Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 317: Zhao Song's Speech (Part 1)

"Hu Fang, an excellent employee of the customer service department, has brought more than one million projects to the company just by making daily return calls. At the same time, she is also a member of the company's customer service specification manual writing team and awarded 10,000 yuan. "

"Hiss~" The air-conditioning voice was getting louder and louder.

On a round table in the third row, several tall men sat around the mute Liu, listening to each name seriously.

"Brother Liu, why is the highest reward without you."

"Ah!" Mute Liu made a gesture to shut up.


"Lv Liang, an excellent employee of the quality inspection team of the industrial park, all the mid-tower cases that have passed through her hands have the least repair rate, and the reward is 5,000 yuan."

"Dong Xi, as a part-time job in the logistics department, the amount of orders completed is no less than that of a full-time employee, and the reward is 1,000 yuan!"

On a round table in the back row, all the members of a club looked at Xizi in surprise and admiration.

Following Ding Tao's introduction, all the singers were excited to watch the excellent employees step onto the stage, and then received the bright red cash from the executives.

There are one or two of these excellent employees in each department. Everyone knows that their salary rating and year-end bonus are different from others. In addition to the special rewards now, they earn more this month than many people earn in a year. Even more!

As Ding Tao read out more and more names, the cash on the cart became less and less. When all the executives were left with five stacks of cash in front of Wen Zhenwen, Ding Tao paused.

Looking at the names on the list, Ding Tao controlled the urge to grin, and read steadily.

"Zhou Wu, Manager of Tesla's Key Account Department, has worked hard and worked hard since accepting the new position. In just two months, he has achieved business income of more than 4 million yuan!"


After reading this, Ding Tao glanced at Zhao Song, who was expressionless, and Xiao Wu, who was in disbelief in the stands, and said with a smile: "In addition to the project commission, I will specially reward Manager Zhou Wu with 50,000 yuan."

Xiao Wu who walked onto the stage excitedly accepted the bonus from Wen Zhenwen, and then bowed facing the audience.

Zhao Song rolled his eyes covertly, but all the executives on the stage looked straight at him. Wen Zhenwen held back a smile, patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder, and said, "With your commission, buy a small apartment." There is a stair room, the boss said, if you want to buy it, buy it sooner.”

Xiao Wu's eyes were red, and he nodded seriously, "Thank you."

Ding Tao in the middle of the stage smiled, and said to the microphone: "Next, I invite Mr. Zhao Song to speak on stage."

In the warm applause, Zhao Song stood up, tidied his clothes, and walked onto the stage.

On the stage, everyone looked eagerly at this young man who had just turned 20 years old.

Is Zhao Song mysterious? No mystery!

As long as you go around Zhonghai, you will definitely see him.

If you are unlucky, stay at the gate of Xiagou Village, or take a walk around Youjia Square, you might see him too.

But many people at the scene had a feeling of incomprehensibility towards this little boss.

I heard that he is the best product manager, the best advertising planner, and even the top creative director in Zhongguancun. Countless companies and companies are frantically studying his various planning and product cases.

I heard that many foreign investment banks that only invest in Internet companies want to establish contact channels with this young man. In the financial department of the company, there are so many investment terms that a cabinet cannot be filled.

It is said that……

They have heard a lot, and they are looking forward to what kind of figure the financial media will estimate the young man's worth when Shenzhou goes public.

This was the first time he stood in a public place, and everyone at the scene looked at Zhao Song on the stage seriously.


Looking at the quiet venue and the dense crowd, Zhao Song took a deep breath, suppressed his violently throbbing heartbeat, and then spoke slowly.

"For me, a real annual meeting is to charter a few planes and then fly to a place with blue sky, white clouds, sea, and sandy beaches.

There are no bustling vehicles, no pedestrians in a hurry, only the sky and the earth, and us in between. "

Having said this, Zhao Song laughed, and then said loudly.

"So, today, it shouldn't be the annual meeting, but just a small summary meeting, and more, it's a prospect for the future!"

In the audience, everyone listened carefully to Zhao Song's speech, and smiled knowingly when they heard his description of the real annual meeting.

"Before I get to the point, I have to complete the last two commendations." Zhao Song raised his head and said solemnly: "I want to thank my executives, they are always working hard to complete my various willful decisions!

It is also because of them that I can participate in the memory war without any worries, and get 80% of the high profits of the entire upstream and downstream!

Therefore, the first commendation is given to them, each with a Passat B5! "

"Wow~" Countless people in the audience couldn't help but exclaimed, staring at Zhao Song on the stage dumbfounded.

With both hands pressed down, Zhao Song continued.

"Some people say that Tesla is the high-tech company with the lowest average education in Zhongguancun, but I want to say that, given us a while, Tesla's executives and many employees will receive various certificates of completion. These are all The fruit of their hard work day and night! They, and you, deserve it!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Song paused, "Speaking of this, there is one thing I want to emphasize! That is, Tesla values ​​ability, and also values ​​education!"

For the current Tesla, academic qualifications are equivalent to ability, and Tesla has no time for latecomers without academic qualifications to show their abilities.

"The second commendation is for two people, and their prizes are two sets of two-bedroom elevator rooms in the Shangdi area!"

"Wow~" Many people stood up in disbelief, the elevator room, the two-bedroom apartment, they might not be able to buy it with the money they saved for a lifetime, and now, Zhao Song gave it away like this.

Seeing the reactions of the employees off the field, Zhao Zhong smiled imperceptibly, there is no lottery, only rewards, Tesla employees don't need luck!

At a certain round table in the first row, many people sat up straight and stared at Zhao Song on the stage with burning eyes. Only Song Guanyi leaned stiffly on the back of the chair. The eye circles slowly turned red.

On the side, Song Guanyi's virtuous wife noticed his strangeness and quickly grabbed his hand.

"Old Song, what's wrong with you?"

Song Guanyi opened his mouth, and stammered, "Guifang, a... two days ago, my old...boss asked me for an ID card."

After hearing this, Gui Fang had a premonition and looked at Zhao Song in disbelief.

"The first person, Song Guanyi!"

Zhao Song called out Song Guanyi's name loudly, and then glanced at Wei Fang in the first row without any trace.

I will give you as much as you pay! As for the shares?

Tesla, it's mine!

Two chapters today

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