Rebirth Turn of the Century

Open a single chapter and add some plots along the way

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Recently, the starting point has been inspected, a harmonious society, and writing with positive energy!

I have tried my best in terms of writing level. I have said it many times, so I won’t continue to explain it here. I can only say, keep working hard to improve!

Explain a few points.

1. The largest starting point inspection in history (omit many other words).

The words omitted in the brackets are the same as the content in the book. I can't express it, so I rely on the book friends to understand it. Many people are in the fog, and I am also a little bit.

For example, there have been two middle-aged people in recent chapters, once in Shenzhen City, and once in a teleconference. It is now clearly not allowed to be involved above the county level, so now all of them are replaced by middle-aged people!

There are very few things involved in the article later. Even if it is mentioned, it is positive. In the semiconductor industry, how many things the country has done silently over the years, it is meaningful to write it out, and it is not a sensitive matter.

I implore book friends who do not understand to understand clearly before considering reporting matters.

2. The book seems to be a bit of a hot topic. In fact, I was talking about ZTE. I praised in advance that Mr. Ren is the son of the plane... I really have the foresight... Haha, why didn't I win the lottery?

3. Planters distribute Rambus in advance, and the more products they sell, if there is a problem, Intel will suffer a greater loss. Why have no planters recalled problematic products these years? Apart from discrimination, I think it is because we have a large number of people. If you buy too much, you will suffer a lot from the recall...

Therefore, in order to avoid greater losses, Intel will hide the problem, and there are many examples in reality.

4. For newcomers, the rhythm needs to be strengthened. It is updated in the middle of the night. Sometimes the head is confused and it is easy to be self-confident. The title of the chapter is tantalizing. I apologize to everyone.

5. If some people are saints, perfect people, and have never done anything wrong, then don't read this article.

Because Zhao Song always does assholes, those assholes who want to smoke themselves when they think about it before going to bed.

For example...Qiu Shan?

6. Zhao Song wants Pengcheng because of the interests, but many people don’t want him to succeed. The memory speculation has nothing to do with Pengcheng, because Pengcheng is almost out of money. Zhao Song is dealing with other people and earning more money .

The level is limited, so I can only add the plot here.

7. Answer the questions of book friends. The average subscription is 5,000, and the follow-up subscription is nearly 2,000. On the day I put it on the shelf, it was the highest subscription ratio of all books. The current subscription ratio is nearly 12:1. I hide in the corner every day and secretly proud of it. Everyone They are already my food and clothing parents!

Don't dare to chatter, dare not play tricks on book friends, the whole text is in this style, but I have a headache and write the title of the chapter.

As you all know, I never asked for tickets after it was put on the shelves. On the day of the fourth watch update, there were more than 130 recommendation tickets on the whole site. I was so excited that my heart was beating. The update is so beneficial, so why am I updating so slowly?

Check the information, write slowly... Try to correct it.

I can say with great certainty that starting from the VIP chapter, all the information is hard information. If you remember something, you can chat with your friends without hesitation, because it is true. It is good to know something besides reading.

This book is not watery, and the handsome and handsome will not write it.

I'll pass some plots in two or three sentences, you can automatically make up your mind, there are some in life, and there are also in the news.

Sincerely write articles, never, never dare to have any malicious intentions, if you misunderstand, I apologize!


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