Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 324 The research team is short of money

In terms of enterprises driving scientific research, Huawei and ZTE have made a good start.

Of course, flower growers have talents, and there are many top talents. It seems that there is Mr. Lin Guojie, who is still in his prime. He used to be the vice president of a large foreign semiconductor company.

Under the Wassenaar Agreement, Chinese engineers are not allowed to hold major positions in European and American semiconductor companies. One can imagine how capable such a person must be.

But Zhao Song can't dig it out, can the dean of the Academy of Planting Flowers come to Tesla?

But regardless of the nature of the enterprise, it is only compared with Mr. Ren of Huawei.

Mr. Ren is married.

Zhao Song is not married.

Mr. Ren has a wife, who is quite amazing!

Zhao Song is not married.

Mr. Ren can go to the research institute to recruit people.

Zhao Song is not married!

As the government's son, BOE began to lay out the LCD market as early as two or three years ago. How did they implement the talent strategy?

Let it out!

Because there is no money to support them!

Put them in Huaqing, put them back in major research institutes, and even sent a few to study in island countries.

Zhao Song...... is not married.

There are so many research institutes across the country that involve so many integrated circuits, the number of strategic projects that start with 9 characters, 5 characters, and other messy ones is countless!

Random digging is no good, digging a hole will be troublesome.

For joint research and development, Zhao Song didn't even know if these scientific research institutions had time.

The above is the integrated circuit industry.

Old Man Wei took a sip of tea leisurely, glanced at Zhao Song, and then took another sip of tea.

"You don't need high-end talents, because Professor Zhou is competent enough to be the leader of the project. You have talents who have just graduated, but it takes a certain amount of time to cultivate them!"

Having said that, Mr. Wei stretched out his finger and pointed at Zhao Song, "To put it bluntly, you just want the technical backbone that you can get started with as soon as you come, so there must not be one! Even if there is, no one can give it to you!"

"The flower in the south is..."

"You Tesla needs Huawei to insist on R\u0026D experience for so many years, and I will support you!" Mr. Wei nodded affirmatively, "But not now, it's okay to break away from the system, I'm afraid those people will be abandoned by you who gave up halfway. Private enterprises have been cheated!"

Mr. Wei sighed, "Is this kind of thing rare in these years?"

Zhao Song lowered his head and said nothing.

This is an era that is more and more about money, and the impetuous mentality of the technology industry is becoming more and more popular. He dares to promise that he will carry out research and development in a down-to-earth manner, but someone has to believe it!

Before any R\u0026D results, with only one Professor Zhou and a group of brats, anyone would think that Tesla was playing some gimmick! These days, are there still few people who cheat the state subsidy with this thing?

"Uncle, the head of the Institute of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, can you give me an introduction?" After a moment of silence, Zhao Song asked cheerfully.

"You still don't give up?"

"No! I remember that in the past two years, Youxi City has implemented a weekend engineer plan, which is to let those experts who have other tasks go to them to do research and development on weekends."

"That's right!" Mr. Wei praised, "A very good idea!"

Zhao Song licked his face and leaned closer, and said cautiously: "Tesla has a training class at the Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering. We don't need experts to help with research and development. When you are free, just come and take classes!"

"..." Mr. Wei pondered, and after a long time, he opened his mouth slowly: "There is a research group under the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They plan to use enterprises as the main body to conduct research and development, but there is a problem with funding. "

Zhao Song's right hand shook, and he swallowed, "Uncle, what's the name of the research group?"



When the New Year's bell just rang, Zhao Song ate two mouthfuls of dumplings, and under the reluctant eyes of Xiaobawang, he dragged Xiaoyu away.

Outside, the sound of firecrackers was loud, and inside the villa, because of the departure of the two young people, it became much deserted.

The brother-in-law and his father, Mr. Wei, sat facing each other.

Da Da's brother-in-law hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "He deserves the money from the Shenzhou stock reform! Zhao Song earned the money from Tesla's memory speculation!"

Said, brother-in-law Wei Liang leaned down and looked at his father, "At that time, everyone thought that Zhao Song was going to die!"

Mr. Wei nodded, "Ten million is a lot to others! But to him, it's not much at all, not to mention taking advantage of him for nothing, the corresponding shares will not be less, and you can buy it with peace of mind."

What's the use of the shares in that thing? Wei Liang looked at his father dumbfounded, and finally nodded helplessly and said, "Okay! I will explain it to him!"


The Spring Festival Gala ended in that Aunt Li's "Unforgettable Tonight", and the annual Internet Tucao Conference, which has gradually risen since then, has just begun.

Because of the Internet, the shortcomings of the Spring Festival Gala are infinitely magnified by netizens, and it becomes worse every year.

"It's booming and in a trance, except for "Selling Knocks", the rest is a lively scene. After the excitement is over, there is no impression at all!"

"Selling crutches is so funny, and down-to-earth, my grandpa is still happy!"

"There are a lot of satirical sketches in the Spring Festival Gala, and there are many good products among them, such as Ma Ji's "Universe Brand Cigarettes", Niu Qun's "Smart Names", Jiang Kun's "Elevator Adventure", in terms of quality, they are comparable to Zhao Benshan's "Selling Abductions They are comparable, but in terms of down-to-earth, "Selling Abductees" is definitely a well-deserved number one."

"Unfortunately, apart from "Selling Abductees" and "Insight", there are no other singing shows that are interesting. It's better to watch the clips of Tesla's annual meeting!"

"I'm going to watch the night tonight and revisit the clips from Tesla's annual meeting. This company is so majestic that it invited Britney here."

"The other programs of the annual meeting are also good. They are all full versions of various pop-ups from the Xidan Monkhai West Nanjing Road flagship store!"

"It's a pity that there is no video of the Twelve Girls Band. After watching that flash mob, I can't forget it."

"Gossip, I heard that the Twelve Women's Band will perform in Xinzhonghai after the New Year's Eve. The exact date has not yet been determined!"

"Upstairs, where is Xinzhonghai?"

"The earliest electronics mall in Zhongguancun, Beijing, Tesla Zhao Song is also the manager of the management office there, and it is currently being refurbished."

"Will there be images of those girls by then?"

"Gossip, there may be a live broadcast at that time, and we are currently negotiating!"

"Why is it all gossip! I'm tired of watching the video. Are there any netizens who play "Legend"? Two new servers will be opened tonight, and those who start the movie will hurry up!"

"Idiots only go to the new server, and the verdict explosion rate in the old district has risen sharply tonight!"

"Three groups of attacking sand are assembled!"

"The Dragon Walking World Guild is recruiting! Lots of benefits, lots of girls!"

"Everyone, I am digressing. By the way, what is "Legend"?"

"Go back upstairs, "Legend" is a legal place to fight!"

"I would like to ask everyone a question. Apart from newspaper kiosks and Internet cafe alliances, where can I buy a monthly subscription card, and the fee will be charged from next month. I have nothing in this small county!"

"It is estimated that the Internet cafes in your county are applying. Now that "Legend" is so popular, not only "Dragon" is no longer played, but "Magic Baby" has lost a lot of people. Just wait, there are too many people applying to join the Internet cafe alliance now!"

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