Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 339 Hello, Dragon Looks Up

Coordination will be successful. If it is successful enough, just take the equity (strategic) investment template and fill in the numbers, and the relevant department will issue a newsletter soon after it is successful. All details can be viewed with a magnifying glass under the sun.

Except that number.

Coming out of the conference room, Zhao Song quietly followed Wei Liang, and when he came to the lobby on the first floor, he pulled out the fanatical Liao Yingzhu from the corner. When she was in the meeting room just now, she also took notes with this expression.

"Do you understand?"

Liao Yingzhu nodded frantically.

"It is enough to require a thousand shareholders for listing. Tell me why there are more than 6,000 natural person shareholders."

"When the shareholding reaches a certain amount, information disclosure is required!" Liao Yingzhu said with a red face, "Many people have split up."

I see. Zhao Song suddenly realized. Normal, nothing wrong.

"After the listing is diluted, how many shares do I hold?"

"About 36%." Liao Yingzhu opened his mouth and came, with a confident light shining on his face, "I can calculate the exact figure for you tonight, Zhao Song, you hold the shares!"

Zhao Song pouted, "Are you blind? Didn't you see those institutions today? Shenzhou is almost becoming a state-owned enterprise!"

"Zhao Song, you hold the shares!" Liao Yingzhu repeated what he said just now as if she didn't hear him, her slightly ugly face became more and more rosy, "They will never reach an agreement, and the people in Shenzhou will never reach an agreement. Listen to you, not to them!"

After saying this, Liao Yingzhu hurriedly took out a printed document from her backpack and handed it to Zhao Song.

"Four hours ago, when the American stock market closed, Texas Instruments rose 1.1%, Intel rose 0.3, Zhao Song, this is the first time in two months that the two companies have risen, all because of our trailer, because they announced the special relationship with SLA partners.”

It's TPOD's influence! It's just the right time! Zhao Song was stunned, and took a look at the information stiffly. The Internet bubble was still bubbling. He didn't expect that Americans would also gossip about it.

Liao Yingzhu took out her mobile phone again, brought up the text message page and put it in front of Zhao Song's eyes, louder: "The Shanghai stock market has just opened for 5 minutes, Shenzhen Technology and BOE are closed! Zhao Song, the market needs confidence, no matter whether the news is true or not. , big or small. Right now, Tesla is confidence, and you are confidence.”

I'm a dick! Seeing the people in the city hall cast their eyes here, Zhao Song hurriedly dragged the excited Liao Yingzhu to the outside.

Just luck!

"What are you talking about! Be careful." After Liao Yingzhu was pushed into the passenger seat of the Mercedes-Benz, Zhao Songcai and his brother-in-law Wei Liang sat in the back seat.

"Do you understand?" Wei Liang asked gently as soon as he got in the car.

Zhao Song nodded, "If I have the ability, Shenzhou will listen to me. If I don't have the ability, just stay where I came from!"

Wei Liang clapped his hands and said with a smile, "That's what it means."

"Understood!" Zhao Song nodded, then fell silent.

"Zhao Song."


"Electrical control is so good at playing chess, can you tell me why you chose it in the first place?"

Zhao Song smiled, "Brother-in-law, it doesn't matter what you think, I copied Apple's idea."

"What?" Wei Liang asked in surprise.

Zhao Song stared blankly at Wei Liang for a long time before explaining slowly: "11 years ago, Apple went to its deadly rival, Acorn, and spent 6 weeks persuading Acorn to operate the Acorn RISC Machine department independently."

Looking at Wei Liang's puzzled look, Zhao Song added: "It's ARM!"

"Oh!" Wei Liang suddenly realized.

"Now, Apple also owns nearly two-fifths of ARM."

Before long, Apple would have sold it to grow itself.

"What does this example have to do with electronic control?" Wei Liang was still puzzled.

"By relying on this concept of a large structure, in the high-tech field, Apple's tentacles are the entire industrial chain, and all upstream and downstream manufacturers are inextricably linked to Apple!"

Of course, it is IBM that is better than Apple. Zhao Song didn't even dare to think about that kind of company.

Wei Liang looked at Zhao Song in disbelief, and asked, "Are you going to be an apple for a florist?"

Zhao Song shrugged his shoulders, "When the life and death of a company is discussed by the whole country, Tesla just... hehe!"

There is another reason why Zhao Song did not say that Jingdu Electric Control, not including BOE and the soon-to-be-established Huachuang, has dozens of secondary companies, most of which are electronic equipment factories starting with numbers. Starting today, this huge talent pool Officially open to him!

"Zhao Song, your ambition is big enough!"

"Hey~ My sister is a good teacher!"


