Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 328 With the big one (two chapters in one)

I saw that GL8 disappear at the corner of Dianhai West Road, and two people got off from the commercial vehicle parked by the side of the road.

The sound of crackling firecrackers was faintly heard in the distance, and the faces of pedestrians on the road were full of joy. The adults were carrying gifts, and the children were laughing and playing, revealing the flavor of the New Year everywhere.

But these two people don't look like New Year's Eve at all.

Fantasia's bearded man slowly sat on the curb, looking at the Zhonghai Electronics Mall, which was surrounded by fences.

"Director, check with the workers inside. They received this urgent job at the end of last month, and the salary is very good!"

The bald man with the beard squatted aside.

The bearded man continued to look at Zhong Hai without moving, "The foreigners who held Tesla's annual meeting didn't leave either?"

"Yes, they are from the Oceanic Ogilvy \u0026 Mather Company of the United States. They are world-leading in terms of planning. In addition, they are very closely connected with the European and American entertainment industries!"

"Is there any more?"

The bald man nodded, "A few days ago, he was communicating with Kyoto Satellite TV about the live broadcast of Tesla's new product launch, but Zhao Song stopped for some reason."

"Do you know why?"

"I don't know!" The bald man shook his head. "The TV station didn't refuse him. I found an acquaintance from the TV station. He said that Zhao Song was also in communication with the city government at the time, but the higher-ups asked him to wait!"

"Wait a minute? What do you mean?"

The bearded man turned his head, frowned and scolded: "After talking together, why are there so many problems!"

The bald man froze, and hurriedly said: "Zhao Song may want to live broadcast his new product launch globally!"

"..." The bearded man stood up again, pointed to the opposite side, and asked, "Can I go in and have a look?"

"No, there are security guards, and the guards are very strict! When I asked the technical workers, they said that the exterior was an antique hall, but the inside was not clear. People from Mingzhu Company and a group of foreigners were tossing around."

The bearded man nodded, and wanted to go to the commercial vehicle, "Let's go, treat the president, don't be late."

The bald man hurriedly followed, and asked suspiciously: "Director, in the current situation, it is certain that he started to arrange it during the memory war. How can he be sure that he will win?"

"He's not sure!" The bearded man opened the car door and sat in. After the bald man sat down, he continued, "At the last moment, he took out the mortgage after he spun off all the subsidiaries under Tesla's name!"

"Then why spend money planning these now...."

"Because no matter whether he wins or loses, he is sure that he will stay there! I believe that no matter who enters Tesla, he will not reject this proposal, and that is Zhong Hai Zhao Song!" Self-deprecating smile, bearded eyes Shen Yuan glanced at Zhong Hai again, "He has changed his plan. It is certain that this time it is not just as simple as releasing a new TPOD!"

"What else could it be?"

"Is there any news from Pingchang District?" The bearded man didn't answer the bald man's question immediately.

"...No." The bald man said helplessly, "Not even a fly can get in that crappy place, and those people can't ask anything!"

The bearded man smiled and said softly, "Xiao Zhou, go back and put on the wig. This time, our marketing department is welcoming not only Dell, but also an enemy who is more vicious than Dell."

"What?" The bald Xiao Zhou rubbed his bald head in embarrassment, and then asked in surprise.

"Brand machine! Tesla's real brand machine is coming!"


18:00 in the evening.

Beijing Olympic Sports Center, Dianhai District, conference room.

Zhao Song slumped on the seat without any image. At this time, he was exhausted physically and mentally, his mouth was dry, and his head exploded.

Weakly picked up a bottle of Coke, took a few gulps, and Zhao Song let out a long breath.

"The shopping mall opened..." Zhao Song paused, as if looking for some excuses for himself, and said to the people in the meeting room: "It's like a general shopping mall opening celebration, singing, dancing and so on , it’s just that the scene is a bit bigger, it’s a bit like... the opening ceremony of a sports meeting?”

There were a lot of people in the large conference room, and as far as the eye could see, there were densely packed heads, and some blond foreigners even wore earphones——Zhao Song even invited simultaneous interpreters for the general meeting.

‘It’s not that you made it a little big, it’s too big! '

Everyone ignored the age of the young man on stage, and even more ignored his unreliable behavior of drinking Coke. Only deep shock remained.

For more than two hours, this young man was all talking about how he took out all the stuff from the bottom of the boxes of some artists present, and put it into a performance—a large-scale indoor live-action performance.

He didn't talk about the method, but just expressed the effect that needs to be achieved. After listening to it, the professionals present naturally understood how to do it.

