Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 338 The value of rebirth, countdown!

Friday, February 9th, sunny.

Seven o'clock in the morning. Peking University Ximen Educational Bureau.

In a rented single room, Ding Tao put down business English textbooks. Put on a fleece sweater and head out the door.

He is now a registered permanent residence in the capital, and his hometown has been resettled. His younger sisters are all going to school with peace of mind. With no worries, he bought a second-hand house in Wanquanzhuang Community near Suzhou Bridge, which is currently being renovated.

After doing a few chest-expanding and kicking exercises at will, Ding Tao started to run with his long legs.

He ran into the west gate of Beijing University, passed by the beautiful Weiming Lake, turned at the intersection in front of Boya Tower, and turned another corner in front of Shaw Building. When he came out from the south gate of Beijing University, he saw Zhonghai, which was tightly surrounded on the opposite side. Electronic mall.

After casually looking around, Ding Tao didn't stop, and turned a corner onto Zhongguancun North Street.

Zhongguancun North Street is dirty after the snow, especially when the temperature has risen significantly.

On the road, there is unmelted ice water everywhere, mixed with black snow covered with mud, it looks ugly!

This is Zhongguancun in 2001, a huge construction site!

Behind the Seabird Building is Dingbai, which is about to be completed. Behind Dingbai, there are more than a dozen construction sites, large and small, and scattered workers have already started work.

Twenty minutes later, Ding Tao came to the general manager's office on the sixth floor of Wutong Building.

Seriously wiped off his sweat, and after his breath calmed down, he casually ate two mouthfuls of morning food he bought along the way. Then he changed into the uniform of Haitian Xiangyun and came to the meeting room. At this time, it was already 7:55.

With Ding Tao's entry, the bustling meeting room, which looked like a vegetable market, suddenly became quiet.

"Morning manager!" Everyone greeted, not even Wen Zhenwen, the chief financial officer.

"Morning, everyone!" Ding Tao replied with a smile, his handsome face made the eyes of several young girls shine.

"One and a half hours ago, Liu Cong, our head of the United States, signed a cooperation agreement with Intel!" Just as he was seated, Ding Tao introduced: "This is the second cooperation agreement after Tesla became Nvidia's AIC yesterday. .”

After saying this, Ding Tao looked at Wei Fang at the side of the conference table.

Taking out the materials that had been prepared, Wei Fang said: "Representatives of Hitachi and Innovation are already on the way, and they will arrive in the evening. BenQ is very generous. They faxed the cooperation agreement directly. After signing, they can send advertising subsidies Call!"


As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the meeting room showed joy. It has been a year, and until today, Tesla finally opened up the supply chain of PC products.

After sorting out his thoughts, Ding Tao continued to speak.

"In addition to this, I called everyone this morning, and there are two more things to explain."

Looking around at everyone, he said seriously.

"First, Tesla Tesla has no plans to go public. If everyone here has any plans, I hope to bring them up before the press conference. The 5% option pool of Shenzhou Technology will be controlled by our boss. Over there, everyone here is very welcome. everyone!"

After finishing speaking, Ding Tao quickly glanced at Wei Fang, and what he saw was an expressionless face.

"Second, don't worry about the press conference, don't answer anyone's questions about the press conference, it's enough for the press conference to be in charge of the boss!

Our duty is to integrate the supply chain, improve the inventory system, and establish an erp system unique to Tesla with the assistance of the IBM team! "

Ding Tao lowered his body slightly, and solemnly reminded: "At present, Tesla has not encountered any inventory problems, but that day will always come! Apple Cook's relevant information has been sent to everyone, and their inventory cycle Now it has reached an average of two days, and the fastest time is only 15 hours!"

The conference room was very quiet, except for the voice of Ding Tao, and everyone looked at him solemnly.

With the collection of Apple's information, everyone in Tesla's management slowly understands what kind of monster the company they are about to target is.

That Tim. Cook is a genius! When they thought that Dell was the most powerful learning object in terms of supply chain and inventory control, a name that hadn't appeared for a long time——Apple, was brought up by the boss, and then they saw a terrifying monster that was dormant!

There's also an upcoming iPod...and a new PC coming soon!

"Tesla needs a seamless and streamlined supply chain, and an efficient inventory management system. When the inventory arrives, it is time to test everyone's achievements!"


"The meeting is over!"


In the same morning, Jingda Boya Hotel.

This is the star-rated hotel closest to Zhonghai, and Tesla has arranged rooms for every staff member who participated in the press conference.

In a standard room, Wang Qin was carefully wiping her ankles with a smear, gritted her teeth from time to time, and made a 'humming' sound from her mouth.

Ankles hurt, and even feet tend to be slightly out of shape—that's what happens when you wear sky-high heels.

Half a year has passed, and there is still five hours of physical training every day. These five hours were a hellish existence not only for Wang Qin, but also for the twelve girls.

No one gave up, and anyone could see how much the two men valued their twelve girls.

