Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 329: It Takes Time

"It's Chinese New Year, are you so busy?"

On a running Mercedes-Benz, Yin Tian looked at Zhao Song who was driving.

"Isn't there something wrong?" Zhao Song replied cheerfully.

"You can take it slow!" Yin Tian glanced at Zhao Song's hair again, "Zhong Hai, let it be there, why do you have to decorate it, and do you have to go with the new product launch event?"


Zhao Song pursed his lips, turned on the turn signal, and the Mercedes-Benz turned to Chengfu Road smoothly. Continue to exercise north.

"After Pengcheng raised his love card, it was quite a sensation..." Zhao Song looked ahead, "Plus, just after the memory war, I just wanted to take a rest for a day, I'm so tired."

"..." Yin Mingyu looked ahead and listened carefully to Zhao Song's words.

"I ended up sleeping in for a day and then playing Dragon Raja for a day."

"It's good. After being tired for such a long time, it's good to relax!" Yin Tian Yin Mingyu shrugged.

"After playing for a day...I want to play again the next day!" Zhao Song said with a blank expression, "After playing for a day, I thought, since I'm already so rich anyway, it's okay to play for another day!"

"..." Yin Tian frowned.

"Because of Rambus, global memory particle factories are adjusting their production lines. Brother, do you know how much money I can earn if I hold down the inventory and release the goods later?"


"3 billion!" Zhao Song's eyes were a little blurred, he turned the steering wheel and slowly leaned the car against the side of the road.

"At that time, I suddenly didn't want to go anywhere, I didn't want to go to work, I didn't want to go to the clubhouse! On that day, Dell sent me a third quotation. The sincerity... is very good! Unimaginable enough! I even wanted to sell Tesla !"

"What happened later?" Yin Mingyu looked at Zhao Song with concern. He is a conductor, an excellent conductor, although he has a good family background, but to become an excellent conductor, he has to suffer a lot. He understood what Zhao Song said.

"On the third day, I was still playing "Dragon Race", and then Sister Qingtian came, she was skinny, and she was crying~" At this point, Zhao Song smiled, and his eyes became clear again.

He drove the Mercedes-Benz again and merged into the traffic on Chengfu Road.

"She spent all my money with no results."

With a smile on his face, Yin Mingyu nodded and said, "I heard from her that she was full of confidence at the time. What happened afterwards?"

"Take her to a western meal, the most expensive kind." The smile on Zhao Song's face became wider and wider. "At that time, everyone in the restaurant was looking at her. I guess I've never seen such an edible girl."

Yin Mingyu could imagine such a scene and couldn't help laughing.

"At the dinner table, I wrote her a check. After dinner, she took the check and left, saying that she would make it for me in one month."

"So you came out too?"

Zhao Song nodded earnestly, and said embarrassedly: "Brother, it's not that I'm hypocritical. First, I've never seen so much money; second, I'm really lazy, and I don't have that firm and persistent personality by nature. See After seeing Senior Sister Qingtian, I said to myself, if you are not born with it, then cultivate it the day after tomorrow! Otherwise, even if I am a genius, I will not last long."

After saying this sentence, Zhao Song silently added in his heart: "Even if it is reborn!"

"So, you just keep yourself busy?"

"Yes." Zhao Song replied naturally.

Hearing this, Yin Mingyu relaxed and leaned on the seat. His skin is very white, as white as a girl's, and he has such a solemn, lazy, and very casual temperament. Although his face is always gloomy, his eyes are very beautiful, and sometimes they are warm, which makes people look very comfortable.

"Many of my peers have told me that Zhao Song will eventually have a short-lived day. Now it seems that they are going to be disappointed."

"Hey~~" Yin Mingyu's rare compliment made Zhao Song feel embarrassed.

Looking at his watch, Yin Mingyu returned to his gloomy look, "How long will it take to get home?"

"A quarter of an hour."

"Then let's get down to business first."


He took out a recording pen from his carry-on bag, and after opening it, Yin Mingyu asked, "Did you find the background music for the trailer from what you already have, or from your head?"

"I am original!"

"Okay... wait!" Seeing that Zhao Song was about to open his mouth to sing, Yin Mingyu quickly stopped.

"Sing the song I taught you earlier!"

"What?" Zhao Song yelled, "Such a childish song..."

"Sing it again!" Yin Mingyu said without doubt, "Let me see how much progress you have made recently, so as to determine the approximate range of the tune you hum!"

"Okay~" Zhao Song had no choice but to clear his throat and start singing.

"Little Swallow, wearing a floral dress, comes here every spring..."

Yin Mingyu sang a simple nursery rhyme, frowning. He hesitated until the last note and nodded in affirmation. "I've made great progress, and I just ran five tunes."

