Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 277: Rabbit nest (28th more)

He actually did such a stupid thing!

Also let Su Ruan Ruan see everything!

Xiao Chengjin's lips moved, but he said nothing.

What should I say?

Su Ruan Ruan did not realize that there was something wrong with Xiao Chengjin, she just smiled and said, "Fortunately, you didn't put any sharp branches in it, otherwise the rabbit would have been killed, and it would have been hole by hole, so what? make clothes?"

Hearing this, I was stunned for a moment, and then I felt that what Su Ruan Ruan said was somewhat reasonable.

"Then what should I do?" Xiao Cheng Jinshun felt a little regret after asking this sentence.

But after all, I can only continue to look at Su Ruanruan nonchalantly.

Su Ruanruan didn't know, even if she had lived for two lifetimes, she had never hunted!

At that time, there were a lot of furs in the Baibao space, because they were afraid of being seen by others and could not explain the origin, so the clothes were not made.

Now that Xiao Chengjin is trying his best to make her a fur coat, I really want to take out all the fur in the Bai Treasure Space and let Xiao Chengjin choose whatever she wants.

The two looked at each other head-on, and suddenly heard a small voice.

Following the sound, I saw a rabbit jumping around on the snow not far away.

It was a gray-haired rabbit, which was quite fat.

Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin looked at each other, and the two turned around at the same time, and walked towards the rabbit tiptoe.

But no matter how careful the two were, the shoes still made a creaking noise on the snow.

The rabbit is extremely clever, and the pair of long ears is really not white. Hearing the sound, he quickly turned the direction and hopped and ran away.

Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin were persevering. At this time, they couldn't take care of their hands and feet. They raised their feet and chased them. They tried their best and used the fastest speed.

Even so, it didn't catch up!

The hares living in the mountains are different from domestic rabbits. They are more vigorous and flexible, and run faster.

Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin chased them for a long time, but at last they could only watch the rabbit run farther and farther, and finally disappeared in the depths of the woods.

After running so far, Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin were so tired that they could only stand in place and pant.

Before the two of them could breathe well, they heard the rustling sound again.

Here comes another rabbit!

This time it is a white rabbit!

Xiao Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and rushed towards the rabbit in the next second.

The rabbit was plump, but still healthy and flexible, and easily escaped.

After Xiao Chengjin chased for a while, he still lost the rabbit.

No way, the white rabbit has a natural protective barrier in the snow.

The color of the coat is the same as that of snow, coupled with the flexible movements, it is not something that can be grasped with both hands.

Xiao Chengjin walked back slowly, the expression on his face was a bit decadent.

It was a shame to be run away by the rabbit twice in a row.

Su Ruan Ruan patted Xiao Chengjin's arm, and when he was about to comfort him, he saw a rabbit in the corner of his eye.

At this time, Su Ruanruan understood.

They came to the rabbit den, right?

Otherwise, why one after another?

This time, neither Su Ruanruan nor Xiao Chengjin moved.

The two stood quietly on the spot, even their breathing slowed down, they were like a tree in this forest.

Sure enough, the two did not move, and the rabbit did not find them, and still hopped on the snow.

Xiao Chengjin stared at the rabbit tightly, and unbuttoned his coat with both hands.

When the rabbit jumped near him, he jumped at the fastest speed in his life.

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