Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1852: : Send proposition (1 more)

Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng analyzed the classic fairy dance routines.

This kind of thing didn't happen in modern times. The ancients used it to play various tricks. Now it is the old wine in a new bottle, the routine is still the same as before, and the means are different.

But can Yuan Han and Zhou Yi understand?

"No, they can't understand. They are in the game and cannot see the game clearly."

This is Zhou Cheng's judgment.

He has no hope of his cousin's IQ.

If Zhou Yi didn't know that he couldn't let things spread at the critical moment, Zhou Cheng really didn't see Zhou Yi's rescue value!

The two of them did not live up to Zhou Cheng's "expectation", and were tortured by Ye Xiaoqiong.

Yuan Han is anxious to make money!

He calculated the money left by his side, and he still had 45,000 Hong Kong dollars.

The current gap is 105,000 Hong Kong dollars!

Converted to Chinese currency, it is about 50,000.

He wanted the Yuan family to make up 50,000 yuan, and he had the shortest time.

This call back to Yuan Han’s hometown, Yuan’s mother and Yuan Han’s two sisters were really a bolt from the blue.

Sister Yuan Han's gentleness couldn't hold back, and her voice was sharp: "This is a blackmail, a liar! Even if you kill us, you can't pay 50,000 yuan, can't you pay back the money she gave you?" "

"No, she wants me to go to jail, and she wants to breathe out."

Yuan Han's voice was panic.

Sister Yuan’s cerebral hemorrhage is about to be committed, "Take a sigh of relief, yes, no one can solve this kind of thing behind closed doors. Zhou Yi wants to make such a big noise. People are beaten by Zhou Yi, of course they have to breathe out! Yi Za has such a bad temper. It's better now. With so much money, she just watched our family go out alone?"

Let Zhou's family go out!

A leader as big as the Zhou family, the money would definitely be available.

Even if Zhou Yi's family can't get it out, there are so many relatives in Zhou's family, all of whom have a head and a face, so naturally they have a family background.

No matter how it counts, he is richer than the Yuan family.

Second Sister Yuan had come up with a good idea, and Yuan Han covered the phone receiver, "Xiaoyi, Second Sister, she is confused."

Zhou Yi could hear clearly by her side.

She should beat Yuan Han again at this time.

But for some reason, she has a kind of calmness. Probably because Yuan Han's image collapsed in her heart, Yuan Han's family, she didn't care much, right?

Zhou Yi took the telephone receiver from Yuan Han:

"Second sister, what you said is really interesting. I knew that Yuan Han and other women broke their shoes. I wanted to wrong myself not to make a big mess. If it happened, I had to ask my family to pay for Yuan Han. Settle the disaster?"

Zhou Yi really started to review herself.

What she is reviewing now is not that she was going to be with Yuan Han in the first place. I can't think about it. When I think about it, it hurts like a needle, which will make her mind go on strike and lose the ability to think!

What she reviewed was her attitude towards Yuan's family after being with Yuan Han.

The Yuan family seems to be not afraid of her at all... Does this family think she has no temper? !

Sister Yuan was so embarrassed that Zhou Yi was also listening by the phone.

"Xiaoyi, the second sister didn’t mean that. Yuan Han did this thing too wrong, but you are a husband and wife. If you encounter difficulties now, don’t make internal troubles. You help him tide over the difficulties. Our whole family will remember you. Love, read hello..."

Second Sister Yuan talked about it for a long time, but Zhou Yi said nothing. After Sister Yuan finished speaking, Zhou Yi suddenly asked:

"Your whole family remembers my love, thinks me well, then what? What can you do to repay this love?"

Yuan Han is good at coaxing lesbians with fancy talk. His eldest sister has a straightforward temper. The second sister and Yuan Han are the same people. They are gentle and very persuasive.

When most people encounter lesbians with this personality, it is not easy to refute them directly, and they are brought into the ditch by Sister Yuan without realizing it.

Zhou Yi is not an ordinary person.

She asked stunnedly, so that Sister Yuan was choked and speechless.

Yes, what did the Yuan family use to repay Zhou Yi's favor?

Does Zhou Yi need the Yuan family to read her?

Tying the entire Yuan family together is not enough for the Zhou family to pinch it with a finger.

It's Yuan Han who has tried so hard to climb Zhou Yi to become Zhou Wenbang's son-in-law!

Yuan Han was also derailed and caught and raped in bed.

Now I’m dealing with He Shiyuan’s threat to charge Yuan Han to poke it out. When this matter is dealt with, Zhou Yi will ask whether Yuan Han wants to do it—because Zhou Yi has shown how much he likes Yuan Han in the past. The Yuan family had this optimistic estimate, thinking that Zhou Yi lost his temper, but sooner or later Yuan Han would coax him off.

Sister Yuan immediately changed her tune:

"Xiaoyi, I am also worried about you and worried about Yuan Han's future. My mother fainted as soon as she heard about this, and said she would catch a train to Pengcheng to call the shots for you—"

Sister Yuan wanted to continue talking, but Zhou Yi returned the phone to Yuan Han.

"You can talk to them yourself, and I have a headache to talk to me. I don't want to participate in the process. If you don't collect 150,000 Hong Kong dollars, you are going to jail yourself."

What did she do with the Yuan family?

Listen to Sister Yuan looking for various reasons to excuse Yuan Han?

Still have to worry about Yuan Han's **** anger?

Don't you deserve to be angry?

It's not that she is angry, it is Yuan Han who wants to get together with He Shiyuan!


"I'm going out to get some breath, don't follow me!"

Zhou Yi left Yuan Han alone and ran out by herself.

She didn't expect that after a long time from catching the **** to the present, it was evening, and Joan was still waiting for her nearby.

Yuan Han was totally injured and could not go back to the dormitory of his unit, nor stay in the hotel where he had been arrested before. The two went to the hospital to simply deal with the injuries and then found a new hotel to hide.

You can still see Joan at this time, only because Joan has been following her.

Zhou Yi's eyes were red.

"Joan, where did you go just now, I'm scared alone!"

This wronged person is like a child in his twenties.

In Zhou Yi's eyes, it was all reliance on and trust in her.

Zhou Yi never thought that the director of today's drama is her good friend Joan.

Ye Xiaoqiong let her hold her hand and lowered her voice to coax her:

"I've been there all the time. I thought you let me wait outside because you didn't want me to see how you deal with your husband. Upright officials can hardly break housework, and I don't know how you would choose to deal with it! Then you rioted in the room, I hurried to call and report the crime."

Zhou Yi immediately believed this statement.

The police at the police station came very quickly.

If the police hadn't come, she would have to be bullied by that arrogant He Shiyuan!

Zhou Yi was full of anger and grievance, and confided to Ye Xiaoqiong, how He Shiyuan scolded her, how to beat her, and said that Yuan Han was charged a facilitation fee and that Yuan Han should pay 50,000 Hong Kong dollars to Yuan Han to pay 150,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Zhou Yi was careless, and her mind was messed up at this time. She didn't notice that Ye Xiaoqiong, who was holding her hand, had all muscles tightened.

In a short time, Ye Xiaoqiong returned to normal.

"Did I tell you to first understand the opponent's strength and temperament? But now things have been messed up, I don't nag you much, but what He Shiyuan scolds you, is it true... Has someone else grabbed the current husband?"

——If Xia Xiaolan is there, you know that this is a proposition that needs Zhou Yi's careful answer.

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