
Main text: This is another business contracted by the Weiwei Group, which does everything, with top planning, top copywriting, top photography, top English advertising agency, and top advertising channels.

This is a new product launched globally by Tesla in the true sense. All the profits of Tesla's overseas TPOD in November were all invested in this.

This is a true story, it can be a piece of text, it can also be a narrative, and it can even be a picture.

In various communication channels such as newspapers, radio, and television, Tesla memory platform advertisements are fully listed.

Different from the futuristic technology style of the past, this is a sentimental advertisement that makes people feel warm and close to the image.

Most of the flower growers are pragmatists. As long as they can make money, it doesn’t matter whether it is popular or emotional. But as a reborn housekeeper, apart from the gold in the brain and the golden voice, Zhao Song can always remember these things that can touch people’s hearts. Emotional advertising.


At the high-tech fair in Shenzhen, Sister Fang took Tang Yuan with her, or Tang Yuan followed Sister Tang.

When the sound of "咚~咚咚~咚咚~" ended, Sister Fang calmed down her shocked mood and looked back at Tang Yuan.

"Have you contacted Zhao Song? What did he say?"

Tang Yuan looked away from the Tesla USB flash drive reluctantly, "I contacted him, and he said that if negotiating the USB flash drive authorization, the sooner the better, if it is a hard drive, the slower the better..."

Sister Fang asked angrily and amusedly: "What if the two talk together?"

Tang Yuan tilted his head cutely, "He said, let's talk about it together!"

Sister Fang nodded and didn't speak any more. Watching Tesla's employees in the crowd pick up the dropped USB flash drive, she quickly took two steps forward and looked at it carefully.


Tong Jun stepped forward to pick up the USB flash drive that fell on the floor, and inserted it into the host computer at the side, self-checked, and drove it—this is a free drive USB flash drive, but it is not a free drive in the true sense. Through Toshiba The main controller, after plugged into the computer, it will self-install the driver.

After a few seconds, everything was ready. Tong Jun turned on my computer, then opened the U disk folder, and saw a video file sitting there quietly.

Double click.


The video file of the memory platform was played again.

No problem, after falling from such a high place, it is still no problem.


The Tesla booth was boiling, and buyers from countless countries surrounded it.

This time, Tesla himself!

The high-tech fair tasks of three junior college students were successfully completed.


Zhonghai Electronics Market.

A completely unfamiliar passage, Zhao Song seldom comes, Zhonghai is too big, if you want to go around completely, it will take at least half a day.

The passage is very unfamiliar, but Zhao Song is very familiar. The Jingxi Multimedia with white characters on a blue background is too eye-catching.

Under the blue sign stood a pair of young people, brother Qi Dongqiang and his girlfriend from the National People's Congress.

A girlfriend who shares weal and woe, a cream girl who shares wealth, as for a girlfriend, maybe even richer, who knows...

"Morning Brother Qiang!" Zhao Song greeted with a smile.

Qi Dongqiang looked at Zhao Song vigilantly, "It's getting late, the goods have already been delivered!"

"That's really early!" Zhao Song continued without looking at Qi Dongqiang's unhappy face, "My Tesla has been delivering goods from morning to night!"

"Pfft..." Xiaoxi, Dongqiang's girlfriend next to him, couldn't help but smile. She knew the grievances between the two, but they felt an inexplicable sense of joy when they were together today.

Seeing that both of them were looking at her, Xiaoxi quickly hid aside and started eating melon seeds.

"What's the matter?" Qi Dongqiang asked.

"Enter the CD-ROM."

Qi Dongqiang nodded unsurprisingly, "Model, quantity, let me see what price I can quote you."

"8xDVD and half of 44X CD-ROM, as long as it is a first-tier brand with a one-year warranty, as for the quantity..." Zhao Song bowed his head and thought for a while before continuing: "Well, the specific number needs to be determined by our purchasing department. The peak season at the end of the year is coming, I think the number should not be less than 100,000!"

"How much?" Qi Dongqiang looked at Zhao Song in shock. In less than two months before the Chinese New Year, can Tesla sell 100,000 mainframes? Tesla is not a fantasy just yet.

"No less than 100,000!" Zhao Song knew Qi Dongqiang's thoughts, and nodded affirmatively, "If you can't sell it, then sell it next year!"

"How to pay for the goods?"

"Listen to you." Zhao Song said pretendingly.


Qi Dongqiang looked at Zhao Song, and Zhao Song looked at Qi Dongqiang.

"I tried the rumbus memory, 600 bus, dual channel, very strong!"

"I hope Pengcheng will always sell it so cheap!"

"He wants Tesla to die quickly. By then, he has the final say on how much to sell!"

Zhao Song shrugged and said nothing.

"I roughly calculated the contract between Tesla and Elpida, the value of one billion should be there?"

Zhao Song lifted his hands up.

Qi Dongqiang blushed suddenly, stared at him dumbfounded for a while, then waved his hand feebly, "Same as the top five distributors, don't worry about the price, it will definitely not be higher than the top five!"

Hearing this, Zhao Song bowed his hands respectfully: "Thank you, Brother Qiang!"

Qi Dongqiang nodded, "The advertisement is very good. If the price of the USB flash drive can be lowered, and your TPOD is added, maybe you can really survive this test."

"Brother Qiang, it doesn't matter who wins or loses. Finally, I would like to remind you that the price of PC133 memory will increase in the afternoon."


Shangdao Café not far from Zhonghai Electronics Market.

Fu Jianxing took a sip of coffee, and then wanted to see Huangfuming who was opposite him again.

"Tesla's U-disk patented technology is now a typical example. If those unlicensed products are allowed to be sold in the market, who will be slapped in the face, Mr. Huangfu will not know?"

Huangfu said blushingly, "But 30 million is too expensive. If it's a one-time authorization fee..."

"This is the settlement fee!" Fu Jianxing interrupted him, "Let's talk about the authorization fee!"

Huangfu Ming stared at him, and said darkly: "Then I'll find a way to get around it!"

Fu Jianxing smiled indifferently: "Now there is a company in the United States that is building a patent wall, and it is quite famous!"

"Qualcomm!" Huangfu Ming replied blankly.

Fu Jianxing nodded, took out a file bag and handed it to him, "Ultra-thin U disk patent, key patent, USB wireless network card related patents, OLA visual flash disk patent, etc..."

Seeing Huangfuming's shocked expression, Fu Jianxing continued: "A total of more than 170 basic patents (notes) form an impregnable wall! Mr. Huangfu, as a special lecturer of the State Patent Office, I don't know if you have seen a private enterprise like this. Are you gratified that you attach importance to intellectual property rights?"

I am pleased with your uncle!

Huangfu Ming said dejectedly, "When will the contract be signed?"

"The sooner the better!" Fu Jianxing said solemnly: "You know, signing the agreement before investigating and dealing with non-patent-authorized USB flash drives is completely two prices!"


In the afternoon, Tesla traded the PC133 memory price increase, returning to above 300 across the board.

Note: Like the U disk patent, it is a variety of non-technical assembly patents.

More than 500 words were inexplicably deleted in yesterday’s chapter, which is the advertisement of the memory platform. The advertisement was described in the video I watched, and there are no sensitive words. For today's chapter, I will communicate with the editor in charge tomorrow.

Harmonious society, remind all book friends, in various groups, various social apps, do not send those meaningless messages and videos.

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