Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 314 Zhao Song is very busy

It is also tens of millions of RMB to obtain PHS authorization from the island country WILLCOM. Tesla, UT Starcom, and ZTE Group are two completely different methods.

Tesla does not involve communication equipment such as base stations. Thanks to the listing of China Unicom, Tesla paid for Willcom to upgrade its technology, and not only allowed its own researchers to participate in it, but also obtained shared intellectual property rights.

That is to say, on the small SOC that will come out of the Fujitsu foundry in the future, it is very clean! Unprecedented and never-before-seen cleanliness, the IP core and authorization fee have been paid out long ago, and there will be no further fees in the follow-up.

It looks good, but it's not much better, because technically, it's just a landline phone.

A fixed-line telephone technology that occupies the communication frequency band of China Unicom and is destined to be eliminated!

However, with this technology, it is enough for the current Tesla! PHS does not need a license, and Zhao Song intends to create a mobile phone supply chain after launching PHS.

That's right, it's the supply chain, not the industrial chain, and now is not the future. A mobile phone can be assembled after a stroll in Huaqiang North.

Since 1998, the former Ministry of Information Industry and the former State Planning Commission issued "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Mobile Communication Industry", requiring that mobile phone production must be licensed to begin. All domestic companies that have obtained the first batch of licenses either OEM or lend their licenses to make money.

Engage in research and development? nonexistent! Tens of thousands of dollars can open a mold market, even if you spend several million, those Taiwanese and foreign-funded enterprises will not do it for you!

Now, the TCL mobile phone business department that wants to do research and development has found the Wuming factory, right?

This is also the reason why Zhao Song has always been displeased with the Gulf-funded enterprises. The bloody capital reality makes these Gulf capitalists perform to the fullest!

If anyone dares to say that a Taiwanese-funded enterprise is a flower planting enterprise in front of Zhao Song, Zhao Song can pooh his face as a flower planting enterprise? Can those lithography machines in Wanji Electronics be used for my research? Can you take a look?

Now Zhao Song's structure is so small.


Get on PHS and make more money. We can see one thing or two from the photo of the century in another time and space: at a reception, Comrade Wu Ge, the boss of UT Starcom, with his left arm around the penguin pony and his right hand around the old horse of Ali’s father. Like a big brother persuading two angry little daughters-in-law.

Zhao Song intends to rely on the unique Shenzhou technology to prepare silently before the Ministry of Information Industry completely paves the way for PHS, and then just watch Starcom and ZTE toss.

In the office of the president of Pacific Shenzhou, Zhao Song looked at the two men who looked like they were thinking, and thought wildly for a while.

Li Pei looked away from the thick documents and looked at Zhao Song in shock. While Tesla was speculating on memory and paying for Elpida and Toshiba, there was also a research and development expenditure of tens of millions. How big a heart is this?

"Mr. Zhao, PHS is not a small risk before the country has a clear statement?"

Zhao Song nodded and looked at Li Bowei, "Uncle Li, look for the relationship between China Unicom and the telecom company. We need to know some inside information in advance."

Li Bowei nodded yes.

Only then did Zhao Song say to Li Pei: "Until there is no clear news from PHS, Shenzhou will not rush into the PHS project, and I will not make any decisions that will harm the interests of the majority of shareholders."

Li Pei's expression froze, and he nodded sternly.

Zhao Song smiled, didn't say anything, let go of his crossed hands, then stood up and said: "Then don't disturb your work, if there is anything, let's call."


Zhao Song's day was very busy, even Xiao Yu who was already on vacation acted as his assistant temporarily, what time did he do, where did he go, it was clearly written in Xiao Yu's notebook.

Walking out of the Pacific Building, Zhao Song took Xiao Yu to the opposite Zhong Hai.

At this time, Dianhai West Road has long since lost its usual hustle and bustle. There are sparse pedestrians and scattered vehicles, most of which are heading for the Pacific Ocean. As for Zhonghai, it has been closed for a week.

Looking at Zhong Hai who was already blocked by the fence, and seeing Xu Youcai who was accompanied by Qin Hai outside the fence with a painful expression on his face, Zhao Song walked forward with a smile.

"Uncle Xu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting!"

Xu Youcai shook his head indifferently, "Just arrived!"

Then he said painfully: "I said Zhao Song, according to your posture, I don't think 3 million can't beat Zhong Hai's renovation this time!"

Zhao Song smiled, "Uncle Xu, those who have made a budget, if it is not enough, someone will take responsibility."

Xu Youcai nodded, looked at the busy construction workers, and said worriedly, "Zhao Song, how sure are you of your idea?"

"Uncle Xu, if you can't earn back the 3 million within two years, can I add it to you?"

Xu Youcai shook his hands quickly, and said with a smile: "That's fine, as long as you work on the demolition of Zhonghai! Speaking of which, Zhao Song of Zhonghai is working as the project manager under my hands, and it has made me look good in the past two days! 3 million can Can't buy these!"

Zhao Song laughed dumbly, "Success, I'll keep you in front of me."

After hearing Zhao Song's words, Xu Youcai couldn't keep the smile on his face. He put his arms around Zhao Song's shoulders and walked half a circle along Zhonghai under construction.

"Zhao Song, what will this thing look like after it's rebuilt?"

Didn't I show you the renderings? Zhao Song looked at Xu Youcai in amazement, and said, "The combination of antiquity and technology, the collision of tradition and modernity! After the renovation, the big bungalow in Zhonghai will become an ancient palace, which complements the antique West Gate of Beijing University. It is Zhongguancun with modern high-rise buildings, and it has established our unique style and characteristics!"

Having said that, Zhao Song cleared his throat, continued to smile and said, "Uncle Xu, when Zhonghai is rebuilt, it might become a landmark building in Zhongguancun!"

"Then I'll be waiting for that day!" Xu Youcai said with a smile, and then looked at his watch, "Okay, tonight is a big day for your company, and you are busy! I won't bother you!"


The big day is Tesla's annual meeting, and this is also the first time Zhao Song appeared in front of the whole company.

Seeing Xu Youcai go away in the big Lincoln, Qin Hai came to Zhao Song's side, "Zhao Song, eat something to fill your stomach first, the time is almost up."

Zhao Song nodded and walked to the beef noodle restaurant not far away.


At the same time, in the Pingchang Tesla Industrial Park, Factory Building No. 9, which had been built for a few days, had been transformed into a huge banquet scene. Gui Luyang was leading a group of young ladies to be busy.

Beside the modern stage that has already been built, a group of blond foreigners are nervously adjusting the equipment. Gui Luyang knows that it is a performing arts company that Zhao Song hired from abroad at a high price, and will provide Tesla at the annual meeting. Perform two shows.

At the gate of the park, more and more people wearing Haitianxiangyun uniforms gathered, like large light gray clouds floating on the land.

Tesla Technology Co., Ltd., the first annual meeting, entered the countdown.

I changed the way of writing a little bit, and roughly wrote Zhao Song's plan in advance, without pretense and without many pitfalls, and I was a little uncomfortable for a while. Feel sorry.

Two chapters today.

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