Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 299 Hitting (2)

In fact, the battlefield is also a part of life; life, in fact, is so real, although this kind of reality makes people extremely hateful, and you can't allow you to mix in the slightest imagination...

Fantasy bearded man is sitting at a desk with a serious look on his work.

"Director." The young beautiful secretary stepped forward with twists and turns, "The memory sticks in stock have been released by Pengcheng!"

"How did the market react?"

"The time is too short, the report has not been received, but Tesla is still receiving the goods?"

"Is there any news about how much money they borrowed from China Merchants Bank?"

"No!" The beautiful secretary shook her head.

The bearded man thought for a while and said, "Say hello to the person in charge over there. According to Tesla's assessment, Zhao Song will give them as much as they want, and we will bear all the consequences!"

"Director, China Merchants Bank is already doing its best!"

"Oh?" The bearded man's eyes brightened, "Interesting..."

The bearded man didn't speak any more and just waved his hand, so the beautiful secretary walked out of the office with a twist.

The door closed, and the phone rang. The bearded man glanced at the number of the caller, and picked it up slowly.

"My surname is Wei, the more Rambus is distributed, the more Intel will have no way to go back. Once Rambus becomes the memory standard, do you know what it means?"

"We are businessmen!" The bearded man said leisurely, "Zhao Song, as long as Tesla agrees to the fantasy quotation, all problems will not be a problem, and you have the final say on how to do it!"

"I have the final say!? You are a listed company, and you will be killed by your shareholders before I say anything!"


In Zhonghai Electronics Mall, Zhao Song hung up the phone harshly.

After bowing his head and thinking for a while, Zhao Song picked up the phone again.

"Li Wei, how much money does Weiwei Group have?"

"A lot!" On the phone, Li Wei said with a smile, "Zhao Song, I have already dominated the American washbasin market, and according to your method, so far, there are still five toothpick factories left in this country. In a month they will all be out of business!"

If it doesn't go bankrupt, it will have to pay for death. Li Wei's toothpicks are being sold to the United States at a profit of one cent per toothpick. It's no wonder that local manufacturers don't go bankrupt.

"Lend me at bank interest!"

"Not enough, Zhao Song, I'm afraid you're not up yet?"

"If I haven't made it, I'll sell Tesla, drop out of school, and go to Weiwei Group to help you!"

"..." Li Wei swallowed loudly on the phone, and after a while, she said, "The money will arrive soon!"



December 17 at 2:30 pm.

Some PC manufacturers' work package memory sticks were swept away by Tesla before reaching the terminal dealers.

At this moment, more and more market managers from all over the country joined in, and forcibly took the work package memory from the distributor!

Those who get the Tao will help a lot, not to mention that those who help the Tao can still get money, so why not do it in terms of electronic market management!

3:00 pm.

Shenzhou Hongtiao offers 330, and the price has risen slightly. The first-line brands held by other distributors have not moved.

3:10. Rambus cut prices again.

The picture of this world seems to be cut in half, with Li Pei on the left and Zhao Song on the right.

On the left is Chen Ning, the eldest sister, the bearded, and all the people with evil intentions. On the right is Zhao Song.

On the left is Pengcheng, the Big Five, Fantasia, and Tongfang... and on the right is Tesla.

A nationwide e-retail market battle is unfolding. With the deepening of the plot, more and more people are watching melons, and as more and more funds are invested, the level of the people watching high.

In the turbulent IT world, Zhonghai Zhao Song, who stirred up the situation, stood in front of the national business community for the first time with an unusual image.

Are you Cixi, declaring war on the whole world alone?

Zhonghai Electronics Market.

Zhao Song turned his head to the direction of the Pacific Ocean, coming and going without being rude, "Li Yu, release Article 1."


3:30 p.m.

Tesla's official website released an announcement.

"Product quality is always Tesla's number one criterion!

Before a stable supply chain is found, the Tesla mid-tower chassis will be completely withdrawn from the market!

Here, Tesla reminds consumers that the Tesla Frozen console equipped with the Intel 815 chip and the third-generation Pentium processor is the first compatible machine brand to go on the market.

Before confirming the stability of the Intel i820 chipset and Rambus memory, out of a responsible attitude towards consumers, Tesla will not rush to launch any new generation of host products!

Finally, I would like to remind consumers once again that being the first country to market Rambus memory and i820 in the world is not an honor, but will be used as a tester and experimenter!

So it's better to keep a wait-and-see attitude before it goes global! "

Ten minutes later, Zhongguancun Online and other IT websites reprinted the full text. There was a sudden uproar on the Internet.

"Frozen was delisted, and Zhongta was delisted a few days later. What happened to Tesla?"

"Didn't you see in the announcement that the supply chain is broken!"

"Why doesn't Tesla release a product based on the new chipset?"

"Didn't you see it said in the announcement? There is a problem with the new product!"

"Upstairs, there is no problem with the new technology in the announcement!"

"Didn't you see it in the announcement? New technology..."

There is a club, the handsome guy looked at the notice of being banned again, exchanged glances with Bai Li beside him, and walked towards the bar depressedly.

"The end of PC133, the end of Tesla!

There is a mistake in the company's strategy, and the attitude of being responsible for consumers cannot be used as a shield!

There is no problem with Tesla betting on PC133. The problem is that they miscalculated the replacement time of new and old technologies!

The speed of Rambus is at least three times that of the PC133 bus, fully meeting consumers' expectations for PC performance, and the new product layouts of major PC manufacturers fully illustrate this point.

The seemingly sincere words in the announcement can even show that Tesla is at the end of its rope! "

Pacific Ocean.

Li Pei looked at the text on the computer and nodded in satisfaction.

After pressing the F5 key a few times, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"Whose soft post is this? Anyone who knows a little bit of DIY knowledge knows that Tesla is right!

Since Rambus memory came into the market, choose the motherboard, some even choose the hard disk, restart and crash at every turn. In contrast to other Frozen and mid-tower cases, have you ever had these problems? "

"That's right! It feels like the manufacturer really uses our domestic consumers as free testers! All the matching solutions about Rambus on the hardware forum have become hot posts!"

"I'm from Kyoto, and I listen to Tesla! While the mid-tower cases are still in stock, I can buy one. The performance of the mid-tower is enough for me to use it for a year or two."

"Upstairs, looking at the picture of your avatar in Tesla's memory, it feels like you bought him for another glove?!"

"Haha, I'll let you guess..."


"Hehe..." Li Pei gave an awkward laugh silently, and looked at his subordinate without glasses with a gloomy face.

"Let our distributors release all the PC133 memory, solicit customers, and forcefully withdraw Rambus from customers!"

The subordinate without glasses looked at Li Pei who was wearing glasses, hesitated for a moment and did not move.

"What's wrong?"

"Li...Mr. Li, Kyoto and Shenzhen can't attract customers for the time being..."

Two chapters today, finished in two days.

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