Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 297: Before the General Attack (End)

PS: Part of the content of this chapter is a one-sided point of view, which does not represent the whole. Book friends should not over-interpret it.

In another time and space in 2018, there is a very interesting chart on the Internet, which counts the proportion of all imported chips by flower growers.

As the jewel in the crown of semiconductors - CPU, it only accounts for 13% of the total imports of florists.

Who is the boss? Analog chip (note) and memory!

Memory accounts for 38%, the largest head! What is that?

As long as anyone who has bought a mobile phone on a shopping website has seen it, on the densely packed product list on the website, most of the titles of each product will not tell you the model of the CPU, but clearly mark the size of the memory. .

4G+64GB, 8G+128G, the number in front is the memory DRAM that cannot be remembered, just like the Elpida memory particles of Zhao Song's agent; the number behind is the flash memory that can be remembered, just like Zhao Song Proxy Toshiba flash memory particles.

Putting these two together is the memory. After 18 years, the domestic self-sufficiency rate of flower growers is 0!

Some people may say, we have! Huahong, Tsinghua Unigroup, etc., of course, but if you combine the most advanced HiSilicon CPU with these memories that are more than three or four generations behind, can it be turned on?

Because the flower growers have HiSilicon, and because DDR is a technology alliance, many companies in island countries, the United States, the Gulf, and Europe are in this alliance. Even if there are only three major storage manufacturers left in the world in the future, florists still have plenty of patent openings to exploit.

Therefore, in the huge 13th Five-Year Plan, Yangtze River Storage, Changxin in Feishi, and Jinhua in Fuzhou with an investment of hundreds of billions have sprung up.

Zhao Song doesn't know what the future will be like, but because of these three companies, the future of Huahuajia Memory is full of hope.

But few people have noticed what the consequences of the patent wars that took place at the turn of the century meant.

What if Intel wins? Rambus is a patent company that is more rogue than Qualcomm, and its notoriety has even spread to 18 years later!

Intel wins, and the island country, Wanwan, Europe, and Four Star will all become Rambus foundries, and the patent barriers will rise. Want to play? Let’s pay the entry fee, not much, 5% of the retail price per piece (Qualcomm’s dry method).

And the storage semiconductor industry of flower growers will become hell-level difficulty.


In Zhonghai Electronics Mall, shopkeepers and employees with low levels of education read all kinds of news with great interest.

"Four Stars invested billions of dollars to build a fab."

"Local shareholders, Taiwan Formosa Plastics made a big bet!"

"With US$1.9 billion, Wanwan Powerchip's 12-inch wafer fab started construction."

"National strategy, the transfer of Mitsubishi's DRAM business to Elpida is complete!"

With the deepening of their understanding, the dealers suddenly felt that compared with the actions of these foreign companies, the things that the domestic PC companies that are tossing and surging may not even count as playing games! "

Putting aside their thoughts, they continued to browse news about rambus and PC133.

That boy Zhao Song has linked the outcome of this struggle with the patent disputes in the world, and we are also in it...


"Zhao Song!" A call drew Zhao Song's gaze back from the configuration list in front of him.

"Uncle Qin!"

Director Zhong Haiqin walked up to Zhao Song and said worriedly: "The five major distributors have all entered the market. They are no longer satisfied with supporting Pengcheng. They are starting to distribute I820 motherboards and rambus memory sets by themselves!"


Director Qin nodded heavily, "National!"

"Any other good news?"

You call this good news? Director Qin glanced at him angrily, and then said: "The memory will be reduced again, and the old chipset motherboard will also be released at a reduced price! Zhao Song, they are sure that you will take over!"

nonsense! If I don't accept the disk, my memory stick will have to die! Zhao Song also gave him a blank look.

"Zhao Song! Listen to my uncle's advice, don't bother, find a big company and accept their investment, let's get over the hurdle of Elpida's bad contract, Tesla is still your Tesla!"


"Zhao Song!" Director Qin put his arms around Zhao Song's shoulders and whispered in his ear: "They want Tesla, but they want you more! Accepting investment, Tesla is still up to you, and you can even buy it." Go to a higher stage to display your abilities!"


Looking at the stubborn boy in front of him, Director Qin let go of his hand in a slump, "Tesla is running out of money, right? What are you going to do now?"

"Sign the contract!" Zhao Song looked at Director Qin and said sincerely, "Don't they want me? Tell your boss Xu Youcai, come here, and I'll give him the director of the Zhonghai Management Office!"

