Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 303 We found it ourselves!

No matter how smooth Tesla's memory collection is, Pengcheng also knows that its funds have bottomed out!

The reason for the urgency is that Pengcheng’s funds have also bottomed out. On the market, Rambus memory is the first to be sold by Pengcheng, and a series of first- and second-tier motherboards such as Gigabyte and ASUS are also sold by Pengcheng from the top five spenders.

The current retail market is too chaotic, and Pengcheng is the leader of new technologies. As for the Big Five, who knows what kind of plans they have, but what Chen Ning and Li Pei can be sure of is that at least one of them will make great efforts. It is possible, that is Xingsheng!

Teachers and students are tearing their faces apart, but this is the biggest news in the village these days!

Pengcheng needs money, and after winning Tesla, it will need more money in the end. However, Tesla's announcement is predictable as a hindrance to the popularization of new technologies!

"For the products under Pengcheng, the replacement measure will be increased to 15 days. From the day after tomorrow, our publicity will be strengthened!" Chen Ning continued to retreat with a grim look on his face, but apart from the beautiful secretary, a room full of bosses It's all a joke.

Xingsheng shrugged, "Xingsheng will follow up!"

"There are still fourteen days until Tesla's first payment date, everyone, don't lose the chain at this time!"



A car becomes a second-hand car after going through the procedures, but it is still a new car in essence, but can it be sold at the price of a new car?

The three guarantees for computers have been called for so many years, but the biggest reason why they have not been implemented is the depreciation rate.

According to the national computer three guarantees regulations in the future, a brand new computer can be fully depreciated within 400 days. This is the result of coordinating the interests of all parties.

From the very beginning, Tesla has adopted a better after-sales service policy than the three guarantees. Most of the non-industrial package accessories purchased at high prices have added service value in them. As for the memory, memory with a lifetime warranty will be provided in the future. If the yield rate of the Tesla factory does not meet the requirements, Zhao Song will go crazy!

In the home appliance industry, if a manufacturer only promises three guarantees to consumers, there are four situations waiting for it: being scolded to death by consumers; being spit to death by the media; being laughed to death by peers;

However, if they also promise consumers three guarantees, PC manufacturers can usher in a completely different ending: they will be exhausted by the consumption boom caused by buying three guarantees;

Three Guarantees, which smart manufacturer dares to mention it first, it will be the target of public criticism! Tesla is already, so Zhao Song issued a three-guarantee promise!

Convey an impression to all consumers - Tesla is service!

Setting off a huge advertising effect is only one of the aspects, taking off the face of some enterprises is the main thing!

To make money is to make money, so what about those who are not, how about being number one in Asia? You are number one in the universe and you are only here to make money!


After the announcement was issued, the effect was obvious. Counting the last Tesla announcement, within two days, nearly 2,000 mid-tower cases in Tesla’s inventory were sold out. Yes, Tesla’s mid-tower cases are sold out. The inventory, the high price, and the monitor cost nearly 20,000 yuan for the whole machine. Even so, the channels of Jingdu, Shanghai, and Shenzhen Ershu gradually ushered in the peak of sales.

Due to Jiaming and Xingsheng's small tricks, Tesla's national sales channels have been cut off, but seeing huge benefits are in front of them, can these two companies still sit still?


December 19, six o'clock in the evening. Zhonghai Electronics Mall Management Office.

Zhao Song sat behind the desk, and Sister Dada sat in front of the desk, staring at each other like a pair of vindictive siblings!

"I want TPOD, I want Innosilicon, I want Energy Star power supply!"

"Take money in exchange!"

"Want money? Jiaming has plenty, as long as you take out some Tesla shares..."

"Sister, you are so beautiful!"

The eldest sister's face turned red, "Everyone says so!"

"You think so beautifully!"


Zhao Song dodged the thrown pen and shrugged indifferently!

Sister Dada stared at Zhao Song, and suddenly smiled, "There are still 6 days until the global launch of Rambus, 12 days before the payment date of Tesla and Elpida, and 15 days before Toshiba's! Zhao Song, You are doomed! Even if PC 133 survives, relying on Tesla’s channel, there is not so much time for you to release the goods!”

