Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 998: :The teacher is one of the best (1 more)

It turned out that that piece of land was for the Yaozong family.

Luo Yaozong's performance that day didn't look like acting. He might not even know about it. Xia Xiaolan forced him to go back and inquire. Therefore, Luo Yaozong had his own ideas and would miss the appointment the next morning.

Xiao Wang was also surprised, "Do you still know the head of Ganquan Village?"

Xia Xiaolan replied vaguely: "Let's count it as an acquaintance."

She beat Village Chief Luo's son and threatened them in public, presumably Village Chief Luo was also impressed by her.

The Luo family didn't know why they had concealed this piece of land. Xia Xiaolan didn't plan to meet the Luo family at all now, and the meeting would have a counterproductive effect. Don't let the Luo family know that she bought the land, first get the land through the government, and then pack the bag.

Xia Xiaolan wanted to understand the skill of talking to Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang doesn’t know why Xia Xiaolan knows the village chief, but in Xiao Wang’s mind, she has always been a very magical person, knowing whoever wants to know... Who will believe it?

"Secretary Peng asked me to tell you that if you don't have a formal company, no one can give you the land. It's useless to give you money. Even if it's a stinky pool, it belongs to the country."

Xia Xiaolan nodded: "Of course I know, Brother Wang, you also tell Secretary Peng for me, I will definitely not be out of the basket."

Businessmen often use the trick of kidnapping and kidnapping, and Xia Xiaolan doesn't mind.

But this time, she prepared for two years after her rebirth, not for filling her stomach, but for long-term development.

It's the cornerstone, how can you rely on cheating.

Yes, quickly get the company right there, and then take down that piece of land, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

When Xiao Wang left, Ge Jian said:

"Miss Xia, would you like me to visit Ganquan Village."

"Do you want to go to Luo Yaozong? No, you've been there to start the grass and scared snakes. Recently, we don't want to go near Xiangmi Lake. Luo Yaozong is still a small matter. I am afraid that the actions of the two days have already made Harold pay attention."

Why is Ji Jiangyuan not here today?

Xia Xiaolan has been thinking about this question.

Ge Jian was not in a hurry to pack up the courage of the contract, anyway, Miss Xia was smarter than him, and he considered the problem more comprehensively than him, so he listened to Miss Xia. There were no omissions in doing things according to Miss Xia's intentions several times, and Ge Jian knew that sometimes he couldn't be clever.

Xia Xiaolan threw Luo Yaozong aside, but didn't know that Luo Yaozong jumped up and down to sell the smelly bamboo ditch to foreign merchants.

It's just that this is not in the interests of the old village chief. The old man repeatedly said at home that he really saw the full pool of golden sands.

His wife was persuaded by his good grandson, and confronted him tit-for-tat:

"Then Kinsale?"

"Anyway, there is, what do you women know, long hair and short knowledge!"

Old man Luo became angry and unreasonable. He turned his head and said to his son Luo Gui: "You pay close attention to Yaozong. I'm afraid he will really move the land... The child is ignorant and deceived by outsiders. What should I do?"

On this point, Luo Luogui's view is the same as that of the old man.

Let’s not talk about whether to sell the land or not. Judging from the current compensation, it is worth more than 200,000 yuan. Can Luo Yaozong be the master alone?

Luo Yaozong is to take a closer look. Luo Yaozong still knows how much his son is.

The people in charge of the house agreed, and Luo Yaozong was temporarily locked up.

Now Luo Yaozong was dumbfounded: He still wants to find a foreign merchant to sell land, how can he contact him when he is locked up? When he is released, if foreign businessmen don't want this place anymore, they guard a stinky bamboo ditch and miss more than 200,000 in vain. Who can he talk to to reason?

Wherever the golden sands flowed, his father was drunk.

He couldn't believe it when he was drunk, and his dad was confused and lost a lot of money in vain.

"You all lied to me and said that I was a three-generation single pass, and that everything in my family belonged to me, and that stinky bamboo ditch was also mine. Now you lock me up and don't let me sell it. You have the ability to lock me up for a lifetime! I don't sell it now. Sooner or later, I have to sell that broken place!"

"Grandpa, you let me go out, I don't want any feng shui treasures, you are the village head, my dad is the village head, you want me to be the head of the village in the future? What's this promising!"

"Dad, dad, persuade my grandfather."

Luo Yaozong screamed desperately in the room.

At the door, Old Man Luo chewed dried fish and drank a small wine. Luo Yaozong said he was not angry.

Old man Luo also had this temper when he was young, and his dear grandson still resembled him.

A mouthful of dried fish and a sip of wine, these days are so beautiful, if he does not become the village head, he will not be able to live his life now.

Alas, my dear grandson is still too young, thinking that letting him be the village head in the future will harm him!

Regardless of whether the village chief is young, he is the emperor in the village. The official power can be great, and there are many benefits that cannot be related to outsiders.

Luo Yaozong also had two younger sisters who were not married. Hearing Luo Yaozong yelled that all the things in the Luo family belonged to him, the two younger sisters did not respond. Since childhood, I have received a patriarchal education. The family property belongs to my brother. I never thought about fighting with my brother at home. Their stage is in the future husband's house!


Mao Kangshan came back only two or three days after he left.

When he led Mao Guosheng to reappear, there was a bit of a word about Xia Xiaolan's company qualifications.

Mao Kangshan was really tired this time.

Mao Guosheng angrily said, "The old man is really sorry for your favor!"

Why is Mao Guosheng not angry?

In his case, if the old man is willing to speak to people like this time, can he stay in the design institute in Zhejiang Province for many years without moving? No, you don’t have to work so hard as this time, just use half of your strength.

Xia Xiaolan is so beautiful, so beautiful that she has nothing in common with the Mao family, and the Mao family's looks are very ordinary.

Otherwise, Mao Guosheng really suspected that Xia Xiaolan was the illegitimate daughter of his father outside and in life.

To Xia Xiaolan, it is really better than to the family, as for!

Mao Kangshan calmed down, "You shut up, why did you talk to Xiaolan? You don't have to be an elder but you have to be older. How old are you? How old is she? Speaking so fiercely, it's not decent at all."

Mao Kangshan can clearly understand that he and Xia Xiaolan are mentors and apprentices.

It is right and right for the master to roar the apprentice.

Others shouted at Xia Xiaolan, but Mao Kangshan just refused.

Even if that other person is Mao Guosheng, he can't speak and do things without knowing how to yell.

Xia Xiaolan was not angry, Mao Guosheng felt unbalanced, she had already noticed it.

"Teacher, Brother Mao is also worried about you. I became a little angry when I talked. I won't worry about it. Where did you and Brother Mao go in the past two days, why don't you say anything, I'll arrange a car to pick you up."

Mao Kangshan didn't say anything deliberately.

If things are not done properly, this teacher will lose face in front of his apprentice.

Once things are done, he will show his ability.

"You didn't say these are useless, I will ask you when the money will be ready. Is the company registered in Pengcheng? Someone will come from Yangcheng in two days and bring everything you want. You are here in Pengcheng. After finishing the formalities, your company will be established... By the way, you haven't said its name yet."

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