Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 315 Annual Meeting

Outside the gate of the Tesla park, more than a dozen buses were queuing up to unload people, and then, under the guidance of the factory staff, they walked to the No. 9 factory building in an orderly manner.

Colorful flags are fluttering, flowers are clustered, and countless banners with various welcome words are hung high.

The lively scene makes all the people who come here ignore the fact that this is still a big construction site.

Outside the factory area, countless melon-eating people in large residential areas are watching the excitement with relish.

"Mother Liu, your kid is so handsome in a Tesla uniform, why don't you see him wearing it?"

"Second Aunt, he usually wears overalls."

"I heard that Tesla was very generous this time, and pulled several cars of prizes!"

"Second Aunt, the time for generosity has passed. The Tesla with the least year-end bonus has been paid an extra month's salary, and Tesla doesn't seem to play lottery. Those cars are all that music player, whether they participate or not. Those who did not attend the annual meeting will have one."

Suddenly, a bank escort vehicle slowly passed by them, and the scene slowly quieted down. Then, the bus came down one after another, and the girls in Haitianxiangyun style windbreakers lined up in two rows. Walked into the Tesla Industrial Park in a mighty manner.

"This is so beautiful..."

There was a sudden silence at the scene.


On a bus lined up, a young girl with a ball head was looking out the window excitedly.

"Bai Li, look at the trench coats of those female staff, they are so beautiful."

"That's the exclusive uniform of Tesla's customer service department, and Zhao Song specially ordered it for them."

"Bai Li, is the escort car loaded with cash or gold? Also, how much money does Zhao Song have?"

"I don't know, he didn't say."

Betty tilted her head cutely, and said, "When Shenzhou is listed, we will probably know how many there are."

"Bai Li, look quickly, who is that group, why can't they walk out of order? The one at the beginning is so handsome."

Bai Li glanced outside, and said with a smile: "Tesla executives, Ding Tao is the leader. Like Zhao Song, he is also a legend of Zhong Hai! Hao Ying, do you want to introduce me?"

Hao Ying looked at Ding Tao curiously, and asked, "I've heard of him, Betty, does he really only have a high school degree?"

Xizi, who was sitting in the front seat of the two of them, turned her head at this moment, and said seriously: "It really only has a high school degree! And Tesla is the high-tech company with the lowest average education level in Zhongguancun, not even a college degree."

Bai Li added next to him: "Hao Ying, don't underestimate him because of his low education. He works seven days a week and has two evening classes every night. After class, he has to complete the homework assigned by the professor of Peking University. The entire Tesla management is well organized.

Not only him, but almost the entire Tesla executives are like this. "

Hao Ying looked at Bai Li and asked blankly, "What's the point of living like this?"

"Probably for something!" Xizi spread his hands, "In terms of earning money, it doesn't count as a year-end bonus. Just the Shenzhou shares that Zhao Song gave him sold for more than 100,000 yuan."

At this time, the handsome man sitting in the front row stood up, clapped his hands and shouted: "Everyone, bring your passes and get off in order. There are too many people outside, so don't run around!"

"Oh~" The bus immediately boiled over, the company's annual meeting, the members of the clubhouse were meeting for the first time, and everyone was extremely excited.

"Look, Zhao Song is here."

Members of a family who just got out of the car followed the sound and immediately found Zhao Song who was chatting with Tesla executives.

Different from the usual smile when getting along with them, Zhao Song at this time has a completely serious expression on his face.

Hao Ying tugged at the corner of Beli's clothes, "Bai Li, how many employees does Tesla have?"

"In Kyoto, there are almost 2,500 people."

Hao Ying opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

The bag boy once sold chocolates, collected flowers, worked as a second landlord, and drove a black car. It is said that his experience in Zhongguancun could make a TV series. In just one and a half semesters of college life, he experienced I have experienced things that others have not experienced in a few years.

Since when did the gap between them become so wide?

That nagging brother, I dare not even mention him now.

Besides, my face is almost swollen into a ball!


"Professor Zhou and the others haven't come yet?" Looking at the group of executives, Zhao Song asked suspiciously.

Gui Luyang said helplessly: "If you don't come, no matter how much you persuade me, you won't come."

Zhao Song looked at Ding Tao upon hearing this.

Spreading his hands, Ding Tao said softly, "Not only Professor Zhou, but the entire design department are too embarrassed to come here."

Zhao Song nodded, raised his hand and glanced at his watch, "The time is almost up, let's go in first."


Ten minutes later, when Zhao Song led the crowd into Factory No. 9, the noisy scene suddenly fell silent.

Mr. Zhao Song waved and greeted everyone with a smile, browsed the entire venue casually, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Numerous neatly arranged round tables are covered with tablecloths themed with the Tesla logo. In the middle of the round tables, Tesla's tpod is placed like a hill.

The temporary stage did not look rushed, and the lighting, sound and layout were comparable to any professional stage.

What satisfied Zhao Song the most was that all the people in the uniform of Haitian Xiangyun at the meeting looked full of energy and high morale.

Those part-time college students in school uniforms are also full of vitality.

Sitting around the first row of round tables with a group of senior executives according to their nameplates, Zhao Song took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, put his head down and played with it for a while before calling out a number.

"Mr. Zhou, the unsatisfactory design progress is an objective reason. It's good to come over for the annual meeting and relax!"

"..." Professor Zhou was silent for a while on the phone, and then said: "Fujitsu's joint tape-out plan has been sent to us. If we can't make it in February, we will have to wait until May!"

Zhao Song frowned when he heard the faint cough coming from the phone, and said softly, "Teacher Zhou, I can afford to wait!"

"We can't afford to wait!" Professor Zhou amplified his voice, "Your subordinates will also get impatient, Zhao Song, have you considered the pressure you will face then?"

"..." Zhao Song pondered for a while, "Pay attention to your health, I will go to see you after the annual meeting!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Song glanced at his watch, and Ding Tao, who wanted to sit beside him, nodded.

Ding Tao immediately gestured to the side of the stage.

"Boom~" The drumbeat sounded, and the audience fell silent.

"Boom~" The venue lights went out.

"Boom~" The stage lights were shining everywhere, the smoke was shrouded, and a figure slowly rose with the elevator.

"Oh baby baby..."

"Ah~ it's Britney!" screamed.

No host, no opening remarks, Tesla's independent annual meeting officially begins!

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