In half a year, he could actually make his debut long ago! But no, it was Zhao Song who suppressed him at first, and after Zhao Song, Gao Qiaoya also suppressed him.

In the past six months, the training teachers around me have changed countlessly, from flower growers, island countries, South Korea, and even two specially hired etiquette teachers from the UK-the etiquette teachers who charge by the hour!

How much those two men spent on them, at first they still had a rough idea in their minds, but now, they dare not even count.

Up to now, regardless of the performance level, if the twelve girls put on the costumes specially customized for them by Weiwei Group, not to mention Zhao Song, even the experienced Takahashi Masaya will have bright eyes.

In his words, "One or two may not be as elegant as Amuro Namie, but if twelve are put together, they will definitely win!"

What do you mean by putting twelve together and fighting in groups?

"That's Namie Amuro!" Thinking of this, Wang Qin pursed her lips and couldn't help laughing. She changed her foot and felt that it didn't hurt so much even before the medicine was applied.

"Drip~" The sound of swiping the card sounded.

"Touch!" The door was knocked open.

Afterwards, Yu Li ran in in a hurry.

"Sister Qin, pack your things quickly!"

"What's the matter? Are you not going to have breakfast?"

Yu Li took a deep breath, "The school leader called and told us to go back."

"What's the matter?" Wang Qin asked in surprise, she had already received her graduation certificate. What will happen at school?

"Starting today, we will rehearse in the morning and go back to school in the afternoon for intensive training until evening!" Yu Li became more and more excited as she said, "Sister Qin, Professor Wang called, you will be taught by him personally!"

Wang Qin was stunned, her eye circles slowly turned red, because she participated in the Twelve Girls Band, Professor Wang rejected her graduate application, unexpectedly...

Forgetting the pain in her ankle, Wang Qin quickly stood up and packed things together with Yu Li.

"Yu Li, why is this happening?"

Yu Li's face was ruddy, and she danced and said, "The trailer is on fire! When we were eating in the cafeteria just now, everyone was talking about the trailer.

Also, all the newspapers, all the newspapers! "

"What does this have to do with the school asking us to strengthen our training?" Wang Qin had already expected that the trailer would be popular. With such a gorgeous stage and such a top-notch team, there is no reason why it should not be popular. In contrast, these talents like myself are the existence that is holding back.

"Zhao Song said that it seems to have attracted the attention of the higher authorities."


Yu Li nodded mysteriously, "Above!"

Seeing Yu Li's solemn appearance, Wang Qin wanted to laugh, but held back.

"Did Zhao Song say when to come?"

"No, I was already busy, but when the trailer came out, I was even busier."

"What are you busy with?"

"who knows……"


"Brother-in-law, why don't you sit in the back?"

In a Mercedes-Benz driving at high speed.

Zhao Song, who was sitting in the back seat, greeted Da Da's brother-in-law who was sitting in the co-pilot with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

"No need." Wei Liang turned his head, looked at Zhao Song who looked anxious, and said with a smile, "You will be the guest of honor later, so it's inappropriate for me to sit behind you."

"Who... who is it?" Zhao Song became more and more nervous, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"You'll know when you get there." Wei Liang didn't say anything, pointing to the information in Zhao Song's hand, "You should take a look at the current situation of Shenzhou first."

Hearing this, Zhao Song suddenly became less nervous.

"Pa~" Throwing a stack of documents beside him, Zhao Song said angrily, "I can't read it, I only released 9 points of shares, why did you toss out 6,732 natural person shareholders?"

"Not 9 points, but 7 points. Most of the 2% you gave to Tesla employees were taken away by your sister and Xingsheng. But Pingchang District also released part of it."

"Damn!" Zhao Song blushed, looked at Wei Liang with a calm face, and let out a long breath, "Brother-in-law, the income of Shenzhou plus memory is one billion, and Pengcheng's conservative calculation is one billion, adding up to two billion." The new Shenzhou Technology, how much market value do you plan to toss it to?"

"It's not us!" Wei Liang explained calmly, "It's the market! Zhao Song, so far, neither Jingcheng Electric Control nor Pingchang District has made an active quotation!"

"..." Zhao Song was silent for a while, "Did you tell a story?"

"No, and you are not allowed to talk about it before the resumption of trading!"


The Benz went directly into the courtyard of the city hall, and Zhao Song's liver trembled when he saw it. If he knew he was here, he would never let Ermao drive the Benz.

The person who greeted Zhao Song was the deputy head in charge of economics in Beijing City. When shaking hands, the deputy head could feel the trembling of the young man, and he looked at Zhao Song in surprise.

This young man was completely different from what he had imagined. After achieving such a great achievement, he didn't look young and vigorous at all. Instead, his attitude was extremely correct, and he could even be said to be a little humble.

"No storytelling!"

"I don't know how to tell stories." Zhao Song nodded again and again, exerting a slight effort, trying to break his delicate little hand out of the opponent's big and generous one, but it was futile.

