Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 333 I want his information

While Zhao Song was humming a song and brushing his teeth, in the Apple company on the other side of the ocean, Crazy Qiao, who had just lost the title of "zero-time CEO", moved from the small office he had chosen before to the luxurious president's office.

Ironically, Crazy Joe lashed out at Amelio for spending huge sums of money to renovate his office, but now he has moved in without shame.

Apple has made a profit, Crazy Joe has succeeded, he no longer only needs an annual salary of $1, and he got 20 million options like a lion.

In receiving people and things, he returned to his arrogant, rude and defiant appearance.

At the same time, not far from the luxurious president's office, Woolard, the current chairman of the board of directors of Apple and who also brought Crazy Joe back to Apple, was a little disheartened. At this moment, he finally understood that Crazy Joe is a man who can share weal and woe , but people who can’t share their pride. When Apple was in trouble, Joe Crazy was able to show some humility and respect for others, but when Apple was brilliant, he was unwilling to share the results with others. He was arrogant and domineering in his nature , Unscrupulous will gain the upper hand.

The physically and mentally exhausted Woolard could no longer handle this suffocating atmosphere. He decided to resign as chairman of the board and leave Cupertino.

Apple, from this moment on, officially entered the era of Crazy Joe.

According to the original trajectory of time and space, if there are no accidents, they will continue to be myths, and they will continue to maintain their prejudice against the great eastern powers! During the lifetime of this lunatic, the Florist was just a sales point close to the island country for Apple. No matter the new iPad or iPhone, it often landed at the Florist after half a year to a year after its launch in the United States.

And the only global synchronization of Crazy Joe products is "Steve. Jobs Biography

"The flower growers were the first people in the world to line up at the door of the bookstore to buy this biography." The Wall Street Journal of the United States reported so the next day.

He advocates Zen Buddhism and has traveled to island countries many times in his life, but he has never been to a flower planter. The only close encounter may have to go back to Shang Hai in 1979:

At that time, an employee of Crazy Joe came here, bringing with him a second-generation Apple product, Apple II, which was launched two years ago. However, this big country that has just opened its arms to the world knows nothing about it. Disappointed, he left the computer in the Children's Palace of the Welfare Association of Flower Planters.

There is no evidence that Crazy Joe ever cared about the whereabouts of this computer. At that time, he was welcoming the first golden period of his life and career. Apple II made him a millionaire overnight. Crazy Joe trades his scruffy jeans for a dressy yuppie and buys a house on the hill.

Crazy Qiao didn't expect that this beige square box helped the flower planters embark on a journey of learning and catching up with the world's advanced technology.

On February 16, 1984, the day of the Lantern Festival, the chief designer inspected Shanghai for the second time in the south, and said a far-reaching sentence to children learning to use Apple II, "The popularization of computers should start with babies." A vigorous wave of computer popularization surged from this.

In the next few years, Apple Computer has been in the limelight among flower growers.

"In addition to Apple, other computer models such as IBM PC and Daoguo PC9800 were introduced at the same time, but the operating system of the Apple computer is better, and the whole machine is more stable." Yu Yongquan, a professor and doctoral supervisor at Guangdong University of Technology, told the "Flower Planter News" Weekly said. At that time, computer-specific books such as "APPLE II Microcomputer System Architecture" written by Yu Yongquan and others, along with Apple Computer, became popular items in many domestic universities and research institutes.

The computer boom that swept across the country promoted the birth of a large number of computer companies such as Fantasia, Stone, Xintong, and Kehai, making 1984 the real "first year" of the flower planter computer industry. And this year, the 29-year-old American youth Crazy Joe was on the cover of the American "Time" magazine.

This is the background of Apple's florists, and this is the gap between Tesla and Apple, which has been established for one year.

As for the leaders of the two companies...

Crazy Joe is a super consumer and he knows what products sell well in the market.

Zhao Song is a reborn.

Crazy Joe has his own reality distortion field, which is an ability to create miracles, and it is the ability to make those geniuses at Apple willingly believe in him.

Zhao Song is a reborn.

Crazy Joe is shameless, and his favorite thing to do is to plunder other people's creativity and ideas. "He seldom praises others, and his usual practice is to belittle other people's suggestions. Even when he hears good advice, he does this. However, after the fact, he will spread the idea around as if it was his idea. my own."

Zhao Song, even more shameless than him!



While Crazy Joe was still looking at his new luxurious office, the director of Apple's marketing department came to him with a bald head and a worried face.

"There is definite news that the company on the other side of the ocean is about to hold a large-scale press conference like ours last month."

Withdrawing his eyes from the luxurious bookcase and looking at the big bald man who did not bring any interest, Crazy Qiao asked blankly: "Do we need to worry?"

The bald director nodded, "The press conference must have their second-generation music player!"

"Is that the shoddy TPOD?" Crazy Joe said disdainfully.

"Steve!" Baldhead said solemnly: "I don't think their second-generation products will be shoddy anymore."

"Oh?" Crazy Joe became interested, straightened his sitting posture, and began to listen carefully.

"As far as I can find out, their suppliers in the United States have increased by 7. As for the flower growers..." Bald shook his head, "Although there is no definite news, construction has started next to their factory in the past few days The number of supporting factories increased by 13."

"Who is there in America?" Crazy Joe thought for a while, then asked.

"Except for a few established manufacturers, there is one worth noting." The bald man looked at Crazy Joe and said, "TI (Texas Instruments)!"

"Power management chip!" Jobs nodded slowly, looking away from the bald man's face again, "Is there any other news?"

"Ogilvy International is communicating with Columbia Group about the live broadcast of the press conference, and there is one more uncertain news." Speaking of this, the bald man hesitated.


"Tesla may release a branded machine this time and launch it globally."


The bald man looked at Crazy Joe who had calmed down, opened his mouth and then closed it, saying nothing more.

It seemed like a long time passed before a voice sounded leisurely in the room.

"John, I've seen bootleg Phantom Red and Frozen chassis in the American market, and I've seen a few Hollywood stars strutting into the market with Tesla silk scarves."


"Michael, the genius I admire the most, admired the Tesla brand so much that he even made three acquisition offers!"


"John, I want the information of that young man named Zhao Song, everything!"

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