If it can't be done, two blond and blue-eyed experts will come out and explain to them the latest performing arts technology and equipment in the world - this kid has invited Haiyun Ogilvy, a company integrating performing arts, planning, public relations and entertainment public relations planning company.

Not only that, he also invited Haiyun Ogilvy's parent company, Ogilvy \u0026 Mather International, the world's number one public relations company, to come!

This lineup, not to mention the public relations TV station, is more than enough for the public relations of the American government?

Tesla is really rich, not ordinary rich!

A month ago, most of the artists at the scene were called by administrative orders, but when they met the young Zhao Song, they were knocked unconscious by his big hand after five minutes.

The rich is the master, this kid is not only rich, but also has a global live broadcast, the stuff at the bottom of the box, when is it not released now?

"Mr. Zhao!" A middle-aged man said hesitantly.

Zhao Song quickly bowed and replied, "Head Zheng, just call me Zhao Song like these foreigners."

"..." There was silence in the earphones of the foreigner at the scene, and there was no sound from the simultaneous interpretation this time.

Zhao Song respects this middle-aged man very much. As the only flower planter who has won the title of "Star of the Century" in the dance industry, he has a program that has been suppressed for three and a half years. If there is no accident, he will It will be pressed for another three and a half years until it is released at the closing ceremony of the Athens Olympic Games in 2004.

Zheng Jigang, the head of the Zongzheng Song and Dance Troupe, his program is called "Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands".

Not only him, there were many big names at the scene, a certain director surnamed Zhang was sitting by the side, and the twelve girls in the Twelve Girls Band could only huddle in a corner like quails.

"Zhao Song, some of the moves in my program are not consistent!"

Zhao Song shook his hand indifferently, and said with a smile: "Head Zheng, during the live broadcast, there were not many audiences, or even no audiences. At that time, shoot the camera to the most neat part."

"How much time do we have?" Director Zhang Da asked. Regardless of directing skills, this one is at least a master of color now, Zhao Song's live broadcast needs color!

"After the first month, February 2, the day when the dragon raises its head."

"Time is a bit short~" the director murmured.

"It's not too short!" Zhao Song shook his head, "The programs are all ready-made, you need to communicate with Ogilvy \u0026 Mather about the stage design and lighting, and they will fully cooperate with any of your requirements!

For the rest, you only need to work hard on scene transitions, and communicate well in advance on camera cuts, so that you can show the best side of everyone! "

After saying this, Zhao Song bowed his head and recalled carefully for a while, the impression of Liu Sanjie, the impression of Shaolin Temple that was not made by director Zhang Da, and the various live performances that flowed out on the Internet have been all mentioned by him, and he found that there is nothing to think about. He continued to sit quietly, waiting for other people to ask questions.

"The theme hasn't changed?"

"No change, the combination of ancient and modern, tradition and high technology!"

"Which TV stations have live broadcasts?"

"If there is no accident, the flower planter is Beijing Satellite TV, and the island country is Tokyo TV. As for Europe and the United States, it will take some time to confirm."


"Except for the topic of the program, your respective programs belong to you!" Zhao Song said with a smile, "The contract signed with everyone clearly states that it is only labor costs, and nothing is included!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song continued to ask: "Any questions?"

"..." Some problems will become no problem under the money offensive, and the field has returned to calm.

"That's good!" Zhao Song stood up and bowed seriously: "For the next month, everyone has worked hard!"


Ten minutes later, Zhao Song and a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes headed for the gate of Olympic Sports.

Zhao Song took out his mobile phone, typed a few numbers on it, showed it to the foreigner, and then said in his half-baked English: "Mr. Conflict, fully cooperate with Director Zhang's words, in addition to the labor costs in the contract, each of you can receive this number of personal thanks!"

Anderson glanced at the phone screen, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he asked excitedly, "What counts as full cooperation?"

"To satisfy Director Zhang is to cooperate fully."

Anderson thought for a while before reaching out his right hand to Zhao Song, "No problem!"


After the high fives, Anderson turned and returned to the conference room.


"Zhao Song." After the foreigner disappeared, Qin Hai came forward, "During the annual meeting, Ogilvy performed well on stage, is it necessary to give benefits in private?"

"These people are very angry!" Zhao Song slammed his mouth down, "I'm taking orders from a director who grows flowers, so I won't stumble. What I'm afraid of is that they will hide it."

Qin Hai thought for a while before nodding his head, "I have never had contact with foreigners. In the past two years, watching the news, there are many things about foreigners discriminating against us!"