I'll just treat you as a compliment! Zhao Song smiled happily and reservedly.

"Hum. Try to hum the exact tune in your head."

Yin Mingyu put the recording pen in his left hand, lifted it up slightly, and tried to get as close as possible to Zhao Song.

After brewing his feelings, Zhao Song's gaze became far-reaching, like a soldier about to go to the battlefield, and he began to hum.

"The boundless sky... no!"

He patted the steering wheel hard, and in Yin Mingyu's white eyes, Zhao Song had renewed his feelings, like a general about to go to the battlefield.

"Clang, clang. clang. clang. clang. clang. clang. clang. clang. clang~"


A minute later, Yin Mingyu turned off the recorder, her bright eyes revealing excitement.

"Battle song?"

"That's almost what it means!" Zhao Song thought about it carefully before continuing: "You have to imagine the battle of Kursk, the scene of thousands of tanks charging, that kind of bloody and heroic feeling!"

Yin Mingyu probably had the bottom line in his heart, and sighed: "It's a pity that such a good tune is included in the Tesla promotional trailer!"

"No way!" Zhao Song also sighed, "There may be no one going to this press conference. I really hope that one day, I can go to the press conference with a good product that belongs exclusively to Tesla. There is no opportunism, no What kind of show, rely on a technological product to conquer the world!"

Zhao Song thought of Madman Qiao, and of that product launch event: jeans, T-shirts, leather envelopes.

He said; 'It's thin! '

Then, he took out a large kitchen knife without a handle from the leather envelope - Macbook air.

Zhao Song doesn't remember the IPHONE launch event, nor does he remember the ipod launch event. He only remembers the Macbook air, the ultra-thin notebook computer that subverts the tradition. The thinnest part is only 4mm.

As soon as that thing came out, Zhao Song ignored everything, he wanted that thing, it was too crazy, too coquettish, too coquettish!

At that time, what he most wanted to do was:

In summer, women, at the watermelon stand, buy a whole watermelon, come to a remote shaded place in the park, take out an air brand kitchen knife, cut the watermelon in half, half for you, half for me, one spoonful for you, another spoonful for me, Then open the ari notebook and relive the plot in "Notting Hill" - the indescribable thing that happened on a park bench in England.

It's a pity, because he doesn't have so much spare money, that macbook air...he has never owned it.

8 years, minus the research and development time, who knows how many more years, if you want to make that thing, if you want Intel to customize a dedicated low-power processor for Tesla, there is still a long, long way to go to go!

Zhao Song let go of the steering wheel with his right hand, waved it meaninglessly a few times, and said a little annoyed: "I don't want to rely on some gimmicks to conquer the world, I want to be a real technology company, I want to make epoch-making technology products , it's not some Rausch entertainment company! But I need time! Time!"

"..." Yin Mingyu let Zhao Song vent, without any movement.

This is an undoubted genius (Zhao Song would be delighted if he knew), geniuses are a little nervous, because he has them too!

It wasn't until Zhao Song calmed down that Yin Mingyu asked, "Are there any other requirements regarding the tune?"

"You can add a bit of blues, classical, rock, but the main style is pop music."

Yin Mingyu raised his eyebrows, "How popular is such a good song?"

"Of course! Tesla's promotional trailer must use pop of course! I want rhythm, bass, and heavy bass!"

After tugging at her hair a little angrily, Yin Mingyu said helplessly, "Okay! Where's the lyrics?"

"The domestic version uses "The Book of Songs · Qin Feng · Wuyi"."

Yin Mingyu tilted his head, and began to read with a little blurred eyes: "Is there no clothes in the day? You are in the same robe as me. Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear."

Zhao Song glanced at him quickly, then looked forward, "This is an ancient style, you have to add it to the song."

"I know! Do you still need to say it?" Yin Mingyu said angrily: "There is also a foreign version?"

"Of course!" Zhao Song said as a matter of course, "Tesla is world-class!"

"What about the foreign version?"



"Don't tell me you don't know."


"The beginning starts with the sentence 'changing and changing, full and empty'."

"\u0026amp;%¥..." Yin Mingyu uttered a few foreign words that Zhao Song couldn't understand, and then asked solemnly: "The name of the song?"

"In Chinese, let's call it "Qin Feng". As for the foreign one, it's called... "The mass"!"


Half an hour later, it was completely dark, Xiao Lai.

There is a clubhouse.

Zhao Song and Yin Mingyu ate some of Xiao Yure's leftovers casually, then slumped on the sofa, and by the way, they surrounded the silent handsome man.

The first day of the new year was a very long day for Zhao Song.

He did a lot of things, met a lot of people, and talked a lot. Knowing that he had returned to his home and sat in this clubhouse like the old Shanghai Bund, his wife completely relaxed, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart. , It was sore and comfortable again.