"Don't touch Tesla!" Zhao Song interrupted Wei Liang decisively, "I'll give you whatever you want, don't touch Tesla!"

"Then you have to hurry up!" Wei Liang spread his hands, "Either develop Shenzhou to its due value, or come up with something else, three links and one reach, one kilometer, LeTV, Shanda, Jasper, or that you The ad agency that has given up.

Zhao Song, brother-in-law reminds you, you have already attracted attention! "

"Then let me remind you too! Mr. Zhang Rujing from SMIC is begging his grandpa to sue grandma's lobbying everywhere in the United States with his status as a believer, just to buy some processing equipment that is five years behind." Zhao Song didn't seem to care about Wei Liang's words , but choked back!

Zhao Song didn't say this to Wei Liang either.

"Zhao Song!" Wei Liang frowned, "The country has a plan, and the funds are so much, step by step..."

"Where are you going to use the windfall money that those banking institutions will earn today?"


"Brother-in-law, I am now an assistant of the electric control system, which is considered to be a half-official status. Please consider my opinion."

The current Huachuang is just a Seven Star Huachuang in another time and space. Without the North Microelectronics, which has not been seen yet, it will never be a complete North Huachuang!

Wei Liang looked at the serious Zhao Song and nodded slowly, "I will mention it to the higher authorities."

Otherwise, you will lose and make a mistake. Wei Liang didn't say this sentence.

The carriage returned to silence. Although Liao Yingzhu in the front row was confused, she was sensible and didn't make a sound.

As soon as the endless topic was finished, Zhao Song understood what Wei Liang meant, but Wei Liang gritted his teeth with hatred. This little money fan pretends to be for the country and the people, who is he fooling!

It has been established for such a long time, and Shenzhou Technology has never held a board meeting. Pingchang District, Electronic Control, and that arrogant Chen Ning bastard, all follow his lead!

It is wrong now, and there is still room for maneuver. When the government starts to endorse Shenzhou in the future, the higher it is praised, the harder it will be thrown!

"Brother-in-law, there is one more thing."


"Before Shenzhou went public, you couldn't tell stories, and you couldn't do things. But Tesla has to do things."


"So let those banking institutions quickly sign the agreement and send the money, otherwise, we will raise the price at any time!"

"Aren't you going to intervene?"

"People change all the time."

Wei Liang cursed secretly, looking at Zhao Song's rascal, he was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger.


"What are you doing?"

"I have to go to work, who told you to drive!"

"Then send it back to you?"

The Mercedes-Benz stopped slowly on the side of the road.

Wei Liang got out of the car without saying a word, "No, I'll take a taxi myself!"

"Oh!" Zhao Song waved his hand, "Goodbye!"

"You!" Wei Liang smiled, knowing that this narrow-minded person was taking revenge for what he had kept from him in the morning.

"Zhao Song."

"What are you doing?"

Wei Liang pointed to a colorful lady's scooter not far from the Mercedes-Benz, and said with a smile, "I'm already the chairman, so rich, why don't you buy a car for the bodyguard?"

"I am happy!" Zhao Song said angrily.

"Don't worry, everyone will be happy to hear this news."

"Bang~" Without giving Zhao Song a chance to speak, Wei Liang closed the car door and left, leaving you kid without the truth for a day!

"mmd!" Zhao Song in the car looked back at the colorful motorcycle, and said distressedly: "Ermao, Asian Games Village Motor Market!"


After leaving Wei Liang, Liao Yingzhu finally couldn't help laughing.


The matter of Shenzhou is settled. A high-tech company that has made a lot of money from memory, sells USB flash drives, and doesn't even have a loan is listed. There is nothing to worry about for a while.

The only thing he cares about now is Tesla.

But as a reborn person, Zhao Song didn't know, and no one in this time and space knew that Shenzhou's listing was at the second high point of the sixth wave of the flower market's bull market. After half a year, the 4-year bear market will come.

In 2001, Saturday, February 10, was cloudless.

At 7:59 a.m., on the sixth floor of Wutong Building.

The huge conference room has long been filled with various equipment, and the heads of various departments and key personnel of Tesla have all been in place.

Zhao Song stood in front of the window with a pensive look on his face. He didn't pretend to be an X, he was just counting the sleep time yesterday, and when he found that he had slept for 8 hours, he nodded in satisfaction and turned around.

At this time, exactly eight o'clock.

"Good morning everyone!" Zhao Song smiled, nodded, and looked around everyone before returning to a serious look.

"There are still 14 days before the global launch of new products. During these 14 days, I hope that all departments will be closely integrated to predict the sales of new products, Tesla's supply chain, suppliers, product production, and testing. , logistics, sales, after-sales and other links, to complete a comprehensive and in-depth understanding and integration.

