Rebirth Turn of the Century

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Today's three shifts, nearly 9,000 words, usually four shifts, I'm too lazy to divide chapters.

I apologize, and promised to complete the general plot today, but I didn't, so I made an excuse: the novice can't grasp the rhythm well. It's really not an excuse, it's been 16 hours of writing. Did nothing all day.

About fantasy, first of all, I don't have a good impression of it, but this book is based on fact, which is slightly negative.

Nowadays on the Internet, there are a lot of brainless hackers. The fantasy is being led by someone, and this person is definitely not on our side.

5G voting, if it votes for the interests of the United States, the national government is not a fool, and it is safe to let it do this?

Don't follow the foolish people. Fantasy Holdings involves many fields, such as medicine, finance, investment, real estate, etc. It contributes to the country's economic construction, and we have to admit this!

In addition, the only point, from a national enterprise to a world-class enterprise rooted in florists, the naked *** is really a bit unreasonable.

It's fine if you feel disgusted, don't be ignorant, it's really not good to be led by others, and then be said to have IQ problems.

As for the future, ordinary people can only watch and cannot predict at will, everyone is right!


In the business field, there are no good people and bad people, there are no good things and bad things, and no one can talk about interests, or I won’t write novels here, and I won’t have to fight with people who cheat me every day?

Don't mess with the promise, finish writing this episode as soon as possible, I'm not in a hurry, Zhao Song is in a hurry, he still wants to buy a house!

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