Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1851: : Classic Fairy Jump (Plus)

Ye Xiaoqiong also slowly walked out of the hotel.


Very cool!

Do it by herself, she was afraid of getting her hands dirty.

Yuan Han and Zhou Yi, one intentional and the other unintentional, but neither is innocent.

Watching these two people perform this scene, watching them being scolded and beaten, Ye Xiaoqiong felt that the depression in his heart had disappeared a lot. But this was not enough. Whether it was the punishment of Zhou Yi or Yuan Han, it was far from enough.

If she is more ruthless, she will choose other ways, such as tricking Zhou Yi into returning to China, first not letting Zhou Yi know, and waiting for Zhou Yi to contract an incurable visceral disease, and then... So, she has been merciful, okay? ?

Today is just the beginning, and the next chain effect is called excitement.

In the room, He Shiyuan arrogantly picked up her bag:

"Make up enough money early. I'm going back to Hong Kong City. If anyone dares to play with me...hehe, you will regret it."

After talking about stepping on high heels, he took the two bodyguards and left.

Only then did Yuan Han have the opportunity to put on his clothes.

He carefully looked at Zhou Yi's face, plopped and knelt in front of Zhou Yi, reaching out and slapped himself in the face:

"Xiaoyi, thousands of mistakes are all my fault. I am obsessed with my own heart. I was deceived by this woman. She used a purpose to seduce me. I dare not ask you to forgive me, but it depends on our past love. Come on, Xiaoyi, give me another chance!"

Tall and handsome?


The man kneeling in front of him could not see the slightest masculinity at this moment.

Why is his bone so soft?

Zhou Yi has never seen a man with such soft knees.

She was nauseous and nauseated, and she wanted to vomit now! This is her retribution. She knelt at the door and begged her grandparents to fulfill her. She wanted to marry Yuan Han.

Now Yuan Han knelt in front of her, saying that the derailment was a ghostly obsession, let her give another chance!

It was a causal cycle, and the retribution was unhappy. Zhou Yi's throat became hot and she coughed twice. She covered her mouth with her hand, and the warm liquid dripped down her fingers—it was red, and Zhou Yi was so angry that she vomited blood!

Yuan Han was so scared that he called Xiaoyi in his arms and wanted to send Zhou Yi to the hospital.

Zhou Yi was hurt all over, but she felt that the blood was not beaten by He Shiyuan, but by Yuan Han.

She pushed Yuan Han away:

"Don't tell me this now, 150,000 Hong Kong dollars, how do you make it? If you don't make up the money, He Shiyuan will not let you go!"

150,000 Hong Kong dollars?

After Yuan Han was transferred to Pengcheng, he had a lot of entertainment and entertainment, but when it comes to collecting money, he really only received 50,000 Hong Kong dollars from He Shiyuan.

150,000 Hong Kong dollars, he couldn't get it out even if he was killed.

According to the current exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar to the Chinese currency, it would also cost seven to eighty thousand Chinese yuan.

Where did he get it together?

The 50,000 Hong Kong dollars given by He Shiyuan is still more than 40,000, but it is far from enough!

Yuan Han thought that Zhou Yi would help him, not to mention the cheating. If this bribery issue is not resolved, the Zhou family will also be unlucky.

"Xiaoyi, I can't make it by myself..."

Zhou Yi looked at him seriously, "Then you just wait to go to jail, the woman you provoke yourself, how can we not let the Zhou family pay you this money."

150,000 Hong Kong dollars is close to 20,000 US dollars.

This money, even if Zhou Yi still loved Yuan Han deeply, she couldn't get it out if she wanted to fill the hole for Yuan Han.

Not only her, but her parents can't get it out.

Most of the savings at home have been spent on her going abroad, unless she asks her second uncle and aunts to pool could it be possible! It was almost the same to pool money to help Yuan Han, but Zhou Yi didn't even open his mouth.

This is the premise that she loves Yuan Han deeply.

She hates Yuan Han to death now, and it is even more impossible to borrow money for Yuan Han!