Soreness is tiring, comfortable, it is seeing a handsome man!

As a law of nature, there are very few handsome guys who can please other men of the same sex for the first time, even Ding Tao who loves to blush! The first time Zhao Song saw Ding Tao, he was very jealous. It was not until he found out that this kid was blushing and dull, that he gradually changed his feelings towards him.

Dashuaishuai... Zhao Song had only heard of him in his previous life, but had never seen him. When he was reborn, based on the impression of his previous life, naturally there would be nothing unpleasant about him.

Taking a closer look today, Zhao Song's eyes are slowly glowing. The more pleasing he looks, the more he likes it. If possible, Zhao Song even wants to wait for Bai Li's beauty salon to open, and give the handsome man a beauty salon. Ka, let him take care of it every day, so as to keep this handsome face!

You know, the real Internet era is coming, and the traditional women who have suppressed flower growers for thousands of years are about to let themselves go and expose the coquettishness hidden deep in their hearts!

Five thousand years have passed, and the era of flower planters is about to usher in the most unpromising era!

Little Fresh Meat, Little Brother, Little Rourou, Little Yueyue...

In the future, men are like products placed on shelves, waiting to be picked and picked by flower-growing women...

At that time, Da Shuai Shuai will be the most expensive one!

The director of Tesla's public relations department, the press spokesperson, just such a handsome guy going there, the effect is simply not good!


The clubhouse was very quiet, relatively quiet, because Chen Mingzhen's song was playing on the hi-fi speakers, and it was unknown if it was Xiaoyu's or Dashuai's hobby. Zhao Song was very satisfied with this.

The mellow coffee tasted strong, and the three men did not speak, they all looked at the lovely Xiaoyu busy.

A vintage doll shirt dress jacket, worn by Xiao Yu as a jacket, with a dark inner layer inside, a pair of skinny jeans and a pair of white shoes on the lower body. It was originally a pair of elegant and capable Japanese royal sister style, but after the buttons of the whole skirt were buttoned up, and Xiao Yu's double ponytails were added, it suddenly became cute and girly.

One clubhouse was very warm, and after putting down three cups of coffee, a few glistening drops of sweat appeared on Xiaoyu's forehead.

"Xiao Yu, sit down and have a rest." Zhao Song felt distressed.

"Hey!" Xiaoyu sat obediently beside Zhao Song, with her legs bent, her chin resting on her hands, and she looked seriously at the handsome man across from her.

Zhao Song rubbed Xiao Yu's ponytail amusedly before turning his head.

After deliberating for a while, he slowly said: "Tesla will cooperate with the flash mob, and find those junior high school students who have potential but can't afford to go to school in the location of each flash mob member to provide funding."

After glancing at Yin Mingyu, Zhao Song continued, "Until they reach the third year of university!"

"What about after junior year?"

"I'm talking about potential!" Zhao Song emphasized these three words again, "If they still can't rely on themselves after junior year, then they can fend for themselves! Also, Tesla doesn't raise white-eyed wolves, Funding is not free, you need to sign an agreement, after graduation, you can either work to pay back the money, or come to Tesla to work!"

After saying this, Zhao Song spread his hands, "Tesla's current capabilities are limited to this, and more depends on how the future develops."

"Why are you telling me this?" Da Shuai looked curious.

"Pretending to be stupid?" Zhao Song gave him a blank look.

"Shuai Shuai, there is no problem with our flash mob team. The members are willing to cooperate. It is Tesla that needs a person in charge!" At this time, Yin Mingyu explained.


"Yes, you!" Zhao Song nodded, "I know you want to go to Sichuan and Sichuan provinces to support teaching, or to work and teach in some corner, but if you come to Tesla for an internship and work in Tesla after graduation, the future All of Tesla's charitable work is entirely your responsibility!"

"Zhao Song..." The expression on the handsome man's face remained unchanged.

"10 million activity funds for this year!" Zhao Song quickly interrupted the handsome man, and added: "Except for the cooperation of the flash mob, for the rest, if you want to build a school there, you can build a school. If you want to invite teachers, you can do it." Please, teacher, coming to Tesla is definitely more useful than you being alone!"

"Zhao Song!" The handsome man pressed his hands down, signaling him not to get excited, and smiled gently, "Thank you."

Today is still two chapters in one.

Red eyes all afternoon. When I was rich, I never bought a macbook. I just found out this afternoon that the book friend bought me a mate14 with the same super blog.

1. The mass came out in 2003. I can hum the melody without listening to the song. There are many stories about it on the Internet, so I won’t introduce more.

2. There is no earthquake in this book.

3, 618, everyone should save some money, be firm and firm. Use less Huabei and Baitiao.

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