zhou. Once these elders are affected, her good life will really come to an end!

Zhou Yi closed the door and trembled in panic:

"Yuan Han, did you really collect money?"

Of course Yuan Han denied it, but Zhou Yi is not so cheating right now. He Shiyuan is confident, and most of it is true. It's like she received a photo and someone took a **** photo. It is true that Yuan Han and He Shiyuan broke their shoes.

Joan was right to remind. She should figure out He Shiyuan's identity and know the purpose of the other party instead of making trouble in such a hurry.

Would it be a conspiracy to make things happen?

Others are calculating the Zhou family's conspiracy.

Maybe the **** photos were sent to her specifically to stimulate her to return to China to catch the rape... Zhou Yi's cold sweat was like a waterfall, her hands and feet stiff.


Bang, the door to the room was closed.

People who watched the excitement, someone told the waiter that he needed to call to report the crime.

This is not a question of male and female style, it involves taking bribes!

Zhou Cheng and Xia Xiaolan also stood up, and Ye Xiaoqiong asked Zhou Cheng:

"Aren't you stopping? They went to report the incident. This is a big mess, and it will affect the Zhou family more or less!"

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