Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1849: : Flying separately when the disaster comes? (3 more)

Xia Xiaolan smiled and asked her:

"Will you not do it if you know it will affect the Zhou family?"

Ye Xiaoqiong was silent.

She can understand Xia Xiaolan and is still grateful for the rescue of Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng on the train. But because of this, she can't resent Zhou Yi? No, she can't do it now.

Xia Xiaolan shrugged, "So, we don't have a stand to stop you, why should we stop you, Zhou Cheng, are you right?"

Zhou Cheng nodded, "My uncle said that he had no way to teach a girl. He gave birth to his daughter. It is his responsibility to fail to teach people well. He recognizes it regardless of whether it is involved or how much it is involved."

This is for Ye Xiaoqiong.

But Ye Xiaoqiong wanted revenge, Zhou Wenbang acquiesced.

To change people like Du Zhaoji to join in the trouble, Zhou Wenbang had to blow the other side's dog's head.

His children are debts. Zhou Yi's wrongdoing implicates him, and he is willing to take responsibility.

Zhou Yi was sorry to Ye Xiaoqiong, to the love of her parents, but not to others outside.

Ye Xiaoqiong didn't say anything any more, listening intently to the movement in the door, Xia Xiaolan also pulled Zhou Cheng and stood at the door—just when the door was not closed, Xia Xiaolan wanted to praise He Shiyuan's acting skills.

This woman from the wind has played "He Shiyuan" alive!

Xia Xiaolanzhen’s numb and crisp, with this appearance and acting skills, you can really go to film and eat, and somehow become a low-level prostitute.

He Shiyuan's slap, Zhou Yi, and Yuan Han are all Ye Xiaoqiong's disdain to do it.

He Shiyuan played for Ye Xiaoqiong.

Needless to say, Yuan Han, Zhou Yi deserves to be humiliated and beaten so hard.

Zhou's family can't teach her daughter. Xia Xiaolan doesn't have the position to teach her daughter for Zhou's family, so let Ye Xiaoqiong, let the dusty woman hired by Ye Xiaoqiong teach Zhou Yi how to behave!

Zhou Yi, there is still a little conscience and sobriety.

At first, I was beaten up, and when I heard that it involved "acceptance of bribes," I would rather shut myself in the room and be beaten, or drive away the people watching the excitement.

Zhou Yi now knows to protect the Zhou family’s interests, but she doesn’t want to think about it. She was pregnant and pulled Yuan Han to kneel at the door of the Zhou family’s second old man, so that everyone in Beijing could watch the Zhou family’s jokes. Under pressure?

At that time, Zhou Yi was almost filled with **** in her mind.

What she did was to tout how fragrant **** was to everyone around her, not only did she eat it tastefully, but she also tried to invite others to eat it.

No, if you think about it anymore, Xia Xiaolan will feel sick and vomit!

This time, Zhou Yi's performance was still reckless and impulsive, otherwise Ye Xiaoqiong would not be led by the nose.

But at any rate, this guy's responsiveness can see his conscience and responsibility, and his head covered in **** has a rare trace of clarity.

After being severely abused by Ye Xiaoqiong, it would be a good thing for Zhou Yi to really grow.


Across the door, Zhou Yi didn't know that she had shut the reinforcements outside.

She didn't have a clairvoyance, and she couldn't see Zhou Cheng and Xia Xiaolan at the door.

She also couldn't ask Joan to help.

No matter how good friends, it is impossible to get involved in this kind of thing.

This He Shiyuan is a lunatic, what exactly does he want to do?

Now Zhou Yi's anger is not aimed at Yuan Han's breaking the shoes, she can't take care of it for the time being, but He Shiyuan's approval of land and benefits.

Knowing that Yuan Han really took He Shiyuan's money, Zhou Yi was weak.

To be killed by Yuan Han.

Her father has worked for so many years and he dare not ask for this kind of money.

Just talk about getting people to approve documents, don’t Zhou Yi know?

If the Zhou family wants to make this money, will it be Yuan Han's turn to do it!

Zhou Yi's blood condensed into frost, her hands and feet stiff, but she didn't know where it came from, so she slapped Yuan Han severely. Then she glared at He Shiyuan:

"I don't know what Yuan Han does, and it has nothing to do with my family!"

"Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, save me—"

He Shiyuan clapped her hands, "Miss Zhou, I heard that you love Yuan Han very much. Why, your true love can't even withstand this test? What you are doing now is to tell me that the husband and wife are the same birds. , Do you fly separately?"

Zhou Yi hated this He Shiyuan to death.

But He Shiyuan beat both of them in one breath. She seemed to know Zhou Yi's background, but was not afraid of it. Zhou Yi, who was physically beaten and mentally humiliated, hated He Shiyuan and was afraid of He Shiyuan.

This matter cannot be handled by her alone.

She should listen to Joan and contact her family after returning home.

If this is a trap, she has jumped off her head.

Zhou Yi bit her tongue vigorously, "I'm not afraid when you go to the police station to report the case. You have to tell the evidence in everything. You said that you sent money to Yuan Han, and you said nothing. How did I know that you were not the one who lied to me? You too By the way, you treat Yuan Han as a duck for prostitution, and you are paying him money for prostitution! Yes, you are paying prostitution!"

Zhou Yi is not saving Yuan Han.

She is trying to separate this matter from Zhou's family.

He Shiyuan clapped her vigorously, "I thought you could be fooled by a duck. I thought you were a complete idiot. I didn't expect you to have some brains. But what to do, I have evidence."

He Shiyuan took the handbag on the bedside table, took out a tape, and said to the bodyguard:

"Go, find a radio and show it to Miss Zhou."

The hotels are in a mess. Someone has already reported the case, and I don’t know when the police at the police station will arrive.

The radio was found soon.

How the money was given, how much money was given, and why the money was given, you can hear clearly when the tape is played.

Yuan Han was afraid and angry, and cursed: "He Shiyuan, you count me!"

"Bah, just like you, my old lady has no time to calculate you! You said you can get the land approval, but now you can't get it, how can my old lady let you go?"

Yuan Han, a bitch, actually collected He Shiyuan's 50,000 Hong Kong dollars!

Zhou Yi's mouth was so swollen that she couldn't open her mouth, and she spoke very hard:

"What if you give him money? It's his own opinion. You send him to the police station, and the public security will check it. It is impossible to send his stolen money to our house!"

The money to send her abroad is her parents' savings.

For her living expenses in the United States, she earns herself hard by serving dishes and washing dishes.

Suddenly, Zhou Yi was extremely grateful that she made a living by doing illegal work on her own. Financially, her family can withstand the investigation.

He Shiyuan gave the bodyguard a look, and the bodyguard let Yuan Han go.

Yuan Han leaped over to hold Zhou Yi’s thigh, "Xiaoyi, I was so obsessed with my heart that I collected the money. I was thinking about your hard work in the United States. I wanted to send you some living expenses. I was thinking of my father-in-law and mother-in-law to help us bring our daughters. , I want to make some money for my daughter... Xiaoyi, save me, if you don’t help me, I will be completely over. If He Shiyuan reports me, I said that my father-in-law didn’t know about it, and others wouldn’t believe it! Xiaoyi , You save me, you can't let this woman's treacherous tricks succeed."

Zhou Yi was so angry that she almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

Yuan Han is too shameless.

Is the bribery for her and daughter Zhou Ke?


She was in the United States, and Yuan Han did not mention sending her money.

——Shameless, shameless, what does this mean, if he doesn't save him, he will drag her dad into the water? !

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