"What?" Director Qin stared blankly at Zhao Song.

"The four-star stick is expanding its scale counter-cyclically. Wanwan has invested NT$160 billion in the past ten years. The island country has just implemented a new DRAM strategy. In addition to the start of a new fab, Germany's Infineon has also Just released countless technology licenses to Wanwan companies, not to mention those graphics card manufacturers that need memory.

Uncle, Rambus will not win this time without the participation of the American government! They won't let Rambus win!

Since Wu Da wants to give me money, then I will accept it! But I need your help! "

Since he was reborn, he has earned so much money. Zhao Song has always felt that his luck is very good. This time, he thinks it will continue to be good!

Director Qin watched Zhao Song for a long time, until the closing bell rang, and he patted Zhao Song's shoulder heavily.




The customers slowly wanted to go outside the Zhonghai Gate. Zhao Song went against the flow of people and came to the office. There, many people had been waiting for a long time, but they were not impatient.

"Mr. Zhao!" A group of people greeted hurriedly.

"Sit down, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Zhao Song greeted politely.

"Not long..."

Nodding his head, Zhao Song looked at Wen Zhenwen with a smile.

"Boss, the contracts are ready. The China Merchants Sub-branch is responsible for providing short-term loans for Tesla, and the Industrial and Commercial Sub-branch is responsible for Shenzhou. I have checked the contract with Shenzhou's director Jia Yucheng and lawyer Fu."

"When can I pay?"

"After Mr. Zhao signs, within an hour!"

Zhao Song nodded, and finally confirmed the amount on the two contracts, then randomly picked up a pen from the table, and signed the word "Zhao Song" on the two contracts under everyone's gaze .

Standing up, he said to Ding Tao, "Let's start receiving the goods!"

Ding Tao nodded and walked out of the door, and two bank representatives followed him out of the door.

When the door was closed again, Zhao Song looked around at everyone in the room, and said slowly: "Whether it's Tesla or Shenzhou, I just need everyone to do their own thing, and the rest is to wait for victory! "


The crowd dispersed, and Zhao Song took out his mobile phone.

"Sister Fang, I can't wait for the profits after the listing of the black film. If you don't give me a definite news, Tesla will take back the U disk authorization of Great Wall."

"Zhao Song, it's me!"

"Yuanyuan?" Zhao Song was stunned for a moment.


"Where's Miss Fang?"

"We are in a meeting. Zhao Song, I will take the group finance to the bank to transfer money to Tesla tomorrow!"

"Group finance?" Zhao Song asked suspiciously.

"Well, the hard disk company has been insolvent for a long time. How can I borrow so much money from you? Sister Fang and I have been working in the group for the past two days."

"..." Zhao Song pursed his lips and said after a while, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Yuanyuan smiled on the phone, "Remember to fax the agreement quickly."


"Zhao Song."


"To win!"

"Don't worry, I haven't lost!"



December 16.

Xingsheng defaulted on the contract, and the five major distributors officially entered the market, joined the ranks of betting on new technologies, and began to sell inventory on a large scale.

On the evening of December 16, Xu Youcai, the president of China Shipping Group, signed a resignation letter with a sad and regretful expression, and Director Qin, who had been with him for nearly 20 years, officially resigned.

At the same time, he sent out a letter of appointment in ecstasy. Zhao Song, the star of Zhonghai, who has become famous, has an additional position as the director of the management department of Zhonghai from now on. Xu Youcai knows, and everyone will know tomorrow After the news, he can be envied to death by a group of people!

It is also the evening of December 16. Numerous Tesla employees stayed up all night to replace hundreds of mainframes in Internet cafes, replacing board U memory.

There must be a reason for the black screen. Maybe Intel already knew about it, but it didn’t announce it—due to the full participation of flower growers in advance, the production volume of new products can be described as astronomical. Intel, can’t stop!

This time and space is rushing forward on a road with a sharp turn. A small person located in Zhongguancun, Kyoto, a flower planter, and his small company are pulling its tail vigorously, trying to pull it back on the right track...

The information is true, the text is hand-typed, there is no pasting and copying, and the text is written sincerely.

The stalls are too big, it’s too much to talk about, the supplementary expressions in these two chapters are probably all explained, if some book friends are still confused. I will work hard to improve!

Self-taught out of context!

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