"Discrimination is not enough. They won't be troubled by money." Zhao Song shook his head, and said a little worriedly: "The time is too rushed. Although some programs are shocking, they can't reach the level of excellence, just like Captain Zheng. As said, they need time, but we don't have time, so we can only make up for it later!"

"Later stage?" Qin Hai asked suspiciously, "But it's a live broadcast."

"That's right! There will be a delay in the live broadcast. They are the best foreign team that Ogilvy has found, and they know how to deal with it! I need them to do their best."

It was Ogilvy again, Qin Haiya snarled in pain, "Zhao Song, how much have we spent so far?"

Zhao Song cast a glance at Qin Hai, then looked back at the few people who were listening, and stood still.

"I spend money every day, and now I don't know how much or how little. Just to make "Avalokitesvara" appear, I threw out 500 of them, and I don't even have a receipt."

Glancing in the direction of the gymnasium, Zhao Song said leisurely: "Our Tesla is a company born in a flower planter. What is our image abroad now..."

Pursing his lips, Zhao Song's gaze suddenly became much deeper, "Maybe in the hearts of those people, we still have that braid on our heads!"

"..." The scene was silent.

"Zhao Song!" Yin Mingyu, who followed Yin Tian, ​​stepped forward, "I heard that Tesla is selling well abroad."

"At that time, because many foreign consumers didn't know that Tesla was a flower grower, and they didn't have the time to learn so much!" Zhao Song said affirmatively: "We rely on Tesla's brand and LOGO It's an advantage, but in the future, even if we don't promote it, someone will promote it for us! I believe that this time will not be too far away!"


"So, this time, I want to let people from European and American countries see what kind of flower planters are like, and what kind of company Tesla is!" Zhao Song said firmly: "If 100 million is not enough, spend 200 million, and 200 million is not enough. Just spend one billion, I have plenty of money now!"

"Of course, there is the most crucial point."


"Apple, it's coming!"


Apple is making a profit, and aside from its $500 million in debt, its current total capital available is $250 million. Converted into RMB, 2 billion!

Relying on Zhao Song's stud in the memory war, after clearing the inventory in more than a month after the beginning of the year, plus its own funds, it may be worse than Apple, but it is not much worse.

This was a windfall. At the time, not only Tesla’s opponents, but even the people who eat melons felt that this was a war that must be lost. It's as if Zhao Song is betting that there will be a heavy rain the next day in the desert where there is drought every day!

At that time, Zhao Song was shaken! Chip disorder is irreversible, but it can be sorted out through the driver!

It's like a person with a big head, a big neck, and limbs the same length, can use the algorithm of the camera to take pictures of the nine-headed body effect!

Therefore, Zhao Song didn't think it was a windfall. He rejected some people's proposal to continue to jointly hype memory, and took his own share with peace of mind.

Coupled with the release of part of the Shenzhou stock reform, it can be said that Zhao Song is very rich, and Tesla is even richer!

Ipod is a hard disk MP3 player with LCD screen, the research and development budget is 120 million US dollars, and the research and development cost of tpod shulle is nearly 50 million RMB.

The gap of nearly twenty times will definitely be reflected in the product by then.

120 million US dollars, nearly one billion RMB (2001 exchange rate), Zhao Song dared to vote, but he couldn't vote!

Crazy Joe is headstrong and conceited, but he's still a CEO, a great CEO.

He didn't design all of Apple's products, and he didn't even have a clear product concept in mind.

But Apple's background can attract a group of geniuses, and Qiao Maniac can use his unique personality charm to make these geniuses serve Apple wholeheartedly.

The father of IPOD just wanted to be an Apple consultant for 8 weeks, but after he got here, he stayed for ten years!

At Apple, countless talented designers like him did not leave until Crazy Joe stepped into the Western Paradise.

Zhao Song didn't know who the father of IPOD was. If he knew, he would have to spend a lot of money to recruit him in advance. He has his own team.

This world is like this, some people have a great reputation in front of the stage, but many things are not done by him.

Tesla has no background, Zhao Song... I don't know if it is considered charisma after more than ten years of dick temperament and a rich career, plus the neuroticism caused by the two time-space intersections.

Apple's 120 million budget must include subsequent announcements.

Tesla's product quality can't keep up with the publicity, but Zhao Song dares to follow, and he dares to follow the big ones!

It's over for today.

Comrades, my P43 mainframe worth 125 yuan is about to be retired!

A book friend (without permission, no name mentioned) offered to give away an unused notebook, but ended up buying me a new one! I have mixed feelings in my heart, and I don't know what to say, except thank you, try to update it as a reward!

This month, I will try my best to achieve the perfect attendance that I have never achieved before! ! ! ! ! !

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