Yuan Han's face changed:

"Xiaoyi, husband and wife, do you really want to die? If I get caught, father-in-law's side—"

Zhou Yi sneered, with a wound on her face, her face was not beautiful, her smile was terrifying:

"Don't threaten me. I will tell my dad now. I don't have to wait for He Shiyuan to clean you up. My dad can send you to jail by himself. Believe it or not? He Shiyuan will report you and may sentence you to ten years. My dad will send you. Going to jail can sentence you to twenty years!"

Zhou Yi's inspiration flashed, and she actually began to consider the feasibility of this method.

If her dad came forward to report and rushed to the front of He Shiyuan's submission of evidence, wouldn't it be able to show that this matter had nothing to do with her dad?

Yuan Han still knows Zhou Yi after all. When he saw Zhou Yi's expression, his face turned pale in shock:

"Xiaoyi, I'm going to pool the money, don't be impulsive! This is all my fault, you think about our daughter, think about her, if I go to jail, how can Zhou Ke pass the political trial in the future?"

The criminal record of immediate family members will indeed affect the political trial.

Zhou Yi is no stranger to the word political trial.

In 1987, the political review was still very strict.

In fact, Zhou Yi hadn't seen her daughter for half a year, but Jiang Hong sent her photos, and Zhou Ke was very cute.

Little hands and feet, like lotus root festival, white and tender.

Black grape eyes and hair grow well.

He looks very good-looking, not at all the ugly appearance he was just given birth.

"Then you can make up your own money! 150,000 Hong Kong dollars, if you can't make up the money, it will also affect Zhou Ke. Then it will not be He Shiyuan who wants to report your problem."

Yuan Han listened to Zhou Yi's threat.

The Zhou family doesn't need to help him, but if the Zhou family is going to get into trouble again, he really won't have a place to be buried.

How to pool money?

Yuan Han still doesn't know if the Yuan family has any money. Such a large sum of money can't be taken out at all.

Even if I emptied my two sisters and the **** coffin, I could barely make up two to three thousand Chinese dollars.

What about the remaining gaps?

The broken books and pens left by Ye Xiaoqiong have been sold, so what else can be sold.

Wait, it's not all sold out, there are houses!

Yuan Han found a little bit of life for himself.

He found the straw for life-saving, with excitement:

"Xiaoyi, I have a way, I have a way to collect money, trust me!"

Xia Xiaolan said that this scene was nothing to watch.

This is a typical fairy jumping method.

However, it was more vicious than ordinary fairy dances. This matter fell into Du Zhaoji's hands. It was an extra effort to clean up Yuan Han. If you dig deeper, it can really affect Zhou Wenbang.

Maybe you can bring tired old soup.

It is estimated that the difference between Ye Xiaoqiong and Du Zhaoji was caused by this.

After the fight with Du Zhaoji, Ye Xiaoqiong retaliated again. It was a pure fairy jumping technique and deleted the more cruel part.

"He Shiyuan disagrees with 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, but it costs 150,000 Hong Kong dollars. This figure is very particular. I gave Yuan Han 50,000 Hong Kong dollars before. In such a short time, Yuan Han can't spend it all. Let's just assume that he has 40,000 left. Hong Kong dollars. Yuan Han still has a shortfall of 110,000 Hong Kong dollars. It is impossible for Zhou Yi to borrow money for him. Yuan Han can only ask the Yuan family for help. The Yuan family’s wealth, that’s it, but Yuan Han is the treasure of the family, he The two older sisters will definitely pool money for him...what should I do if we don't have enough? And the ancestral property returned by Ye Xiaoqiong's family is now in the name of Yuan Han's mother."

Xia Xiaolan analyzed, Zhou Cheng also nodded:

"Yuan Han wanted to sell the house, and the house returned to Ye Xiaoqiong's name."

—Ye Xiaoqiong does not need to ask Zhou's family for help, this is done by her wisdom ####——

Regarding the technique of the fairy jumping, I will discuss with you someday when I have time. If a little brother is reading this article, and when he is on a business trip, he sees a small card stuffed into the room in the crack of the door. No matter how beautiful the ladies and sisters are printed on it, control the inner commotion, okay?

This kind of thing, eight out of ten times, it’s all fairy dances...Hey, I’m not a little brother, how do I know this kind of thing, look to the sky┓(∀`)┏

Happy Lantern Festival~

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Good night, see you tomorrow~

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