Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 331 I love wasting

The sudden episode didn't disturb the interest of the few people, everyone forgot about the chance meeting just now, and happily watched the lanterns and guessed the lantern riddles, except for Hao Ying.

Seeing the ball-headed girl whose mouth was poking up to the sky, Zhao Song approached her cheerfully, "What's the matter, girl from the capital? Are you unhappy along the way?"

Hao Ying, as always, has a meatball head. Wearing sneakers, jeans, a short orange down jacket, and a high-necked cashmere sweater inside, she wraps herself tightly and chubby.

This girl with a ball head has all the characteristics of a chick in the capital: they are proud, proud of being born in the capital, straight, peaceful, stubborn, poor, lazy, loud, violent, sometimes too straightforward, one sentence can knock people down Died on the wide road of Chang'an Avenue.

Hao Ying, a girl with a ball head, lacks some of these characteristics, but she is the same as Betty, although she can't say "Your uncle, don't be so energetic!" The temperament shown makes people know that she is a chick from the capital at a glance.

Of course, the capital chick still has many advantages, for example... a lot!

"I'm sorry Zhao Song, I didn't expect my brother to be so unreliable!" Looking at Zhao Song who was always smiling, Hao Ying said guiltily.

In the past, he carried bags, sold flowers, worked as a second landlord, and drove a black car.

She used to have a crush on him, but since her brother returned from studying in Italy, she has missed many things about him, even the most exciting part.

Everything is blamed on that self-righteous brother. Hao Ying completely ignored her own problems.

"Very reliable!" Zhao Song quickly waved his hands and said with a smile, "Your brother is giving me a chance to make a fortune."

The things made by network management chips, including the increasingly popular set-top boxes, are very promising things. With Hao Ren's relationship, it is very easy to create a high-tech company with assets worth hundreds of millions. However, this is a slightly closed market, and it is basically a relationship business. Zhao Song would not even touch this kind of thing.

"Then why did you look unhappy just now?" Hao Ying asked in surprise.

"It's just for show." Zhao Song said shyly, "There are too many people who come to me with this kind of project these days, and they can't hide.

I happened to meet your brother, so I expressed my attitude. Go back and apologize to your brother for me. "

"Oh." Hao Ying nodded thoughtfully.

"Zhao Song!" The handsome man not far away greeted suddenly, "The lantern riddles here are too difficult, you can come up with an easier one."

Well, although my group of people are all handsome and beautiful (shameless Zhao Song included himself), but at this moment they have exposed the essence of each of them. , no matter how difficult the lantern riddles are, they are easy to grasp.

For some reason, Zhao Song suddenly thought of Wen Jing, and shook his head vigorously, leaving behind the ex-girlfriend who was desperate for money, Zhao Song said loudly: "The Sunflower Book has not been practiced! Hit an American building."

Xiao Yu's eyes lit up, and the others were in a trance.

"The White House!" Xiao Yu replied loudly, flicking her ponytails.

"Correct! Light rain adds ten points!" Zhao Song snapped his fingers.

"How to solve it?" The good boy, the handsome guy, and the others were full of doubts.

"If you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace; even if you go to the palace, you may not succeed." As soon as Zhao Song finished speaking, several people looked at Xiaoyu in wonder.

"One more thing." Hao Ying shouted.

"Nude! Hit a PC noun!"

Xiao Yu's eyes lit up, and the others were in a trance.


"Correct! Light rain adds ten points!" Zhao Song snapped his fingers again.

The others continued to look at Xiao Yu miraculously.

Xiao Yule rolled her eyes and smiled.


No matter how happy the time is, there will be an end after all.

Before going to the Shenwu Gate on the north side of the Forbidden City, a few people went back against the flow of people, otherwise, there would be a crowd of people later on.

Seeing Xiao Yu, who was walking in front, bouncing and following beside the handsome man, with a cheerful look on her face, Bai Li turned her head and asked Zhao Song who was walking with her.

"Xiao Yu is quite smart!"

Zhao Song gave her a white look, "Speak up if you have something to say, beat around the bush!"

"She is no longer a child, you still..."

"I know!" Zhao Song hurriedly looked at Xiao Yu carefully, interrupting Betty's words, "The environment in which she grew up is destined to mature earlier than others, but she lacks the growth process of a normal child, so..."

Zhao Song spread his hands, "I am willing to raise her as a child, and she is also willing, which is very good."

Betty understood.

"Is there something you want to tell me?"

Betty hesitated for a while before asking, "I heard you have a trailer?"

Zhao Song nodded.

"When will it be released?"

Zhao Song thought for a while, "Soon."

Betty said uncomfortably, "Can you add the name of my clubhouse?"


Zhao Song looked at Bai Li speechlessly, "What would you say it is for?"


"What does Tesla do?"

Betty tilted her head, "I remember you said that you assemble computers?"

Zhao Song thought about it deeply—there was nothing wrong with what this girl said. But he still added: "Tesla not only assembles computers, we are also a technology company that assembles motherboards and memory!"

"So?" Betty still tilted her head, trying to make herself look cute.

"So, our two families don't get along at all!" Zhao Song completely turned a blind eye to Bai Li who was different from her usual appearance-men now completely ignore her beauty and pretend to be hypocritical!

"Huh~" Bai Li snorted.

Zhao Song treats it like nothing!

"Zhao Song!"


"My mother asked me to bring you a sentence."


"CCTV 2 wants to broadcast live, but they have to watch the trailer first."

"Oh." Zhao Song smacked his lips and nodded earnestly, "I'll send them over later, tell your mother about a small matter, no thanks."

Bai Li looked at Zhao Song absurdly, "Although it costs some money, it's the second set of the central government."

"I've spent enough money, even if it's the central government, I have to broadcast it!" Zhao Song showed inexplicable confidence on his face, stretched out a few fingers, and shook in front of Betty, "This is Tesla's domestic advertising budget, Miss Bai, don’t forget that this is an era centered on economic construction!”

"..." Bai Li looked at Zhao Song in shock, came over and asked in a low voice, "Just one press conference, just two products, isn't it a waste?"

"Who said there are only two products?" Zhao Song said unhurriedly: "And even if it's a waste, it's because I still have the qualifications to waste it!"

After finishing speaking, under Bai Li's bewildered and puzzled eyes, Zhao Song speeded up and walked towards the few people in front.

I can't remember when every movie was released, or when every song was released. I can't remember a lot of things, but as long as I can remember, I will release it, and I will release it as soon as possible. speed! I won't wait for the original to come out!

I am not a saint, I will not feel guilty! In the future of this world, only shameless people will live better!

Today, on the other side of the ocean, a shameless lunatic launched the MAC OSX operating system at the press conference just held, and was hailed as the savior by countless Apple fans. Since then, he has embarked on a path of complete shamelessness!

My name is Zhao Song, a reborn person with shameless attributes.

The launch time of the MAC OSX book is different from the reality.

There is no geographical aspect to this book. Writing about the capital is only because I have been here for twenty years. I am not from Beijing either.

No one is allowed to take the rhythm here.

There are many advantages of the chick in the capital: hard-mouthed, soft-hearted, knife-mouthed and tofu-hearted.. Intuitively.. Dare to be impatient and so on!

As long as a woman grows flowers, there are many advantages. right.

Liked the author and said that if it is convenient, I will trouble the book friends to order one. Thanks. Two chapters today

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