Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 325 Crazy Joe and TPOD

On this New Year's Eve, "Legend" appeared on other topics for the first time. This online game, which has been in trial operation for a month and a half, is slowly showing its due power.

Judgment, bless oil, attack sand and defend sand, PK, city lord!

Some inexplicable words slowly appeared in the topics of many netizens, "Legend" is really popular!

The fire came suddenly and without warning.

This New Year, not only Zhao Song's Tesla will not have a holiday, but Chen Qiao's Shanda will also not have a holiday.

In this life, thanks to Zhao Song's investment and Chen Qiaokong's skillful skills, the 50-person call center was established before "Legend" was officially in operation.

From morning to night, the consultation line is busy 24 hours a day.

The 50 sets of servers in Shanghai are full, and the 30 sets of servers in Jiangzhong are full. Before February 1, the new 50 sets of servers in Shenzhen City will also be set up.

The charging operation of "Legend" was a full month later than that of another time and space, but in terms of server size, it was more than twice as large.

Zhao Song, who was on his way home, didn't know that because of his excessive participation, many things around him were gradually accelerating.

It's as if he hates a Chinese scientist, which may slow down the progress of certain technologies.

Across the Pacific Ocean, America.

The New Year's Eve of the flower growers seems to have nothing to do with this place. As for the scenes of Chinese and overseas Chinese celebrating the New Year with foreign friends on TV, you may see it in Chinatown. Flower growers in other places do not have such a big influence now!

Apple Inc.

In the office, Crazy Joe looked at a pile of dismantled parts and a CD player on the table, and then asked blankly, "What is this big guy?"

A bald foreigner replied: "Nomad Jukebox, a hard disk MP3 player that Innovation Company has just exited! Steve, it seems we won't be able to grab the first place!"

"It looks much bigger than a CD player!" Crazy Joe said indifferently: "Have you evaluated it yet?"

The bald man nodded: "The super expensive price, exaggerated power consumption and portability are contrary to all the characteristics of the IPOD we are developing, and it has not caused much response in the market!"

"So." Crazy Joe looked at the pair of tiny parts, his eyes sparkled inexplicably, "Our future opponent is still this little thing!"

"It's very simple and primitive, and it's a compliment to say that it's crude!" Jobs looked at the round button of the TPOD on the desktop, and then said: "Except for its excellent appearance and sound quality, everything else is useless!"

"Steve, we checked at the National Patent Office. Regarding the appearance patent of the button, the application numbers of our two companies are early and late." The bald man shrugged, and then said: "I think, wait until the official patent comes out." On that day, some lawsuits between our two families were fought!"

"Steve." A tall and thin middle-aged man next to the bald head suddenly said: "Although Diamond won the MP3 copyright case, I believe that the Recording Industry Association will not let it go, and we paid real money to get the network Copyright, do you want to..."

Crazy Joe didn't reply, but asked another tall, thin middle-aged man: "Cook, how is the response of our ITUNES?"

Cook is a tall, thin, middle-aged man. He is currently the director of Apple's computer division.

Shaking his head, Cook said: "Itunes has been introduced to our MAC OS system for a week, and there has not been much fluctuation. After all, everyone is more willing to use free MP3!"

Crazy Joe looked at the bald man, "How long will it take for our IPOD?"

"According to the plan, it will be October at the earliest!"

"Then let our lawyers get ready and launch it in October. Don't give the flower grower any time to react! I hope that by then, only one player, the IPOD, will be sold in the American market!"


On January 24, the first day of the Lunar New Year, Tesla Industrial Park in Pyeongchang District.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, the door opened early, and two elderly men were carefully cleaning the dust and debris from the firecrackers that came from nowhere.

During the Chinese New Year, the surrounding areas of the Tesla factory were patrolled at all times to prevent anyone from firing cannons nearby.

"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Li, good morning!"

"Morning Director Gui!"

Following a few greetings, more and more people in Tesla work uniforms entered the factory area. The greetings and New Year's greetings were very lively and orderly.


In the material warehouse, a small PCB board that has been cut, together with countless other PCB boards, was transported to the No. 4 factory building by logistics trolleys one by one.

There, the previous lean PC assembly line was dismantled to the electronic park warehouse of Kyoto Electric Control Co., Ltd., and now it has become a complete SMT workshop.

8:00 sharp.

When the bell rang, a worker held the small PCB board in his hand, checked it over and over again, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, it was sent into the SMT machine and started to be placed.

The automation of the SMT production line is very high. There are 4 assembly lines in the entire No. 4 factory building, but the number of workers is less than 50. Their duty is to keep an eye on the machine all the time. Once there is any abnormality, they will stop the machine for inspection immediately. .

8:50 minutes.

The small PCB came into the hands of another worker. At this time, it was covered with capacitors and chips. The worker put it under the industrial magnifying glass for the last inspection.

Fortunately, the small PCB board was free of any flaws. It was carefully covered with a layer of shockproof film and put into a large packing box that was neatly stacked. Next to the packing box, there was a blue plastic box that covered the whole body. The small PCBs are half full, and these small PCBs can't find any flaws with the naked eye of ordinary people, but they are still abandoned here.


The small PCB board was reloaded onto the logistics vehicle, and 5 minutes later, it arrived at the No. 5 factory building.

There, sixteen conveyor belt assembly lines are ready to go, and each assembly line is full of people, which is completely opposite to the empty No. 4 factory building.

The electric switch has already been pulled down, and the assembly line is running non-stop. The workers in the material department took the small PCB out of the box and put it in a storage box. Many other accessories have been put in it early. , including a beautiful TPOD2 case.

The storage box was put on the conveyor belt, and after a short walk, a worker took it from the conveyor belt to the operating table and began to assemble it seriously.

The movements were unskilled, but they were serious and abnormal. Behind the worker, someone was checking him from time to time. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, he walked away again.


An assembled semi-finished product was repacked into the storage box, and then placed on the conveyor belt, the small PCB board disappeared, and became a beautiful TPOD2.


Zhao Song took a square box from Gui Luyang.

The packaging box is simple and compact, so simple that it has "no design"!

On the top surface, there is no text, only a black-gray plexiglass, with a fluorescent orange T on it, shining.

Four sides, two TPOD fonts and two TPOD photos, arranged in a staggered manner.

This is the packaging of the second-generation TPOD shulle. The meaning of "no design" can be expressed here: there is no artificial creation, and everything seems to evolve in step with the times. The font has changed, the font size has changed, the product is bigger, the product is closer, boldly use black...

Zhao Song carefully unpacked, took out a black TPOD, took off the hearing aid, and put the same black earphones into his ears.




"Let me say goodbye to you

Gently pull out my hand


"The Ferry" by Tsai Chin.

Zhao Song closed his eyes gently, and carefully felt the three drumbeats. Even if he had wooden ears, he was very sure that he could feel the vibration of the drumhead three times!

Well done, Wesonic!

Two chapters, I will post a popular science of Godson tomorrow.

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