Jiang Yan clenched her fists.

"Xia Xiaolan, you should be fortunate that I will not attack the civilians."

Xia Xiaolan smiled and nodded, "That's natural. If you hate me, you have to endure me, otherwise your image in Zhou Cheng's mind will become worse."

Xia Xiaolan's mouth was really slapped.

The words spoken are provocative.

Jiang Yan adjusted her breathing, "Since we met, you have been trying to irritate me. No, it has started since you called me that day. Xia Xiaolan, why are you making me feel angry?"

Jiang Yan's words are more like talking to herself.

She didn't think about Bai Xia Xiaolan's purpose.

When she gets angry, will Zhou Cheng and Pan Baohua come out from the side?

Jiang Yan adjusted her breathing and was no longer angry.

She can't be fooled by Xia Xiaolan!

Unexpectedly, Xia Xiaolan admits very bachelor:

"Yeah, I am irritating you. Everyone will unconsciously put on a mask in life and create a certain kind of personality for themselves. When they are particularly angry, people will break away from their masks and show their true thoughts. I actually I’m very curious, where does your hostility towards me come from? Even if you like Zhou Cheng, with your pride and anger on me, don’t you feel sorry for your identity as Miss Jiang’s?"

Jiang Yan's feelings for Zhou Cheng are more than just liking.

Xia Xiaolan really didn't understand.

Jiang Yan suppressed her anger.

Being angry is useless, being angry can make people judge wrong.

But Jiang Yan was really angry.

Xia Xiaolan opened her mouth and called her "Miss Jiang Family", and Jiang Yan admitted that she did not rely on her family to achieve her current results.

It is rare among female soldiers to fight like her. She is also a frontline person, so why not get promoted?

"Xia Xiaolan, you are not suitable for Zhou Cheng."

Jiang Yan is like a beautiful female leopard, confident and dangerous. She does not hate Xia Xiaolan, Xia Xiaolan is not suitable for Zhou Cheng. For such delicate greenhouse flowers as Xia Xiaolan, you should find a man who can take care of the greenhouse flowers carefully.

Zhou Cheng?

Zhou Cheng has Ling Yunzhi, so Xia Xiaolan shouldn't slow her pace.

Xia Xiaolan looked at Jiang Yan for a long time, and was surprised: "You are actually telling the truth. You are not jealous of me, but you really think that I am not suitable for Zhou Cheng and not worthy of Zhou Cheng... You are not the first to think like this. Yes, I was too lazy to explain to you, I don't have to pay attention to you, because Zhou Cheng wants to be with me or not, it doesn't matter to you at all."

Jiang Yan's brows were frowned, and she stretched out as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Yan had made up her mind that she would not be irritated by Xia Xiaolan, no matter what Xia Xiaolan said.

But Xia Xiaolan’s soft voice, like a puff of blue smoke, was light and weak, so she wanted to drill into Jiang Yan’s ears:

"Do you know why you say this? Because you cry or make trouble, use the previous friendship as a bargaining chip, and use the materials that helped Pan Sange to reverse the case... All these methods are useless, Zhou Cheng and I Being together is the decision of the two of us. External factors may make Zhou Cheng sway. Among those factors, you are definitely not included."

"I am not worthy of Zhou Cheng, I am not suitable for Zhou Cheng, are you suitable again?"

"Jiang Yan, I admit that you are better than ordinary people. Reincarnation is the same technical job. You won at the starting line. The identity of Miss Jiang family allows you to be supported no matter what you do. Not only do you have a family background, you are also smart and beautiful. Coupled with your own efforts, it is only natural for you to be sought after by others!"

"However, you are not the only person in the world who is the best. Only when you have achieved success in the army can you be considered successful? I also admire soldiers defending their homes and the country, but you are narrow-minded and ignore the world outside the army! Everyone! The existence of occupations shows that society needs it. In addition to holding guns, someone needs to farm, someone treats illnesses and saves lives, and someone produces daily necessities... Everyone who sweeps the streets and collects feces is needed by our country! "

"My family background is not as good as you. If you didn't join the army, you wouldn't be worthy of Zhou Cheng based on these two points? Jiang Yan, except for not joining the army, what do I do worse than you? You can give Zhou Cheng, I can even give it, even More than you gave. If I marry Zhou Cheng, he will not be ashamed, and the Zhou family will not be ashamed... In the future, some people may still say that it is Zhou Cheng's luck to marry me!"

Xia Xiaolan was fatally confident.

Everything she has today is on her own.

It is the accumulation of her two lives.

Knowledge creates wealth, and career makes people confident.

A little girl like Jiang Yan thought it was Xia Xiaolan who haunted Zhou Cheng... Xia Xiaolan sneered. If Zhou Cheng goes straight to Qingyun in the future, she will also have her painstaking effort and time!

Xia Xiaolan can also become friends with Zhou Cheng.

Which of the family members Zhou Cheng was worried about, Xia Xiaolan did not take care of?

She doesn't rely on Zhou Cheng to support her, but can also add value to Zhou Cheng's family property like a snowball.

Xia Xiaolan was originally attacking Jiang Yan, and after speaking, she vented all the depression in her heart, but she couldn't express her happiness.

Along the way, how many people have questioned her?

Up to now, there are fewer and fewer people questioning her. Xia Xiaolan is not a genius player, she is hardworking.

With her efforts, she made this relationship from an outsider's perspective, from a strong male to a weak female, to become evenly matched. This kind of change is not only a matter of feelings, but also her life that is difficult to counterattack!

She looked at Jiang Yan, whose face was getting more and more ugly, and really wanted to raise her head and laugh three times:

"Zhou Cheng is willing, and Zhou Cheng’s family does not object, Zhou Cheng’s friends bless me. Jiang Yan, who do you think you are, do you think I am not suitable for Zhou Cheng, if I am not worthy of Zhou Cheng, I will leave Zhou Cheng ashamed and obedient. People must have self-knowledge, your thoughts are not that important at all, you just refuse to admit this... In Zhou Cheng's heart, your weight is far less important than you want. What qualifications do you have to look down on me?"

All these little girls must be provocative, thinking that Xia Xiaolan is in a muddle?

Jiang Yan didn't like Xia Xiaolan, and Xia Xiaolan hated her even more. Every word she said was a word of death to Jiang Yan!

Jiang Yan looked at Xia Xiaolan and couldn't say a word.

Xia Xiaolan didn't bother to talk to her anymore and drove straight to Pengcheng. Pengcheng is being built everywhere, Jiang Yan is not familiar with it at all, Xia Xiaolan parked the car on the side of the road and spread her hands to her:

"If it weren't for your copy of the material, I wouldn't be too lazy to talk to you so much! Now that Pengcheng is here, you should also give me the material, and then I will show you Pan Sange."

Jiang Yan has never met a girl of the same age who can overwhelm her in momentum.

Xia Xiaolan's sharp words indeed tore a part of Jiang Yan's psychological defense line. Jiang Yan looked around:

"...You said, I only came when I could see the third brother."

Where can I see Brother Pan now?

It was clear that Xia Xiaolan called her over from the Army Academy and scolded her all over her head.

Xia Xiaolan's continuous questioning, stepping on Jiang Yan every sentence, made her unable to refute, and made Jiang Yan annoyed. She was scolded by Xia Xiaolan when she sent it to the door!

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