Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 322 New Year's Eve (Part 2)

There is a clubhouse, the big and long table is full of delicacies from mountains and seas.

The plate is very chic, it looks like a work of art!

Zhao Song had only seen pictures of these things on the Internet in his previous life, and most of them were made of stone...

The sound of firecrackers outside the door became louder and louder, but the clubhouse was very quiet. The people sitting around the table stared at the whole table with dull eyes, silent.

Uncle Lu, who was sitting on the main seat, filled his small cup with white wine silently, and sighed: "The eight treasures in the capital, they have lived a lifetime, and they can eat them when they are old."

"Three things are missing, and I used Zhongbazhen instead." Zhao Song said modestly, greeted with a bunch of supercilious eyes.

Wen Lihua's ex-husband, Uncle Jiang, who approved business in Beijing, asked strangely: "Zhao Song, are these things not easy to do?"

Zhao Song scratched his head and said, "Tesla's executive director used to be an office director."

"Oh!" Except for Xiao Yu and the two Youjia members, the whole table suddenly realized! The director of the office, the creature with the most magical characteristics in the flower planter, can get all kinds of weird things. Zhao Song thinks that if you find the office director at Dada's brother-in-law, maybe the eight treasures in the capital can really get you all.

While talking, the sound of firecrackers outside was loud, and a moment later, Ding Tao, who was holding incense, came into the room. After he sat down, Uncle Lu said: "It's been a long time since such a lively year, Zhao Song, say Two sentences."

"Say it, say it!" Zhao Song waved his hands quickly, seeing everyone's eyes on this side, he stood up embarrassedly holding the cup.

"In the past year, because of all of you, I have been very happy every day!" Zhao Song said seriously, with a happy smile on his face, then pointed to the big teapot on the stove, and continued: " The new year is coming, I wish you all to be like me every day, happy like a teapot on the stove, although the little butt is burning hot, but still happily whistling, with happy little bubbles!"

As he spoke, Zhao Song raised the wine glass in his hand and said loudly, "I wish you all a happy new year and all your wishes come true!"

"Happy New Year!"



If there was anything that everyone couldn't let go of before, with Zhao Song's amusing words of blessing, all restraints were released at this time. They all raised their chopsticks.

Zhao Song spit out the hump meat in his mouth calmly, and put it on Lian Shun's dinner plate. This elder brother has good teeth, and the meat that can't be chewed or chewed is put into his mouth. It was gone.

"Brother!" Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes.

"Hey~" Zhao Song sneered, "That's all about these things, it's not as good as home-cooked food."

"What do you know, kid?" Uncle Lu glanced at Zhao Song, "Bazhen, what you're talking about is their nutritional value, not their taste." After finishing speaking, Uncle Lu swallowed something in his mouth with difficulty. Then he quickly took a sip of white wine.

"Pfft~" Wen Lihua couldn't help laughing, and stood up, "I'm going to fry some peanuts, seafood doesn't go well with wine."

Bazhen was not just about meat, it was really embarrassing for her to let Xiao Yu cook all the food. Seeing other people eating non-meat food with gusto, Xiao Yu just turned cloudy, and Zhao Song also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The bell rang at 8 o'clock, and the sound of firecrackers outside became more and more similar, even covering the sound of the New Year's Gala.

Everyone ate food, drank wine, watched the party and chatted, and the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

Uncle Jiang and Zhao Song had a drink, and asked, "Zhao Song, what are your plans for the next year? The company inspected it a year ago. If you hadn't been in the limelight because of the Shenzhou incident, the distribution might have stopped for you!" "

Zhao Song said after a mouthful of food: "One month after the new year, one kilometer should cover the Xiaohe area."

"How many?"

"No less than ten. I know two big brothers. They are old houseworms besides their jobs. They are helping to find them."

What Zhao Song was talking about was Fatty and the son of Old Wang next door, Xiao Wang next door.

"Wait!" Uncle Jiang was stunned for a moment, then quickly asked, "Do you want to buy it?"

"Of course I bought it!" Zhao Song nodded his head as a matter of course, "If it's not hard-earned money, why give it to the landlord!"

"Ten convenience stores... plus real estate..." Uncle Jiang looked at Zhao Song incomprehensibly, "You might as well be a supermarket."

"Just make a convenience store!" Zhao Song Dayi said awe-inspiringly: "I want to stand up for the last mile of the people in Kyoto!"

"I don't understand you!" Uncle Jiang shook his head, and then asked again: "I heard from Lihua, isn't your Tesla a place where money is spent? Why do you still have money to take care of one kilometer?"

"No need for Tesla's money!" Zhao Song shook his head and said, "During the Shenzhou stock reform, part of it was released, and when it goes public, some will be released as required."

Uncle Jiang came to his senses. As a middle-level cadre of a public institution, he is of course a person with good physique. He must have heard about the looting of Shenzhou's original stock a few days ago. Besides, Zhao Song asked him if he wanted to come. .

After thinking silently for a while, he blushed and drank a cup of wine.

"Compared to those people on the rich list, you are a veritable billionaire!" Uncle Jiang sighed.

Zhao Song grinned, and said with a strange expression: "There are quite a few people who follow to get rich."

"Otherwise, you can still sit here and eat the New Year's Eve dinner with peace of mind?" At this time, Wen Lihua came over with a plate of fried peanuts, and looked at Zhao Song angrily: "There is too much money, spend it early!"

Zhao Song nodded gratefully. He understood what Aunt Wen meant, and he was not talking about Xiagou Village, but for his own sake.

"There is a plan." Zhao Song filled Wen Lihua's wine glass, "By this time next year, according to your range of activities, you can see it for a kilometer wherever you go."

Now the intermediary market is very chaotic, but there are two local snakes, both old house bugs, who still find a house and get a share of the money. Zhao Song has no doubts about the explosive energy of the dead fat man and Xiao Wang next door.

"Dianhai District?"

"Dianhai District plus Pingchang District."

Wen Lihua nodded, raised her wine glass, "To the future landlord."

Zhao Song pulled Uncle Jiang and raised his glass, "Let's do it together!"

Wen Lihua hesitated for a moment, then lightly clinked Uncle Jiang's wine glass before gulping it down.

Zhao Song laughed, stood up and shouted loudly: "Let's go, let's set off the fireworks!"


Two Iveco fireworks, I watched those rich people set them off in my previous life, but in this life, Zhao Song set them off by himself!

In the past, Zhao Song would do all the things he envied and envied in his life.

On the lively New Year’s Eve in Xiagou Village, Zhao Song’s fireworks made the night very beautiful, as if it became a sea of ​​flowers, colorful, and also reflected the smiling faces of the onlookers.

"Fire trees and silver flowers are never in the night, fireworks are flying to welcome the New Year!" Zhao Song muttered to himself, greeted everyone, and then shouted at Xiao Yu: "Xiao Yu, it's time to celebrate the New Year!"

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