Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1881: : You once owned Jinshan! (2 more)

Sister Yuan shivered.

Yuan Mu's face was pale.

The sick person, with strength from nowhere, spit on the ground vigorously:

"Bah, you listen to her nonsense, that woman, how can she have such a talent, how can she have such a temper, it's impossible!"

Yuan's mother refused to admit that her former daughter-in-law was so powerful.

That's a wimpy woman.

Yuan Han is full of eyes, telling her to do whatever she wants.

Mother Yuan looked down on Ye Xiaoqiong, her former daughter-in-law.

Without the help of her natal family, her son could not be promoted. If it were not for Ye Xiaoqiong's family to return a large house, Yuan's mother would never agree to her son marrying Ye Xiaoqiong!

Oh, besides the house, there are still some tattered calligraphy and paintings.

Yuan's mother didn't like Ye Xiaoqiong. I heard that Ye Jiazu had been a high official. Ye Xiaoqiong was also sour and rotten. He didn't argue with others, and talked sternly... The Yuan's mother and the Yuan's sisters who would set off were vulgar.

Yes, Mother Yuan just hates Ye Xiaoqiong's being like that. Now it's not the old society anymore, she still holds the air!

"That woman, she's stupid and mean, sticking to my son--"


He Shiyuan slapped Yuan's mother.

"Old lady, you don’t know the situation right now. No one will see you in the wilderness. If I want to, I will kill you all and put them in sack, and then put a few big rocks into the sack and put them into the sea. Throwing it, the corpse couldn't float anymore, it was soaked in the sea and deformed, and then slowly gnawed away by the fish in the say, okay?"

If Du Zhaohui was present, he might have to praise He Shiyuan.

Everyone has the same idea.

It is really a good way to tie enemies and dislikes to stones and sink into the sea once and for all!

He Shiyuan's tone was gloomy, and the Yuan family was shaking like quail in fright.

Zhou Yi was not frightened, she was dumbfounded.

"...What broke the child's divorce?"

He Shiyuan looked at her, "So you are stupid, do you now feel that you are innocent, and you obviously haven't done any bad things. Sometimes, the confusion of life is the worst! You see Yuan Han as such a cheap one. Man, a **** has a wife at home, the more you chase him enthusiastically, and he wants to eat the soft food you give, how can such a big temptation be in front of him, how can a **** be indifferent? What a pity, he ended early in his hometown Married, his wife was pregnant, and his house was also the ancestral property returned by his wife’s house... He wanted to climb Gaozhi again, and he wanted to leave his wife’s things shamelessly, so he united the whole family and tricked the pregnant wife to induce labor. When she was weak after the operation, she filed for divorce."

He Shiyuan drew her hands:

"Such a big baby is induced to give birth. The child is a life, and the adult's life is almost gone. If you do not agree to the divorce, the Yuan family can not feed her or take care of her. Taking advantage of her weakness, he can just ask for it. Her life. Why don't you want her life? I thought about it, not because the surname Yuan has a conscience, but because I want to marry you. A divorce is better than a dead wife."

Zhou Yi trembled all over.

She remembered how she nearly died while giving birth.

It was her fate, and her parents came to give birth to her daughter.

Yuan Han's ex-wife was not as lucky as her. She had been pregnant for a few months and was tricked into inducing labor. Zhou Yi was cold all over.

"I don't know, I don't know, Yuan Han didn't say that—"

He Shiyuan sneered:

"Don't you know, or don't you want to know? Miss Zhou, you are not innocent. Yuan Han wants Pan Gaozhi to marry you and sell the antique calligraphy and painting handed down by his wife's ancestors at a low price. He sold the things for the money, right? Was it spent on your marriage? This **** is not only bad, but he has never seen the world. Those things were sent to Hong Kong Island, and they were worth millions of Hong Kong dollars when they changed hands! Now they have to be redeemed and spent millions. The Hong Kong dollar may not be able to do it... half of this debt will be counted on you, so it is not wrong to you!"

The cost of getting married?

Is it those home appliances and furniture?

Zhou Yi shivered, she really didn't know.

Now, as long as it is not too poor to open the pot, anyone who marries a wife will have to pay. Zhou Yi didn't think Yuan Han would spend a lot of money to marry her, because from her environment, it should be.

He Shiyuan now tells her that the money spent on marriage was actually Yuan Han selling antique calligraphy and paintings from his ex-wife's family. Zhou Yi was angry and disgusting.

She knew that Yuan Han's family was ordinary, and she had never disliked it.

But ordinary family background, and poor enough to sell the things left by his ex-wife, these are two different things!

Zhou Yi hated Yuan Han to death. The things Yuan Han did made her look up at He Shiyuan's scolding, and she was not qualified to retaliate.

Yuan Han himself, as well as his mother and their two sisters, were silly to listen directly.

The calligraphy and painting left by Ye Xiaoqiong are worth millions of Hong Kong dollars? !

If he knew this, it would be impossible for Yuan Han to sell that pile of things casually!

With millions of Hong Kong dollars, he didn't have to collect facilitation fees, so he was reported by He Shiyuan.

No, there are millions of Hong Kong dollars. He will definitely have a good time with Ye Xiaoqiong. Ye Xiaoqiong obeyed his words, and without his mother's family, there is no need to look at the Yue family's face—Yuan Han regrets not at the beginning! He also didn't want to look at Zhou's face to live his life. In front of Ye Xiaoqiong, he had always eaten hard food.

The news of He Shiyuan made Yuan Han endure the pain of gouging his heart, and Sister Yuan was almost crazy:

"Millions... millions, haha, millions of Hong Kong dollars! My poor sister-in-law Xiaoqiong, you were so miserable by this **** Zhou Yi. It was Zhou Yi this **** who seduce Xiaohan. It's Zhou Yi, a bitch!"

Sister Yuan murmured and cried loudly.

Millions of Hong Kong dollars!

Who can come up with so much money?

Even if Zhou Yi's father is the leader, it is impossible to give the Yuan family so much money at once.

The Yuan Family had originally guarded a golden mountain with endless flowers.

In order to marry Zhou Yi, Yuan Han sold Jinshan at a low price.

Sister Yuan's heart was so painful, Yuan's mother was weak in her illness and couldn't bear such a blow, so she fainted all of a sudden.

How could He Shiyuan allow her to faint, she was evading, and she woke up Yuan's mother in pain while pinching people hard.

Zhou Yi's head was buzzing with anger:

"I seduce Yuan Han? Why is Yuan Han worth my seduce? He deliberately attracted my attention!"

It is obvious that Yuan Han seduced her.

Sister Yuan jumped up and wanted to beat Zhou Yi. This time He Shiyuan didn't stop her. Second Sister Yuan pushed down Zhou Yi and sat on her ass. She beat and cursed: "It's you who seduce you. Eloping with a man, you won't get pregnant before you are unmarried, you are a bitch, you pay back my Yuan family's money—"

Sister Yuan is usually gentle and gentle, but at this time she can no longer pretend, she beats and scolds Zhou Yi, then turns her head to scold Yuan Han:

"I said at the beginning that **** Zhou is pregnant. How can she spend so much money on marriage? Who else can you marry if she doesn't marry? You are so kind to her that the Zhou family despise you and take it early. The **** Zhou is convinced, there won't be much later!"

Zhou Yi couldn't suffer, and reached a group with Sister Yuan.

He Shiyuan wants to clap her hands and cheer. A good drama has to have such tension, how cool a dog bites a dog!

Fight, continue to fight.

Just want to fight each other and curse each other like this, so that a few people will never forget this day and the wealth they once lost!

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