Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 967: : Confrontation lost! (2 more)

Xia Xiaolan chuckled, "Why don't you let you see the third brother directly, Jiang Yan, don't you have any points? How many disgusting little tricks your Jiang family did secretly, and your cousin Jiang Wu, like you, think that except for the army , Doing nothing else is called alive. Lame on a leg, biting Pan Sange like a mad dog... You have a high level of consciousness, and you want to kill your relatives righteously. I look down on you and admire you for this. You can Don't let me down. If the material is true, Pan Sange can reverse the case. Whether you see Pan Sange or not, the result will be the same, and your friendship will be restored to the original state!"

Not only is it restored to its original value, but it is even better.

After all, Jiang Yan chose righteousness to kill her relatives, and she would rather help Pan Baohua if she was sorry for her cousin and family. Such a heavy kindness would immediately make Jiang Yan a close friend of Pan Baohua's life and death.

Even Zhou Cheng could not continue to treat her indifferently.

From Xia Xiaolan's point of view, the information Jiang Yan said is false, which is more in line with Xia Xiaolan's interests.

Xia Xiaolan is now actively helping, because Pan San has helped her twice, and she also regards Pan San as her friend!

What's more, as she said just now, if there is a problem with her relationship with Zhou Cheng, it can only be that she doesn't like Zhou Cheng, or Zhou Cheng doesn't like her... If Zhou Cheng will change her heart, there will be others without Jiang Yan.

Xia Xiaolan is confident and can resist Jiang Yan's "attack"!

The premise is that Jiang Yan is telling the truth and giving real material.

Jiang Yan stared at her tightly.

Even when she was a recruit, Jiang Yan had never been scolded by her nose because of her outstanding performance.

Xia Xiaolan, who was despised by her, was speechless when she scolded her.

There was a sigh of relief on Jiang Yan's chest.

Does she really want to give the original to Xia Xiaolan?

Xia Xiaolan and her looked at each other, and the momentum was not swaying at all. The sunshine in Pengcheng was so harsh that two beautiful girls were standing on the side of the road like that, and people passing by were surprised.

But no one dared to persuade them, they could feel the terrible pressure before they were admitted.

No one backs down.

It seems that no one is afraid of the sun.

Jiang Yan has a brave and heroic appearance and has been trained for many years.

Xia Xiaolan looked weak, but resilient.

I don't know how long it took before Jiang Yan finally gave in! Regardless of whether she was on the side of the road, she lifted up her coat and took out the rolled-up documents from the leather case on her waist.

The fluttering pages of paper still have burn marks in the corners.

"This is what I rescued from the fire. It should have been burned. I didn't know what I was thinking, so I secretly hid the file. I know that once this thing is obtained by Zhou Cheng or Pan Sange , It will definitely become a weapon to attack my cousin, even the Jiang family!"

Jiang Yan lowered her head and smiled, looking at the evidence in her hand with a complicated expression:

"...A person like you can't understand."

Xia Xiaolan resisted the urge to roll her eyes and spread her hands: "I don't want to hear these nonsense. If you don't want to give it today, I will guarantee that you want to give it someday, Zhou Cheng will not want it."

During the confrontation, Jiang Yan finally gave in and stepped forward to hand over the documents to Xia Xiaolan, but did not immediately let go:

"It's really overwhelming for you to get involved in such a thing yourself. If you read this document, you will become an insider. My cousin knows that you look good, no matter how sharp your teeth are. Use."

Xia Xiaolan really had the urge to open it.

When Jiang Yan said, she laughed:

"I have seen your cousin."

Jiang Yan's eyes showed a trace of regret, as if regretting Xia Xiaolan's bad luck.

She finally let go.

Xia Xiaolan resisted the urge, and the file was in hand, and she was not suitable to read it. Curiosity killed the cat. Xia Xiaolan cherished her life. She couldn't judge the truth after seeing her. After getting the file, she still had to hand it over to Zhou Cheng and Pan San.

Xia Xiaolan has the ability to get Jiang Yan out of her body with anger, but she is unable to investigate Pan San and Jiang Wu's grievances.

Jiang Yan was slightly ironic, "It turns out that your courage is nothing more than that."

Xia Xiaolan retorted, "I don't talk about heroes with courage, but do things with my brain. Let's go, don't you want to see the third brother?"

Xia Xiaolan raised her foot and walked into the hotel.

The expression on Jiang Yan's face changed:

"Don't tell me, Brother Pan and Zhou Cheng are in this hotel?"

Xia Xiaolan naturally nodded, "Of course, you think I just find a place to park, just to fight with you on the side of the road? The destination has arrived!"

Jiang Yan's chest was ups and downs, obviously short of breath.

Xia Xiaolan is so treacherous!

Even if you don't hand over the documents, you can still see Pan Sange and Zhou Cheng!

The location where she and Xia Xiaolan are, is no more than 10 meters away from the gate of the hotel.

Thinking of her confrontation with Xia Xiaolan, Zhou Cheng and Pan Baohua might be watching quietly behind a certain window, and the blue veins on Jiang Yan's forehead burst out.

This woman, even if she can speak lotus flowers, Jiang Yan can't like her at all!

But Zhou Cheng likes it.

Why does Zhou Cheng like it?

A wicked, treacherous villain.

Don't mention how complicated Jiang Yan's mood is.

Since Xia Xiaolan called her, she lost the opportunity when she agreed to come to Pengcheng.

Jiang Yan used documents as bait and approached Zhou Cheng.

Xia Xiaolan used Zhou Cheng as bait and asked Jiang Yan to take the initiative to send it to the door to be scolded... Jiang Yan looked at Xia Xiaolan's back and wanted to hit a woman for the first time.

Xia Xiaolan went directly to the sixth floor and knocked on a certain door.

It was Zhou Cheng who came to open the door.

Xia Xiaolan stuffed Zhou Cheng with the things she got from Jiang Yan:

"As long as you are more sincere, why would Comrade Jiang Yan not cooperate? As I said, it must be because you didn't talk to Jiang Yan properly."

When Xia Xiaolan got cheap and still behaved, Jiang Yan was really speechless.

In front of Zhou Cheng, she smiled bitterly: "Zhou Cheng, I really can't like her--"

"It doesn't matter, I just like her."

Zhou Cheng interrupted her and gave way to a position, "The third brother is waiting for you inside."

Jiang Yan's shoulders trembled lightly.

This is the first time she has seen each other since Pan Sange retired.

It was Pan Baohua sitting on the sofa.

The scar that was almost blinded by Jiang Wu is clearly visible.

Pan Sange actually shaved his head, his body turned black, and his body shape remained the same.

"Three brothers..."

The heroic and heroic Jiang Yan, who didn't lose to the man, had a bit of choking in her voice.

Pan Baohua nodded at her, "My grievance with Jiang Wu has nothing to do with you. Come and sit down and talk. I don't want to eat people. What are you afraid of."

Yes, Brother Pan doesn't eat people.

Sange Pan only likes to knead the soft bread into a ball before eating. Xia Xiaolan is very speechless with such a special preference.

Regardless of what Jiang Yan thinks of Zhou Cheng, facing Pan Baohua, Xia Xiaolan can see that the other party does indeed have a bit of admiration, as well as guilt and timidity-Jiang Yan is careful but not very bad.

The feeling she gave Xia Xiaolan was quite different from Jiang Wu.

Of course, she didn't say anything wrong when she scolded Jiang Yan just now!

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