Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 999: : Xiaoxia is angry (2 more)

After disappearing for two days, the company can be established once and again?

This is really a surprise!

When Mao Kangshan asked her company's name, Xia Xiaolan had thought about it countless times in her heart, and couldn't help but blurt out:

"Teacher, how about calling Qihang Real Estate?"

Set sail?

Set sail?

Mao Kangshan weighed it up, "Your career ambition is obvious from this name."

In fact, Mao Kangshan wanted to talk about ambition. After all, he was his apprentice, so he couldn't say it too badly.

Is the name good? Mao Kangshan didn't comment on it. Xia Xiaolan felt that the company's name was negotiable, and there was no need to worry about it. What she is more concerned about is that Mao Kangshan said that someone would come to Pengcheng in two days, and Xia Xiaolan still doesn't know where the company is attached.

"Teacher, who do you think will come in a few days?"

"I know that you are very impatient, and you are not a member of the Guangdong Construction Engineering Group. The Guangdong Construction Engineering Group was first established in 1953, and its predecessor was the Guangdong Construction Engineering Bureau. They have all the qualifications, but they don’t fully trust you. They have to come and see you in person."

Guangdong Construction Engineering?

There was joy on Xia Xiaolan's face.

Did she worship the teacher well?

Can't find it with a lantern!

Guangdong Provincial Construction Engineering really has all the qualifications. Its predecessor was the Provincial Construction Engineering Bureau. After the transformation of the enterprise, there was almost nothing that they could not undertake. Others are national projects, including road and bridge construction, water conservancy and hydropower, and housing construction is the most basic qualification.

"Teacher, are the people here easy to talk?"

Mao Kangshan snorted: "It's hard to talk, he also wants to help you."

Oh, the old man is quite arrogant, and he went back to the room with his hands behind his back.

Xia Xiaolan could only look at Mao Guosheng, Mao Guosheng was aggrieved:

"The person who came is called Zhou Maotong, a student that the old man once took. He used to work in the Guangdong Provincial Construction Engineering Bureau. After the Engineering Bureau was restructured into an enterprise, he became an enterprise leader!"

Xia Xiaolan's eyes lit up, "That's Senior Brother Zhou."

Sure enough, she had a fate with Zhou, looking for a boyfriend with Zhou, and now she has another brother named Zhou, who can still be of great help at critical times.

If she can link the company to Guangdong Construction Engineering, she will worry about her qualifications in the future.

Mao Guosheng was upset.

Yes, Brother Zhou.

He still remembered this Senior Brother Zhou, who used to come to the door frequently, and he was a disciple that the old man liked more.

Brother Zhou also has the ability. He was a cadre in the Construction Engineering Bureau of Guangdong Province. After the Construction Engineering Bureau was transformed into an enterprise, Brother Zhou became the leader of the Construction Engineering of Guangdong Province. Leadership.

Previously, Zhou Maotong asked his father to come out of the mountain to be a consultant for Guangdong Construction Engineering.

The old man ignored each other.

This time the old man came to the door in person, and he could be a consultant, but Zhou Maotong was required to help.

Zhou Maotong did not ask what it was, and agreed:

"Teacher, just say what you have ordered, how can this be a bargain, even if you are not a consultant, if you have a word, I will do everything I can."

Mao Guosheng was standing by his side at the time, and he could see how excited Zhou Maotong was.

It seems that it is a great honor for Zhou Maotong to be able to help the old man.

If Mao Guosheng had a heart problem, he would have to attack it on the spot.

It's really bullying. His father didn't ask for help, he didn't ask for help, and let him curl up in the Zhejiang Provincial Design Institute to mold and rot. Mao Guosheng had very big opinions, so when he came back from Yangcheng to see Xia Xiaolan, his mouth was ironic.

Xia Xiaolan saw his thoughts, but she didn't have the same knowledge as Mao Guosheng, who had little belly and chicken intestines.

Mao Guosheng would never understand, he had to fight for what he wanted.

I dared to have an opinion in my heart. If she was Teacher Mao, she would have to clean up Mao Guosheng and see when he can hold it back!

Mao Guosheng was unbalanced, and Xia Xiaolan was not worth it for Mao Kangshan.

It is said that the dragon begets the dragon and the phoenix begets the phoenix. Teacher Mao's temper can also give birth to a person like Mao Guosheng who looks forward and fears the future. Xia Xiaolan feels evil.

"I saw Brother Zhou for the first time, but I have to talk to Brother Zhou. Brother Mao, do you like Brother Zhou?"

Mao Guosheng was heartbroken with anger.

"I don't know, I don't like flattering!"

Xia Xiaolan's face was slightly cold, "Brother Mao, the fellow brothers are willing to support me because they love me as a little junior sister, and also respect and love the teacher. If you think I am a flatterer, then your conception really needs to be changed...I It's not a joke. I know what you think. Why doesn't Teacher Mao help Brother Mao change jobs? The reason is that Brother Mao should think about it."

If you change your fart job, just this mouth will offend people's emotional intelligence, and it's useless if your father is Mao Kangshan.

Can Mao Kangshan change jobs for Mao Guosheng and take care of him for the rest of his life?

Xia Xiaolan felt that if you didn't have enough ability, don't think about too high a position. The lesson from the past is the Ji family.

Ji Huai'an used to have a lot of beautiful scenery, and it also left a lot of contacts. He counted on those contacts to take care of Ji's family. The idea is correct, but how far can the Ji family go, can Ji Huai'an, who is lying in the grave, manage it?

Xia Xiaolan has also come into contact with a lot of big people.

People in the system like Tang Hongen and Zhou Cheng's father Zhou Guobin, aren't they in high positions, they are very cautious in speaking and acting, and they can't easily see their emotions.

It's like Ji Lin, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been working for so many years, and the first time I met, he didn't hide his contempt for Xia Xiaolan.

When Xia Xiaolan saw Zhou Guobin, the Zhou family's attitude towards her was not clear, but Zhou Guobin was not strange.

I don't know how much higher than Ji Lin.

However, no matter how Ji Lin has his laurels, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has experienced it. As long as he doesn't have any hindrances when he meets Ji Ya, he will also adjust his words and actions.

Ji Lin's level is higher than Mao Guosheng.

Mao Guosheng is really low EQ.

It's useless to pull him to a conspicuous position. After Mao Kangshan a hundred years later, there will be no scum left to be chewed!

If Xia Xiaolan were not really grateful to Mao Kangshan, she would have been too lazy to be nosy. Bringing Mao Guosheng from Hangzhou is to make him grow a little bit. After all, the environment of Pengcheng is very different from that of Hangzhou.

No one knows that Mao Guosheng's growth is to dare to beat Xia Xiaolan!

This is really promising. Xia Xiaolan is not a person who can bear the humiliation, and immediately asked Mao Guosheng to see what turning face is faster than turning a book! Poke through Mao Guosheng's thoughts, making Mao Guosheng's face flushed, his fingers trembling, and pointing to Xia Xiaolan "you you you" for a long time, but he didn't think of a complete sentence.

A wall apart, Song Auntie was paying attention to the movement here, and the two of them were talking, and the good-tempered Xiao Xia suddenly became angry, and Song Auntie didn't expect it.

But Mao Kangshan snorted coldly:

"Don't worry, Guosheng is at this age, you and I can teach him how to talk and do things? Let Xiaolan go and clean him up, don't you know why Xiaolan brought him to Pengcheng, it's just thinking for us. Anyway, Xiaolan doesn't. If it will harm him, let Xiaolan let it go—huh, I am not as old as Xiaolan, so I am embarrassed to be jealous, it's shameful!"

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