Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 276: Unintentionally planting willows and willows (27th)

Su Ruanruan didn't expect that Xiao Chengjin was busy with such a thing after not coming for two days in a row.

He didn't say it, but there was already a smile on his face.

"Then you will go into the mountain in a while?"

Xiao Chengjin nodded, "I want to see why the Chinese cabbage I threw didn't attract rabbits."

Instead, two silly roe deer were attracted.

Hearing what Xiao Chengjin said, Su Ruanruan became a little curious, "Wait for me, I'll tell my grandma, let's go into the mountain with you."

After Su Ruanruan said, before Xiao Chengjin could answer, he ran into the kitchen.

Before long, Su Ruanruan ran out again.

"Let's go, I have already told my grandma."

"Okay! Let's go!"

Xiao Chengjin was also very happy.

Even if you don't understand the reason why you didn't catch the rabbit this time, it's not a loss.

I can get along with Su Ruanruan alone!

This is something you can never ask for.

In the past period of time, he would go to Su's house every day, but he couldn't get along with Su Ruanruan alone.

Granny Chen either cooks in the kitchen separated by a wall, or sits on the kang in the Su Ruan room to make needlework.

There was Granny Chen watching, even if she was sitting face to face with Su Ruanruan and reading and talking, it felt a little weird.

Now I can finally get along with Su Ruanruan alone, even in the ice and snow, that makes Xiao Chengjin happy.

The two walked side by side into the mountains, and they didn't bring anything.

Anyway, it's just going to take a look.

After entering the mountain, Su Ruanruan felt that the road was a bit familiar.

When Xiao Chengjin stopped, Su Ruanruan was already stunned.

No wonder I feel familiar, isn't this the place where I cleaned up Li Weiguo before?

At that time, there was obviously no such big hole here.

"Cheng Jin, when did you dug this pit?"

This is so big and deep, no wonder it can catch two silly roe deer.

Xiao Chengjin stared at this big hole, his eyes a little complicated.

This was not a trap he dug, but used to repair Li Weiguo.


The specially dug trap did not catch the rabbit, but the unintentionally dug the big pit but the roe deer.

Is it possible that this is unintentionally arranging the willow into the willow?

Of course, Xiao Chengjin couldn't tell Su Ruanruan what the facts were.

How can you tell Su Ruanruan about such an image-damaging thing?

This is not a lie, this is a white lie.

Xiao Chengjin calmed his mind and said seriously, "This was dug the day before yesterday. I thought it would be nice if I could catch a few more rabbits at once, so I dug a bigger one."

Su Ruanruan looked at this incomparable hole and doubted the truthfulness of Xiao Chengjin's words.

Is this only a little bigger?

This hole was originally dug unintentionally, and naturally there was nothing to see. Xiao Chengjin led Su Ruanruan to other traps to check.

When the two made a big circle and stopped by the last trap, Su Ruanruan already knew why Xiao Chengjin hadn't caught the rabbit.

The hole was well dug. Xiao Chengjin also covered the hole with withered grass and put fresh cabbage leaves on the grass.

As long as the rabbit comes to eat, it will definitely fall into the hole.

But there is nothing clean in the cave!

At that little distance, the rabbit can't fall to death even if it falls in.

Besides, rabbits will dig holes!

There is a hole in each trap, and it is obvious that the rabbit dug the hole and ran away.

Su Ruan Ruan could see this, and Xiao Chengjin naturally saw it.

It was precisely because of seeing that, Xiao Chengjin pressed her lips tightly and did not speak.

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