Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 332 Prologue (1)

Thursday, February 8, 2001, the sixteenth day of the first lunar month. clear.

It was an ordinary day, and if anything unusual it was only in relative terms.

For Tesla, there are still 17 days before the first product release and the opening ceremony of Zhonghai; there are still 18 days before Fujitsu's first MPW streaming service.

For all college students in the capital, today marks the start of their school season.

It was seven o'clock in the morning. Central Conservatory of Music, recording hall.

The hall is very large, not big enough to hold a complete symphony orchestra, plus a pop band, plus a choir.

Seeing the person in charge in the control room make an OK gesture, Yin Mingyu turned around and tapped the music stand twice with the baton.

"Tap ~"

The scene immediately became quiet, as quiet as a needle drop could be heard. This is a recording studio, equipped with a lot of soundproofing materials to the teeth. Even though there are countless heads at the scene, you can still only faintly hear the sound of everyone's breathing.

"This time, let's try to go through it! You must pay attention to a few key paragraphs!"

In the quiet hall, Yin Mingyu's youthful voice sounded, and everyone listened solemnly, without any dissonance, even some young female musicians were looking at him with a little admiration.

Those who are truly capable will be respected wherever they go, just look at the two names on this majestic score: Zhao Song, Yin Mingyu!

Zhao Song, everyone knows that this time must be the same as last time, with another minor tune, and Yin Mingyu is the person responsible for turning the minor tune into a complex and complete symphony!

In everyone's sight, the baton was raised high, and then fell hard.

The tuba with the lowest range in the orchestra played slowly, as if the sound of a bugle that was about to go to war came from afar.

After a few syllables, Yin Mingyu lifted it up again, and the sound of strings with a strong sense of rhythm sounded.

Yin Mingyu turned slightly sideways, facing the direction of the choir, and waved the baton when the rhythm entered the right direction.

"Semper crescis sometimes in good times

Aut decrescis sometimes in adversity

Vita detestabilis life is such an abomination

Nunc obdurat is difficult now

Et tunc curat later suddenly there is easy

Ludo mentis aciem This is a game of will.


As an immortal masterpiece in the history of music, "Burana" has a profound cultural heritage and is known as a popular song in classical music, almost everyone knows it. The documentary describing the fate of planting flowers used it as an episode, the film "Natural Born Killers" used it as the soundtrack, boxing champion Holyfield used it as the opening song, and even pop singer Michael Jackson once spent huge sums of money to buy its copyright. The popularity of this work can be seen.

The original song of The Mass is "Burana" - Destiny, Queen of the World. Now, Yin Mingyu reproduces it with a brand new arrangement and achieves such a level, which is already commendable!

God knows how this song rich in western religious elements was made by these two young people.

There is almost no drum sound in the first section of the music, but with the majestic religious chant chorus, the emotions of everyone in the recording studio have been raised to an indescribable degree. The scene seems to be in front of everyone, making people feel a kind of boundless vastness.

Suddenly, Yin Mingyu waved his baton fiercely as if going crazy, and the drums requested by Zhao Song officially intervened, and the bass finally sounded.

The timpani, the snare drum, the snare drum, the big jazz drum, plus a rhythmic jazz drum, bass, like the hooves of countless war horses, stepped into everyone's heart.

The powerful rhythm, coupled with the harmony of children's affection, perfectly combines blood and tenderness. The sensual lady in the chorus turned red-eyed while singing.

The mass has officially reached its climax!


So... in front of music, some people shout that technology has no borders, which is a joke!


When the music sounded in the recording studio, the daily radio broadcast also sounded in Xiagou Village outside the North Fifth Ring Road of Beijing.

Lian Shun walked out from the guard booth, shook his body, and then ran back with an "Aw~", and asked Uncle Lu to take off the vest that Xiao Yu made for him before walking out again.

She shook her body again and found that she was as happy as usual before showing a humane and relaxed expression.


"Morning Brother Lian Shun!" Zhao Song who came cheerfully took out a ham and handed it to it, then came to the guard booth.

"Uncle, I heard that you and Brother Lu drank too much last night." Picking up the financial newspaper, Zhao Song asked Uncle Lu casually.

"Tch, underestimating your Uncle Lu's drinking capacity? Your big brother Lu really has a lot!" Uncle Lu said proudly.

Zhao Song laughed and didn't answer any more questions. He helped Uncle Lu put on his padded jacket before walking out of the guard booth.

The house of Lu's family has been demolished by Zhao Song. Knowing that elder brother Lu is rarely on family leave, Zhao Song and Xiaoyu deliberately give up a cubicle so that the two father and son can have a good reunion. This is another reason why they go to the Lantern Festival on the night of the Lantern Festival.

"The following is a set of financial news." Suddenly, Shenzhou's voice came from the big radio.

"The eye-catching Shenzhou company's backdoor listing case made the latest progress yesterday. Aishi Group signed an equity transfer agreement with Pengcheng Trading, officially transferring its 4.65 million legal person shares to Pengcheng Trading!

On the same day, Pengcheng Trading completed the equity transfer procedures at the Shanghai Branch of Huahua Securities Settlement Company. And changed its name to Shenzhou Holdings Co., Ltd.

Mr. Li Pei, deputy general manager of Pengcheng Trading, said that Shenzhou Holdings will transfer all assets and liabilities (together with personnel) to Shenzhou Technology Co., Ltd., which will then be redeemed by Aishi Group. The placed difference is Shenzhou Holdings' liability to Shenzhou Technology, and Shenzhou Holdings will use it free of charge for three years.

In the next step, Shenzhou Holdings will move its registration place from Shanghai to Beijing, officially completing the entire backdoor listing process!

Some experts said that according to the progress of the financial department of Shenzhou Company, if there is no accident, the young entrepreneur Zhao Song will become the youngest director of a listed company in the flower planter next month. "


"Wang~" Hearing Zhao Song's name, Lian Shun, who was eating ham, called out to him.

"Tsk tsk~" Uncle Lu looked at Zhao Song curiously and excitedly, "The youngest CEO of a listed company... Zhao Song, you are promising!"

"Hehe~" Hearing Uncle Lu's praise, Zhao Song blushed slightly, and said embarrassedly, "Thank you!"

"What kind of blessings do you have for me?" Uncle Lu said angrily, "It's because I owed you blessings. The original shares you gave me years ago must have at least doubled, right?"

"Double at least!" Zhao Song nodded, with a sure look on his face, which made Uncle Lu happy, "If you and Lian Shun didn't guard my house every day and watched Xiao Yu, I wouldn't be able to go out with peace of mind. You said yes no."

"You're right, kid!" Uncle Lu waved his hand funny, "You're going to register for school today, so hurry up and do your work."


Zhao Song nodded when he heard the words, picked up the newspaper and walked towards Youjia, humming a song:

"Third Mrs. Heath, (sometimes in good times)

Second Mrs. Sith, (sometimes in adversity)

It became a coin early in the morning. (Life is such an abomination)

Tinker with old cars, (it's hard now)

Can't take a car, (it suddenly becomes easier later)

The roads are crowded to death, Xiah! (This is a game of will)"

Total assets: Calculated after listing

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