Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 296: Before the General Attack (2)

"What is Tesla's capital warning line?" Chen Ning looked at Li Pei suspiciously and asked.

Li Pei frowned and said: "The capital warning line is the data of Tesla's purchase money and emergency funds combined. This is the reason why Zhao Song was able to gain a firm foothold in Zhonghai quickly! It is also the reason for his title of Zhonghai Wannian Lao Ba. origin!"

Chen Ning asked dumbfounded: "You mean, he never touched the money?

And in addition to the payment for goods, he also has emergency funds? "

Li Pei nodded and said, "Before him, I have never seen such a business! Turned myself into a tortoise shell...

This is why I said at the beginning that if we really want to deal with Tesla thoroughly, we must pull the top five into the water! "

Chen Ning thumped his forehead, "How much is Tesla's emergency fund?"

"I don't know!" Li Pei shook his head, "When Tesla was small, everyone could guess a little. As for now...

no one knows! "

"Is there no one at the bank?"

"You can find a bank!" Li Pei nodded, "We are looking for people, and Tesla also has people. As long as someone checks, they must know. If they know, they will change the bank without hesitation. China Merchants Branch will not take such a big risk. The risk of losing such a big client!"

"The bank is still afraid that it is a private company..." Chen Ning blurted out.

"The capital flow is large, the foreign exchange settlement, and the enterprises specially approved by the capital city to retain foreign exchange..." Li Pei said blankly: "And all of them are high-quality assets, and no loans have been made! The bank is not afraid of it, but the bank has to curry favor It, the Industrial and Commercial Sub-branch is a lesson from the past!"

Chen Ning knew that Pengcheng was still being complained by the Dianhai Industrial and Commercial Branch.


Looking at the silent Chen Ning, Li Pei smiled and said, "Boss, TPOD and U-disk patents are two gold-swallowing behemoths of Tesla. Since it has been taken off the capital warning line, it shows that our strategy is correct. !"

"That's right!" Chen Ning suddenly realized, and said with a smile, "What are we going to do next?"

"One prosperity is not enough, we must let all five come to an end. Cut off the supply of Tesla's middle tower!

Only in this way, before the popularity of U disks, tpod and patent fees will not be able to quench the thirst. As long as Tesla continues to bet on PC133, the only way to go is bank loans. "

"As long as the loan is taken, it will show a hole in its tortoise shell!" Chen Ning nodded.

"And it must be fast!" Li Pei said solemnly, "We can't let Tesla have any other cash flow, and drag him down before the U disk market is completely opened up by it! You must know that apart from Elpida, they are still Toshiba Tesla’s AIC, Tesla’s payment in January is bigger than we thought!”

Hearing this, Chen Ning nodded heavily, stood up, took out his mobile phone, and walked outside.


The price of Rambus has been reduced, and the sales volume is slowly increasing. It is equipped with a Pentium 4 processor and an Intel i820 chipset. If the subsidy from Intel is included, all the distributors who distribute the goods will make a profit, except for Pengcheng.

PC133 is also cutting prices across the board, but due to the new technology being launched, the old technology is facing the risk of being eliminated, and the unsalable scene is slowly expanding.

16th, 5:00 pm.

Zhao Song happily walked into Zhonghai Electronics Mall, and cheerfully greeted every shop assistant who came forward.

From childhood to adulthood, everyone is constantly integrating into the new environment, new schools, new classes, new units, or new shopping malls.

From isolation and exclusion to integration and integration, as we grow older, the price we pay will gradually increase.

Just like Zhao Song, with the painful memories he had known for many years in his previous life, he stepped into the huge and unpredictable field of Zhong Hai, and his efforts were fully reflected in everything he got.

To this day, every shopkeeper, employee, and even the five major distributors here recognize him, and so does Pengcheng!

To put it in layman's terms, Zhao Song was able to stand up in Zhonghai, and even in Zhongguancun.

The most intuitive manifestation is that if college students in Kyoto want to start a business here, they only need to find any employee of Zhao Song or Tesla with the informed consent form stamped by the school, and they will help you establish a distribution channel, and Make sure no one gets in trouble.

This is under the premise of the established rules, there is face, and you can get along!

However, since you recognize Zhao Song and Tesla, why are you still tossing and targeting them endlessly?


Lao Feng and Zhao Song, who were passing by the passage, waved to each other, then turned to look at the profiteer next door, frowned and asked, "I don't know why? Are you really stupid or fake?"

The profiteer next door suddenly became furious: "Old Feng, what's the matter with you? These two days, you have changed tricks to stab me!"

Boss Feng shook his hand and said, "Let's not talk about Tesla's overseas popularity, and the TPOD player and memory patents that can be regarded as golden jobs, let's talk about Zhonghai."

"you say."

"Old Wu, Lao Pi from channel 9 bet on memory two days ago and lost a lot. I'll try to see if I can take over his shop and business. I might not buy CDs from you in the future."

"Why..." The profiteer next door blushed instantly.

"Yeah, why?" Boss Feng spread his hands, "I can buy my own money wherever I want, and I can accept whoever's shop business I want, just because I have been with you before. Buy here, now you don't want to be happy..."


"Lao Pi has a big plate, Lao Wu, you don't have enough funds, you must be thinking now, if you can't accept it, you should support him with some funds to let him pass this hurdle.

This blocked my way, and you will still have a stable customer like me in the future. Right? "

The face of the profiteer next door was getting redder, and he asked in a muffled voice, "Are you rich?"

Boss Feng said cheerfully: "I have made a lot of money from Tesla these days, not only me, but I think all the merchants in Zhonghai have made a lot of money!"

"What does this have to do with the Big Five dealing with Tesla?"

Boss Feng looked at the profiteer next door with an expression of caring for the mentally retarded, "Because Tesla wants to do what I just wanted to do!"

Lao Feng is going to close Lao Pi's stall and not buy from me!

Who is Tesla going to take? Pengcheng? Then no longer be skinned by the five big ones?

The profiteer stared at Lao Feng in astonishment, and after a long time, he choked out a word, "Damn!"


At this time, it was less than an hour before Zhong Hai closed, but the excitement in the mall did not decrease at all. More and more customers walked into the shopping mall, excitedly experiencing the Rambus memory that has been fully distributed, looking at the silver armor on it, and inquiring about the market.

Zhao Song walked very slowly, stopping from time to time to look at the installation list including Rambus memory and I820 motherboard with interest.

And those shop assistants who greeted Zhao Song, after returning to their counters, turned on their computers in a hurry while there were no customers. Semiconductor News.

Tesla's total assets: 720 million.

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