Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 968: : Please relax your mind (3 more)

Jiang Yan sat across from Pan Baohua, also unspeakable grievances.

She and Pan Sange and Zhou Cheng met on the front line, and they were born into death.

His cousin Jiang Wu did something wrong and touched Pan Sange's bottom line.

Pan Sange attacked Jiang Wu with anger. In a fight, Jiang Wu was seriously injured. After rescue, Jiang Wu saved his life, but was left with a permanent disability. The disability of her left foot was still a trivial matter, and there was also a hidden wound that could not be told to others... She knew nothing about the truth at the time. As Jiang's family, naturally, she couldn't stand on the side of Pan Sange.

When Jiang Wu was rescued, Jiang Yan secretly went to see Pan Baohua in solitary confinement.

Pan Baohua said that her cousin had done an unforgivable wrong, and Jiang Yan was struggling again.

She trusts Pan Baohua's character and will not aimlessly.

But Jiang Wu also grew up with Jiang Yan, and his relationship is very good. Many of Jiang Yan's things are taught by Jiang Wu!

While she was still swinging, the Jiang family was already furious and demanded severe punishment on Pan Baohua, but the head of the military region trusted Pan Baohua. Jiang Yan didn’t know what kind of contest was in between, and only knew the final result. Pan Baohua did not go to the military court. But he was asked to immediately switch jobs and leave the army-Jiang Yan never saw Pan Baohua again.

Until the end of last year, Jiang Yan discovered this document.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan felt bitter in her heart.

People she knew were trying to cover Jiang Wu, and the Jiang family who gave birth to her was not exactly the same as her previous impressions.

Everything around him collapsed, Jiang Yan didn't know what else was real.

"Third brother, I should have believed you at the time. If I was willing to actively seek evidence at that time, you would not be left from the army..."

Jiang Yan finally spoke, and there seemed to be endless regrets in her tone.

Pan Baohua handed her a piece of bread, "You haven't eaten yet? Let's deal with two bites first. Sweet, it's what you girls like to eat."

Nonsense, you like it yourself, otherwise, why do you always knead bread?

Xia Xiaolan did not pierce Pan Baohua's heroism.

Jiang Yan took the bread and finished it in two bites.

Pan Baohua asked her if she wanted anything more, but when Jiang Yan shook his head, he touched his head:

"Actually, you don't need to blame yourself. Jiang Wu is damned, but I also violated the discipline of the army at the time. I was wrong to act privately against Jiang Wu. If it weren't for Zhou Cheng and the chief to help, I would not only be discharged from the army! You have to ask me Do you regret it later? I regret it very much. It's not that I regret letting me leave the army on an impulse, but that I have never solved Jiang Wu once."

In his anger, he did not forget his identity.

So Jiang Wu is just cruel, not dead.

Thinking about it now, it was better to kill Jiang Wu at that time, so that the Jiang family wouldn't have to make trouble for Zhou Cheng.

Pan Baohua suddenly turned his head, "Sister Xiaolan, can you and Chengzi buy me some more bread back?"

Zhou Cheng wanted to say something but stopped.

Xia Xiaolan took his hand, "Brother, I will give you a new taste this time, filled with jam!"

Xia Xiaolan dragged Zhou Cheng out of the room.

Pan Baohua looked at Jiang Yan very unconvinced, and handed her the last piece of bread:

"Zhou Cheng and Xiaolan mix the oil in their honey. Some things can't be forced. If he likes you, you two will be better off. Just relax your mind and see how high the land is this day. It is more important than the relationship between men and women. There are so many things, if you don’t become a partner, you can become a friend, you can become a brother...between people is not only a bond of relationship."

Jiang Yan pinched the bread, wondering if she had drunk Pan Baohua's chicken soup.

Pan Baohua didn't say much.

Soldiers have many advantages.

Sometimes some advantages become disadvantages.

Once a certain goal is determined, there is no way outsiders can interfere with the hard work and cruelty that must complete the task.

Pan Baohua felt that Jiang Yan had that trend now.

"Jiang Yan, if you think about it, you give me the materials. I will not show mercy to Jiang Wu's men. The Jiang family will cover up the crime for him, and the Jiang family will also be implicated. Then how should you deal with it? In any case, the third brother owes you a big love, but you are helping me. We must be reasonable. I am not Zhou Cheng's father. I can't use him as a gift to return your favor. Are you right? "

Jiang Yan looked up:

"I thought about it before I went to the Army Academy, third brother, I don't regret it."

Alas, what a silly girl.

Silly girl confronts Xia Xiaolan, where is the chance of winning?

Pan Baohua is really sorry.

There is no best of both worlds in the world, Zhou Cheng's attitude is also correct, Jiang Yan can come out without giving Jiang Yan hope.


Xia Xiaolan dragged Zhou Cheng out of the room forcibly.

"The third brother obviously has something to say to Jiang Yan, what are you staying there for?"

Zhou Cheng touched the information in his pocket and did not hide Xia Xiaolan: "I don't trust Jiang Yan, in other words, I don't trust the Jiang family. Jiang Yan seems a little deliberate to get this material."

Jiang Yan is really miserable.

Xia Xiaolan's sympathy was probably only as big as a grain of wheat.

Xiao Xiang Zhou Cheng's people, why should she sympathize with each other.

Compassion affects judgment.

Jiang Wu felt dangerous for Xia Xiaolan, and Zhou Cheng should be more cautious.

"Anyway, things are now in our hands, and we have the initiative. Whether to check, how to check, it all depends on you and the third brother. Zhou Cheng, I always feel that the third brother is not very positive about this matter... …"

Zhou Cheng has not been positive yet.

It stands to reason that it is Pan Baohua's own business.

Xia Xiaolan thinks this is weird.

Zhou Cheng was startled, his wife was so keen, Zhou Cheng was just skeptical.

He and Pan Sange were the only two in the room that day. The third brother said to him a heart-wrenching remark. Whether he could return to the army had little to do with the Jiang family. Zhou Cheng was a little skeptical, and Pan Sange neither admitted nor denied it.

"Are you also afraid that this is a fraud by the Jiang family?"

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "I can't say that, you know Jiang Yan and Jiang's family better, anyway, I want to destroy the evidence, I will destroy it as soon as possible, and will not let anyone have the opportunity to come into contact with... even my dear Mom can't do it. Let my mother know what bad things I have done, which will increase her psychological burden, so in front of her, I will only be more cautious."

The Jiang family, how could you let Jiang Yan get the materials?

The daughter who was raised in her own family doesn't know Jiang Yan's character.

Even if Jiang Yan didn't sell the Jiang family, let Jiang Yan know what bad things Jiang Wu did, it would have an impact on the harmony within the family.

"You suspected fraud, and you told Jiang Yan to send things to Pengcheng?"

Xia Xiaolan stared at him with her eyes, "Nonsense, things are in our hands, let us do what we want! Things are in Jiang Yan's hands, she always uses this as bait to approach you, she knows you a little bit and knows your love Zhongyi, I will definitely take care of Pan Sange..."

The tense atmosphere was all over by Xia Xiaolan.

Zhou Cheng couldn't help laughing: "You want to bring jam-flavored bread to the third brother, is it so sour?"

Humph, which woman is not jealous?

What's weird about her being jealous!

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