Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 316 The annual meeting is in progress

"Is the annual meeting about to start?"

In a coffee shop in Berea, California, America, Liu Cong saw off a middle-aged blond man, and immediately flicked through the operations on the laptop connected to the network cable before taking out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Is the annual meeting about to start?"

Outside the No. 9 factory building, Shi Ming listened to the noisy voice inside, and said softly: "It's coming, there are still a few minutes."

"Is the boss very nice?"

"..." Shi Ming pursed his lips, "I'm not in a good mood."

"..." On the phone, Liu Cong was also silent for a while before talking about the business, "I got the full set of design ideas for EVGA's flagship 815 motherboard, and I have already sent it to you."

If there is any company that can compete with ASUS in board design, it can only be evga, the number one board manufacturer in the United States in the future.

Shi Ming nodded, and said calmly: "I will tell the boss, and, according to the design information you sent earlier, we have already made a sample."

"How about it?"

"Okay!" Shi Ming paused, and said again; "Very good!"

"Shi Ming!" Liu Cong amplified his voice, "When will your board department be able to design independently? Do you know how much we spent for this set of materials that are about to become outdated!"

"No one!" Shi Ming also amplified his volume, "It's not that we can't recruit PCB design talents, it's that we don't have them at all! The boss has tried everything, and now we can only rely on the IC design department to support the training."

"Where's Yuan Wu?"

"He's going to come back a month or two late. Let's see if he can bring back two basic designers from Pegatron." Shi Ming thought for a while, and then asked, "Liu Cong, how is the American side?"

"No way!" Liu Cong replied decisively: "The global PCB business is shifting to Asia, and EVGA's design headquarters will soon be relocated to Wanwan. The high wages here are not something we Tesla can afford. !" Liu Cong paused, gritted his teeth and continued, "I'll look for it again!"

After hanging up the phone, Shi Ming heard the sound of "咚咚咚~" coming from the venue, and took a look at the row of Volkswagen cars parked in the center of the park, and walked in quickly.


There was no annual summary, no message for the future, and no speech from the leader. As soon as Tesla's first annual meeting opened, an international superstar came up "boom boom boom".

As soon as Britney Spears appeared on the stage, the atmosphere of the audience was immediately detonated. Countless people stood up, applauded, twisted their bodies, and screamed loudly following the dynamic rhythm.

While excited, perhaps because of the leader's instructions, under the lens of multiple cameras in the audience, everyone maintained enough restraint and only had fun in the area of ​​​​the round table to which they belonged.

Hopping up and down, Hao Ying, her face flushed, leaned close to Bai Li's ear, and said loudly, "How could he find Britney?"

Betty just stood up following the crowd, listening to the song quietly, and smiled slightly when she heard the words, but didn't answer.

At that time, Xizi who was next to him said loudly: "He said that there is no money that can't be done in Western countries. If it can't be done, it's only because you don't give enough!"

Pointing to the big blonde beauty on the stage, Xizi then shouted: "This is the result of having enough money!"

"Great!" Hao Ying gave a thumbs up.

Tesla = International Superstar! If anyone dares to sing "Tracker's Love" on stage, Zhao Song will beat him to death!

Most departments of the company do not have holidays during the Chinese New Year. In addition to inviting international superstars to a high-end performance to let everyone relax, the more important role of this annual meeting is for the outside world to see.

‘British Spears attended Tesla’s annual meeting! '

'Britney logged into Florist. '

Even if the news only mentions Britney's name, the big 'T' behind her will never be avoided!

“Hit me baby one more time~”

After Britney sang the last line of this famous song, she quickly returned to the backstage, and then, under the protection of a group of bodyguards, she left the No. 9 factory building.

Sitting under the stage, Zhao Song curled his lips, this woman is such a big air, for her fame, she can only suffer. But this time the contract is not over yet, within one year, this mad bitch has to wear Tesla's silk scarf and appear in public at least three times, one of which must include the Grammy red carpet!

This measure will also spread to Hollywood in the United States in the future. He will keep an eye on the release plan of Hollywood's new films every year. If he has heard of it, he will find the name of the main creator. If he has not heard of it, he will throw it aside! Zhao Song is not a die-hard movie fan, so he can't remember the names of so many foreigners.

Tesla's brand building has been fully launched under Zhao Song's actions.


After Britney left, Factory No. 9 seemed to be the stage of Central Music. All the shows that had been performed at Tesla in Xidan were reproduced, which feasted the eyes of all the employees of the industrial park who had never seen it.

After the violin solo performance in the fourth program, the lights in the hall suddenly turned on and became brightly lit, and the stage was cleared by some staff.

Ding Tao nodded to Zhao Song, and then walked slowly towards the stage. On the other side, a few long-legged girls also pushed a small cart covered with red cloth to the center of the stage.

Ding Tao, a handsome boy who used to blush, now looks like a general. He stood quietly in the center of the stage, waiting for the staff to set up the microphone.

"So handsome!"


In the audience, a part-time female student couldn't help shouting out, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Ding Tao also smiled, took two steps forward, and came to the side of the microphone.

"First of all, I would like to thank my colleagues for their hard work and dedication in the past year. Here, on behalf of the company owner, Mr. Zhao Song, I would like to wish everyone an early year!"


There was a burst of cheers from the audience.

On table No. 1, Xiao Yu tugged at the corner of Zhao Song's clothes, and asked in a low voice, "Why is he representing you, won't you come up for a while to pay New Year's greetings?"

Zhao Song resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and whispered back: "It's just an opening! And he prayed for me, so I won't be in trouble soon."

"Oh!" After listening to Zhao Song's words, Xiao Yu nodded seriously, making Li Linna who was sitting next to her almost laugh out loud.

"Tesla's rapid development is inseparable from the hard work of everyone, and it is inseparable from the outstanding performance of some outstanding employees. Now, all of our Tesla management will award these employees who have made special contributions."

Following Ding Tao's voice, Gui Luyang, Shi Ming, Qiao Shan, Wen Zhenwen and others came to the stage one after another, stood beside the trolley, and then lifted off the red silk cloth together, revealing a hill-like of cash.

"Hiss~" There was a sound of gasping in the venue.

Ding Tao smiled slightly, took out a list from his pocket, and read it slowly.

"Lou Ming, an outstanding worker in the No. 1 SMT factory, put forward three suggestions for improving the process, which reduced the bending operations of a process group by at least 200 times on average, greatly improved production efficiency, and rewarded 10,000 yuan!"

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