"You figured me out quite clearly!" Let Song stand up and walk to the window, pointing to the bustling scene at the Tesla counter outside, "How do you say that?"

"You don't have time! You don't have any supply either!" Sister Dada stretched out a finger, "Give me the goods, and I'll exchange them with ASUS motherboards and Maxtor hard drives!"

"If you want the goods, exchange them with Jiaming's remaining PC133 memory!"

"..." Sister Dada looked at Zhao Song with a worried expression in her eyes, this kid should not be dazed, "Yes!"

Zhao Song nodded, and took out his mobile phone while talking, "When will Jiaming's goods be put into storage, and when will Tesla's goods be handed over to you! Sister, I am scared by you!"


Ignoring the arrogant sister Da Da, Zhao Song walked out of the office door, ignored the noise in the market, and pressed the answer button: "Uncle Xingsheng, do you want the goods? The memory is for exchange!"


Fantasy building.

The bearded man looked at the beautiful secretary with a gloomy expression.

Uneasy twisting her body with amazing curves, the beautiful secretary said anxiously: "Since Zhao Song's press release was released yesterday, there have been a lot of negative news on the Internet. Sales of Tianxi series PCs, which are mainly for the home market, have declined. obvious."

"What did the PR department say?"

"I put some soft texts out, but the effect is not great!"

The bearded man suddenly felt anger welling up in his heart. He lowered his head and thought for a while before saying, "Record!"

The beautiful secretary quickly twisted and took out a sketch pen.

"It is understandable that electronic products have bugs, but how to define the scope of BUG? Who defines it?

Only by clearly defining the quality of products, the responsibilities of manufacturers (agents) and users in the form of law, can the sovereignty of consumers of IT products be maintained.

Just publish it in this way! "

The beautiful secretary nodded, "Director, will the new product launch tomorrow as scheduled?"

"On schedule! Tell the following, the announcement must be done well!"

"But INTEL's warning..."

The bearded man waved his hand and interrupted the beautiful secretary, "Get out."

The door closed, and silence returned to the room.

After a long time, a male voice rang out, "Is it worth it? Including our negative news, the loss is huge!"

The bearded man solemnly took out a document bag and handed it to the person sitting on the sofa, "President, apart from that industrial base, Tesla's most valuable is here!" The bearded man took out a few documents and handed them over, " There are more than 120 sets of chassis shape patents and 30 sets of structural patents. I don’t know if they will be as popular as Frozen, but Zhao Song has been keeping them secret and I think he must have his ideas!”

Yang Qing browsed the information carefully, and after a while, he stood up, patted the shoulder of the bearded man, and walked out the door!


In this day and age, don't listen to what a businessman says, let alone trust a businessman's promises!

All about money! If you have money, you are the father! The atmosphere brought up by the leader of a certain enterprise is eager for quick success and quick profit, each with his own ghosts, the whole society is like this!

If you survive, you will be ruthless!

this evening.

In the first half of the night, Jia Ming, led by the ruthless Zhao Rong, secretly pulled the truckloads of goods to the Tesla Industrial Base in Pyeongchang.

In the middle of the night, led by the ruthless Xingsheng, Xingsheng also sneakily pulled over a car of car accessories.

There is always some news about Tesla, and when the news is particularly big, Tesla's products are money!

We didn't take money to buy it, so it doesn't affect everyone's plans, and we can earn some money along the way, no problem!

As Xingsheng said, "We are both competitors and partners. Zhao Song, uncle will teach you another lesson today. It is the so-called strategy of attacking troops, followed by fighting with others, and then attacking the city... .”

What's more, Zhao Song and them verbally promised to keep it secret.

However, they seem to have forgotten that Zhao Song was taught by them. Can you believe what the businessman said?

Also this night.

Zhao Song seems to be a little different. He rides a bicycle to and from get off work these days, and sometimes he is reluctant to talk during the day, and his mind is always thinking about lingering and messy things! Cycling on the road sometimes stays for a while, letting the vehicle pass by tirelessly, it is very dangerous, who says it is not...

A car passed by him, Zhao Song leaned on the side of the road and listened, and was in a daze again.

"Hi!" A slim young girl got off the blue bird car and stood beside him, showing a bright smile, which caused the men around to swallow their saliva.

