Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1882: : The pain of gouging the heart (3 more)

Yes, he tied the Yuan family to a stone and threw them into the sea. He died soon afterwards. The pain was instantaneous.

Tell them the "truth" in this way, the worse the Yuan family's life will be in the future. They will live in regret every moment when they think of Jinshan, which was once sold at a low price. They will not feel sorry for what they have done to Miss Ye. , But related to their own vital interests, it really hurts the heart.

They will complain to each other.

Will blame others.

Will quarrel, hate, and spend the rest of my life in this kind of pain.

Is it possible to have a good time?

No, how could Miss Ye allow them to have a good time!

He Shiyuan watched Yuan Erjie fight with Zhou Yi, but she couldn't hold back a smile.

The Yuan family couldn't accept it, so how could Zhou Yi accept it?

The Yuan family wanted to please Zhou Yi in the past, but now they scold her as a **** Zhou, devalue her and beat her.

These are the retribution Zhou Yi deserves.

Even with the help of her family, Zhou Yi's divorce from Yuan Han is the best result.

But will you be able to live comfortably from now on?

He Shiyuan didn't think so.

The more filthy and humble the Yuan family is, the rarer Zhou Yi, who wants to marry Yuan Han, will be noble? Zhou Yi's whole person was denied, from head to toe, from the inside out! She will never forget the humiliation and negative emotions she endured these days.

She herself tried to put aside this passage and couldn't do it, because she and Yuan Han also had a daughter.

That child, half of Yuan Han's blood is flowing in his body.

That is evidence of Zhou Yi's past!

Seeing her daughter, Zhou Yi will remember the past when she was humiliated and completely denied.

He Shiyuan felt that she was a little bit of a drama, how did she act from the arrogant daughter of a Hong Kong businessman to a psychopath? But it’s pretty cool, she’s so happy to act on her own, with a touch of emotion!

Yuan Han lay on the ground half-dead.

Selling things worth millions of Hong Kong dollars for a few thousand dollars, this blow was even more than his fear of going to jail.

Yes, clinging to the Zhou family is just for a great future, and Yuan Han is also convinced that if everything goes well, he should have a great future.

But that was planned after all, and it hasn't actually been obtained yet.

The antique calligraphy and painting worth millions of Hong Kong dollars is different. He has actually owned and lost it! The pain of gouging the heart is better than the pain on the body, Yuan Han's eyes welled up with tears, mixed with the blood on his face and the dust on the ground——

"Little Qiong, why don't you tell me?"

"Little Qiong, I regret it!"

"He Shiyuan, who the **** are you, Xiao Qiong must have called you."

"Xiao Qiong, I want to see Xiao Qiong, I regret it..."

Do you regret abandoning Ye Xiaoqiong?

Regret dead!

You must know that abandoning Ye Xiaoqiong would pay such a high price, and Yuan Han would not do it.

He Shiyuan approached him just for this day, ruining him and causing him to lose everything.

But he and He Shiyuan have no grudges.

He Shiyuan said so much to avenge Ye Xiaoqiong. Yuan Han looked around. He didn't know how the gentle and bullying ex-wife Ye Xiaoqiong in his memory could ask He Shiyuan for help, but if Ye Xiaoqiong was the same as before, how could He Shiyuan help her?

In this world, there is not so much sympathy and compassion.

It must be Ye Xiaoqiong, who had an "opportunity" that he could not imagine.

Yuan Han’s heart throbbed. He couldn’t imagine what Ye Xiaoqiong had when his mind was sober. He guessed another possibility-Ye Xiaoqiong’s bad composition, besides being related to the Ye family’s past, there are also Ye family’s. "Overseas relations".

Someone from the Ye family really went abroad.

Although it didn't matter all these years, Yuan Han was very disappointed.

Maybe after Ye Xiaoqiong left his hometown, he contacted relatives overseas?

Could it be that Ye Xiaoqiong's overseas relations have something to do with He Shiyuan?

Yuan Han was thinking all over his head. Up to this moment, he hadn't doubted the identity of He Shiyuan as a daughter of a Hong Kong businessman... How could he dare to treat Zhou Yi like this if he had no confidence?

Zhou Yi has reached a dead end on this road.

Yuan Han is at the end of his life and has to find another way out!

Although the chance is very slim, he has no choice at this time, he must try hard, after all, Ye Xiaoqiong once loved him so much.

He Shiyuan kicked him in disgust:

"Shut up his mouth and scream so annoyingly."

"He Shiyuan, I want to see Xiaoqiong, Xiaoqiong will definitely not treat me like this... The second sister is right, it was Zhou Yi who seduce me, it was me who was obsessed with me, Xiaoqiong, I was wrong!"

This is very familiar. When Zhou Yi was arrested and raped at the beginning, Yuan Han also scolded He Shiyuan in the same way.

Thousands of mistakes are the woman's fault. He is the golden lump of the Yuan family. How could he be wrong?

It was because of his good-looking appearance that these women seduce him in spite of shame, and he failed to withstand the temptation.

Yes, that's it!

He Shiyuan laughed angrily.

Zhou Yi is numb.

Sister Yuan said this, Sister Yuan Han said this, Yuan's mother and Sister Yuan did not let her go. The four members of the Yuan family did not dare to scold He Shiyuan, but regarded her as their worst enemy!

No one helped her.

She deserves to be scolded and beaten.

Why did she get her eyes covered by **** and want to marry Yuan Han?

All this is her own responsibility.

He Shiyuan has already given the evidence to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and she doesn't know how much the family will be involved... Zhou Yi cried bitterly. She should tell her family about the incident as soon as she returned to China.

No, I should have told my family as soon as I received the explicit bed photos in the United States!

Outsiders will harm her, turn her face ruthlessly, and family members will scold her, and will help her after scolding.

In addition to her parents, there are second uncles and cousin Zhou Cheng.

Even after arriving in Pengcheng and telling Xia Xiaolan, things wouldn't be so bad. Xia Xiaolan's stepfather is Tang Hongen, the mayor of Pengcheng City. As long as Mayor Tang says hello, how dare He Shiyuan be so arrogant?

It was her, good face, who didn't want to tell her family, let alone Xia Xiaolan.

What's the use of face?

Still lost clean by myself.

In addition to face, there is also lining, not at all left.

No matter how bad, if you don't tell the family to keep Xia Xiaolan from knowing, she should listen to Joan, don't catch the rape, and discuss with Joan to resolve the matter...

In the beginning, Sister Yuan and Zhou Yi fought, and they were evenly matched. As Sister Yuan joined the battle, Zhou Yi gradually fell into a disadvantage, basically only getting beaten.

A person showed up behind the broken wall that had never been completely dismantled, and walked slowly over.

In Pengcheng in early spring, she was wearing a black windbreaker with a white shirt underneath, showing a nice ruffled collar.

The hair is tied into a ponytail, not frizzy at all.

Coupled with exquisite makeup and lipstick, it looks very capable.

Ability, sometimes equated to "not easy to mess with", scumbags will choose women who have not seen much in the world, simple-minded women to start, but dare not touch able women... It's easy to lose both sides.

Yuan Han's vision was blurred, and he thought this woman was so familiar.

——Obviously the face is still the same as before, but it looks like another person!

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