"I can only do things." Giving up the idea of ​​struggling, Zhao Song could only let the other party do it.

"Before the resumption of trading, nothing can be done!" The deputy chief smiled and held Zhao Song's hand, looking at the young man with interest and admiration.

"Then don't do it!" Zhao Song nodded seriously, with a very correct attitude.

The deputy chief was happy, let go of Zhao Song's delicate little hand, and put his arm around his shoulder again.

"Let's go, today's meeting, we have to set the general tone, and then try to take advantage of the Tesla press conference to resume trading!"


This is a coordination meeting that requires Zhao Song to express his position. He is very obedient. After the deputy chief finished his speech, he immediately expressed his firm attitude.

"Will not reduce holdings, still hold holdings!" (not absolute holdings) Then, I started to sit on the sidelines.

Let the divine ship of Shenzhou Technology come out of the water again, Zhao Song is selfish and a little public.

Selfishness is to create a relatively level playing field for Tesla. And the goal has been achieved-Tesla won Pengcheng, got rid of the shackles of the five majors, and began to improve its unique supply chain system.

In the future, there will be many invisible benefits. As long as there are more than 6,000 natural person shareholders who hold the original shares of Shenzhou Technology, as long as there is one who thinks about Zhao Song, it will be a boost to Tesla.

With a public heart, Zhao Song put it on the electronic control, and he didn't plan to rely on Shenzhou's listing to play any financial cash out at all. Shenzhou is against Fantasy, Tesla is against Apple, this is his layout, handing over the management rights to BOE, just to see if the electronic control has the ability to get some benefits from it!

I didn't expect...these people are so capable!

The stock market of flower growers is a joke, Zhao Song knew it, but he didn't expect it to be such a big joke.

Seeing the red-faced and red-eared institutions that wanted to enter, Zhao Song lowered his head, he didn't want others to see his gloomy expression.

Is this his M or Shenzhou? With such a high quotation, what is the expected market value of Shenzhou after the resumption of trading before they are satisfied?

"Xiao Zhao, do you have no confidence in yourself?"

A gentle voice rang in his ears, Zhao Song quickly straightened his face and raised his head.


Glancing at the lively meeting room, the deputy chief turned his head and said with a smile: "This is what the market expects from Shenzhou Technology, and the government only plays a supervisory role here!"

Zhao Song nodded. He believed that Shenzhou Technology, which originally had two billion yuan, was not qualified to let the government intervene.

It's the behavior of these organizations...that makes him not know what to say.

"With this money, the integration of Jingcheng Electronic Control will be accelerated, and more than 10,000 laid-off workers will return to their posts."

The debate at the meeting was subsiding, and the deputy chief's expression became more and more relaxed.

"Xiao Zhao, why did you choose electric control instead of the other two?"

"Because it is a new state-owned enterprise, it is very young, vigorous and efficient! It does not have the stink of old state-owned enterprises."

The deputy chief's smile gradually widened, and he took out a file bag and handed it to Zhao Song.

"The old Wangtou of the electronic control has a proposal. Our side has passed it. Now it depends on whether you are willing or not?"

Zhao Song opened the file bag.

"Appointment letter? Assistant to the chairman? Electronic control?" Zhao Song was surprised.

At this time, the meeting suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked this way.

The deputy chief nodded to the audience, and there was a warm applause at the scene, and several representatives began to shake hands with each other.

The deputy chief didn't look over there again, and picked up a file bag again and handed it to Zhao Song.

"In addition to BOE, this is another key integrated enterprise under the Electronic Control Group. If you agree to this appointment, you can propose a company name for reward!"

Pulling out the information, looking at it casually, Zhao Song's body trembled, and he immediately read it carefully.

The more he looked, the calmer his face became, and he slowly raised his head until only he and the deputy chief were left in the conference room.


As long as the market value is high, it will be high. The big deal is to try to make Shenzhou reach its falsely high market value. What's more, he originally wanted the electronic control to get the money-although its figure was a bit higher.

The deputy chief nodded with a smile and asked, "Do you have any suggestions for the name of the company?"

"Northern Huachuang!"

The etching machine is a high-precision equipment second only to the photolithography machine.

North Huachuang, which can make etching machines, will soon be established ahead of schedule.

The country is in action.

Zhao Song is accelerating!

February 9.

After busy with the magical Shenzhou Technology, the countdown to the Tesla press conference has officially entered!

The professional book friend of this book, Zhu Ou Ou 12, has a high valuation of Shenzhou after the resumption of trading. He listened to the opinions of professionals and made slight revisions.

There are restrictions on backdoor listing. Zhao Song does not cash out.

North Huachuang, a subsidiary of Jingcheng Electronics, is another listed company. In the real world, its main customers include FMCG and Four Star. (not sure)

Two in one today.

It should be very late tomorrow too. Everyone go to bed early.

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