Zhao Song came back to his senses, looked at the blue bird going away, and waved his hand feebly, "Hi, Betty!"

Pointing to the back seat at 28 bars, Bai Li asked with a smile, "Take me a ride?"

Zhao Song looked at the sturdy back seat, then at the focused eyes around him, and nodded helplessly.

"Let's go!"

This time, Zhao Song didn't dare to be in a daze any longer, and carefully supported the handlebar of the bike, and rode slowly.

"I heard from my mother that you are very short of money now. If the difference is not much, may I lend you some?"

"how much do you have?"

"Deduct the money needed for the operation of the clubhouse, about two million or so."

"Keep it for yourself as a dowry."

"..." Betty pinched him from behind.

"Zhao Song, everyone is talking about you again now!"

"Say I'm Sabi?"

"..." Betty hesitated for a moment, and then said: "My mother said that your current situation is very dangerous and dangerous, but you still don't know how to repent, and you still go your own way!"

"Bai Li, I'm not Shabi! It's just that I didn't expect Pengcheng to be so ruthless, and I started to move a month in advance."

"One month?" Betty asked suspiciously.

"Well! I have a huge profit product that will be launched soon. If I launch it now, I don't need to speculate on memory, and I don't care who wins or loses in terms of memory standards. As long as Pengcheng can't sell the product, I will have enough funds to take care of everything. , no matter how many people he unites with!"


"So I have to think! I have to think!" Zhao Song parked his bicycle on the side of the road, "People have to grow up slowly, keep learning, think actively, think about life, think about the future, and think about the present!"

Bai Li looked at him ridiculously, "Zhao Song, when did you become a philosopher?"

Zhao Song seemed not to hear, and continued: "Fate is the master of half of our actions, but it leaves the other half or almost half at our disposal. As for fate, when our strength is not ready to resist fate, Fate will show its power. People can only be dragged away by fate as slaves of fate. In fact, the god of fate is a woman. If you want to overwhelm her and get her, you have to beat her and hate her , she would rather let those who acted like that conquer her than those who work in the cold!"


"Oh~" Zhao Song covered his head and looked at Bai Li angrily, "Why did you hit me?"

"Zhao Song, are you dazed?" Betty looked at him worriedly.

Zhao Song shook his head and sighed suicidally: "Get in the car and go back to school!"

Even if it is a month in advance, Tesla, who has no flaws, can not follow! If you don't follow, nothing will happen. The only regret is that you can't get Pengcheng.

He relies too much on his status as a reborn person!

"It's an accident for the flower growers. Could it be that my butterfly's wings can be flapped to the Americas? Those upstream companies are all playing hide and seek?"

There is no time, and if we can't get Pengcheng again, Tesla is really going to be doomed!

"Zhao Song, you have gray hair."


"Zhao Song, what did you mean by those words just now?"

"It means that I don't believe in my fate anymore. From now on, I have to rely on my true ability to do things!"

"Is there any more?"

"What's more... I took the hope from others and put it on my own. I have a group of partners, Ding Tao, Professor Zhou, Liao Yingzhu, etc... They are all crazy about the God of Destiny. This woman... I can only count on them now!"

Betty didn't understand, "What do you mean..."

The ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted Bai Li's words. Zhao Song glanced at the caller ID and finally showed a smile on his face, "It means that whoever wins and who loses is not sure!"

"Zhao Song, noise! ​​It's noise! ​​We found the reason!" Professor Zhou's ecstatic voice came from the phone, "Of course there is no problem with all the new machines that have just installed the system, but once they are used for too long, The more software you install, the more problems pop up!"

"Is it serious?" Zhao Song's voice trembled a little.

"It's the chip problem! All I820 motherboards that use the MTH chip may cause the MTH chip to misjudge the data transmission content when the noise of the computer system is too high, thus causing the computer system to crash, restart, or even damage the hardware. The data on the disc will be damaged.

Zhao Song, this is a chip-level error, and other technical means can only delay the outbreak time, which has no solution! "

After hanging up the phone, Bai Li saw Zhao Song's face getting redder and redder. After a long time, he let out a breath and said a word: "Fuck!"

This was discovered by Professor Zhou, this is what we discovered by ourselves, I did not cheat! I want to kill you!

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