Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 302 Hitting (End)

"What kind of company is Tesla?"

America, Intel Headquarters,

Marketing Director Smith asked suspiciously.

The subordinate pointed to the TPOD on his desk.

"Of course I know this thing belongs to Tesla." Smith looked at his subordinate angrily, and asked in a very bad mood: "I've never seen their PC console in the market!"

"About PC products, they are currently only in flower gardeners. You must have seen their Phantom Red and mid-tower cases." The subordinate then asked: "Do you need to respond to them?"

"I admit that this company has great potential in the future." Smith shrugged and said indifferently: "But now they are not qualified to ask us to make any response!"


"How is the i820 chipset issue resolved?"

"Unless it is redesigned, the problem can only be circumvented by the special design of the motherboard manufacturer. Director, the question now is that they need time, but there are only 7 days left until Christmas, should we announce an extension?"

"Delay is to tell everyone that we have a problem!" The director pondered for a while, "Tell the technical department to find a solution from the software as soon as possible, and also, fire the employee who has diarrhea!"



Pacific Electronics Mall, Pengcheng company meeting room, the atmosphere is very dignified, people are all there, every meeting they will think that the next time they will definitely sit in a row to share fruit and fruit, this is a group of fierce tigers and wolves, within the rules After tossing for so long, the fruits of victory can only be enjoyed by them, even if the dragon comes, otherwise their methods will not be as gentle as dealing with Tesla, red, white, black, green, purple , All kinds of means will definitely be used together!

But now it seems that it is not so easy to eat the fruit.

A bald boss from the Big Five said to Li Pei viciously: "You said Tesla is running out of money?"

"That's right!" Li Pei nodded affirmatively, "It's just that they closed the market very cleverly!"

"Just relying on that Elder Sister Wen from Tesla?" Zhao Rong looked at him suspiciously.

"No, there must be a master behind them!" Li Pei looked around at the big bosses, and said with confidence: "Jiaming and Xingsheng have stopped shipping for Tesla, and the overseas payment has just been received. Everyone, it is already done now." That's enough, but just to be on the safe side, please release all the memory in your hands and squeeze out his funds!"

"Yicheng's modern memory is only enough for one day!"

"Xingsheng's ADATA memory is similar!"

After listening to everyone's introduction, Zhao Rong asked Li Pei: "That means that in two days, the price of the PC133 memory market will be decided by Tesla!"

"No!" said a delicate beauty: "We will not give Tesla any chance to withdraw funds, and fantasy will make a move at that time!"

It was the bearded and beautiful secretary who spoke.

"And we fantasize that the new products with Rambus system will be launched two days earlier. Mr. Zhao, the publicity station for brand phones will also be fully launched by then. No one will be willing to buy products that are destined to be eliminated!"

"What does fantasy want?"

"Industry Base!"

"Zhao Song won't give it!"

"It really doesn't matter what he says at that time!"

Zhao Rong nodded, "If your boss doesn't come to the next meeting, I can guarantee that your fantasies won't count!"

Throwing the pen in his hand heavily on the conference table, Zhao Rong walked towards the door unhurriedly.


The door was slammed shut, and all the bosses in the room ignored the beautiful secretary with a pale face.

However, Chen Ning looked at the beautiful secretary with great interest, his eyes rolled around.

"I'm done with work, do you want Zhao Song to buy a few pairs of open crotch underwear?"

"Boom!" The door was kicked open suddenly, and Zhao Rong hurried into the conference room again.

"Turn on the computer, turn on the projector, and turn on Zhongguancun Online!"

"..." There was no staff in the meeting room, so all the bosses in the room looked at the beautiful secretary.

As a result, the computer and projector were turned on by a delicate body twisting and twisting.

Five minutes later, Zhongguancun Online was printed in everyone's eyes. The big red headline on the front page made it difficult for people not to pay attention.

"Toshiba incident, thought-provoking! "——Zhao Song, special commentator of this site.

"Toshiba Corporation received a lawsuit from American users. As a result, Toshiba compensated 5.5 million American users with gift certificates and cash discounts of US$1.05 billion, making it the largest compensation of its kind!

And the Toshiba notebook users of the florist do not receive any compensation.

What is the end result? Nothing!

A few points about this event are worth pondering:

First, in fact, the Toshiba incident had already occurred in the United States in May 1999, so why was it only reported by the media in May 2000!

Is the media slow to respond or are there other reasons?

Second, why did Toshiba's agents fail to explain the situation to users last year, and what responsibilities should the agents bear in this incident?

There is nothing wrong with IT products having bugs. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of domestic IT product consumers, a responsible agent is needed to take their responsibilities!

However, what is disappointing is that in the Toshiba incident, I only saw cover-ups and nothing!

In the same way, every newly launched IT product will have bugs, and manufacturers will make improvements based on user feedback, so as to make more and more mature products.

Florist is the first market in the world where the Rambus system is listed. I am deeply doubtful whether the rights and interests of domestic consumers who are first-time adopters will be properly protected in follow-up issues.

As the person in charge of the Zhonghai Electronics Market Management Office, I would like to solemnly warn consumers that Pengcheng Company is responsible for the distribution of Rambus and I820 systems in the retail market, and is the distributor with the most complaints in the Zhonghai Electronics Market.

As for Fantasia, which just announced the listing of the complete PC two days later, its Shenz Digital Company is just the general agent of Toshiba notebook computers.

Referring to the announcement just issued by Tesla’s product development department, before the two companies make a commitment, please carefully consider your intention to purchase new products, otherwise, you may fall into endless quality rights protection.

I am Zhao Song, the boss of Tesla Technology Co., Ltd., the president of Shenzhou Technology, and the director of the Marketing Management Office of Zhonghai Electronics.

I am willing to take legal responsibility for every word on this article! "


In the conference room, everyone looked at each other.

"1.05 billion US dollars? Are American consumers made of gold?" Zhao Rong looked at the beautiful secretary in disbelief. If it wasn't for Zhao Song's article, she wouldn't even know about it. Such a big news has not been reported in China. , It is conceivable who did the good thing.

The beautiful secretary lowered her head and twisted her body uncomfortably. Chen Ning, who was opposite her, had no interest in it, and even the idea of ​​buying open underwear was forgotten.

"Li Pei?"

"How about..." Li Pei frowned, and said with difficulty: "We stipulate that the replacement time should be extended?"

"..." There was silence at the scene, and everyone knew that every day they extended, they would earn a penny less. For these profit-seeking merchants, it was like cutting off a piece of meat.

"Look, everyone!" The beautiful secretary suddenly screamed softly.

Everyone looked at her slender fingers.

I saw a blue headline of the same size under the big red front page headline:

From now on, Tesla implements three guarantees for all its IT products!

"Boom~" The tables and chairs collapsed.

"Bang!" Chen Ning slapped the table with a grim expression, "What is he doing? Is there such a business?"


I'm Zhao Song, I'm not Cixi, I can only talk and declare war, so what if there are too many people? Disgusting, I can disgust you to death!

Tesla's total assets: 670 million!

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