Overseas, there are three business consulting companies and Weiwei Group that will cooperate with you. Here, IBM's consulting team is already in place. "

Having said that, Zhao Song nodded politely to the middle-aged foreign lady on his left.

"Target: After all the new product launch work is completed, the supply chain and inventory cycle will reach the level of Huaqing Tongfang. After half a year, Tesla's own ERP management system will be completed. One year later, the supply chain and inventory cycle will reach the ideal level. level!

In terms of PC product development, it took Tesla a whole year until yesterday to complete all the research and development of the first-generation brand PC. Of course, this is caused by objective factors. In this regard, Tongfang is five months, Fantasy and Dell are four months, and Apple is only two months!

I hope a year from now Tesla will be at the level of Fantasy and Dell! "

In the conference room, there was silence, and even Wei Mingyu, who came to join in the fun, carefully huddled in a corner: She had never seen such a serious brother.

"I am not as far away as Gao Luyuan, and my goal is not high, it can be said to be very low!"

Zhao Song looked at everyone seriously, "Three stages, if there is a problem in any link, if it is not achieved, the person in charge resigns, and I will reorganize the team!"

"I'm sorry, please wait a moment!" The middle-aged woman from IBM interrupted Zhao Song's speech. She looked at Zhao Song in shock and said nothing for a while.

"Kai Li, please tell me." Zhao Song smiled and replied in proficient English.

"I'm sorry, Zhao, I haven't seen the assessment method you just mentioned in your company these two days."

"I use it myself!" Zhao Song introduced, "I have never participated in the specific management of the company, but I have been using this method for company executives."

"Do you know what this is?" The middle-aged woman Kaili looked at Zhao Song in disbelief. This is a college student who grows flowers and has never been to the United States.

"I know!" Zhao Song explained patiently: "In HP, it is called MBO, in INTEL it has been further developed, in Google, it has grown rapidly! I hope Tesla can fully implement this under the guidance of your team. way of working."

Speaking of this, Zhao Song smiled, "Tesla has all the information on their implementation."

The role of money is everywhere!

Carey nodded, looked at the upright Gui Luyang sitting across the conference table, and asked, "The objective and key result method is also called the OKR method in the companies you mentioned. Mr. Zhao Song, this method replaces KPI. Do you think your company's HR is competent for the work method of performance appraisal?"

Zhao Song glanced at Gui Luyang, that high raised head never lowered when her leg was broken.

"She's the best!"

"Staff?" Carey asked next.

"Tesla adopts the last elimination system, only the best and best employees!"


"Tesla has multiple exponential technologies and products!"

Seeing that Carey still wanted to ask, Zhao Song shook his hand, and continued: "Tesla is a young company, and bureaucracy has not yet been born. Tesla has no plan to go public. At work, 10% of the time is devoted to employees. Discretionary.

Based on the above, we are the most suitable company for flower growers to implement the OKR working method! "

Don't talk about apples, it's just fantasies. Zhao Song is completely unsure if he is alone, only a group of people can do it!

After saying these words, Zhao Song and everyone looked at the lame woman with her head raised high.

Kaili slowly withdrew his gaze from Gui Luyang, his face became more and more excited, "Mr. Zhao, we are willing to explore this working method with your company, but the time may be very long."

"Tesla is not short of money!" Zhao Song understood what she meant, and said grandly, "IBM is one of the greatest companies in the world, and I believe in your professional ethics!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song stood up, walked to Gui Luyang's side, and patted her on the shoulder heavily.

"Get to work!"

"Coax~" The conference room suddenly became noisy.

Tesla's first-generation brand machine, Zhao Song must be released together with Zhonghai Kaikai. The time is running out, but no one has any objections.

This is the brand machine plan that everyone in Tesla wants to realize. The time is tight, but they are willing to work hard for it!

Only in this way can Tesla, who has been walking with a limp, really stand up!

At this moment, Tesla stepped on the accelerator and began to move forward rapidly!


At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, an international flight from the United States arrived. A young man took a sample of Nvidia's brand-new GeForce3 graphics and a full set of official graphics card manufacturing process, and hurriedly got in the car that came to pick him up, and went to Pyeongchang Tesla Industry The garden galloped away.

Half an hour later, Nvidia's official website was updated, and the name TESLA was added to the company's AIC directory!

February 13.

Industry and Commerce, China Merchants Bank, Jingdu State Investment, and a fund institution of Shanghai formally signed a Shenzhou Technology equity transfer agreement with Jingcheng Electronics Holdings and Pingchang District, and issued a notice to the whole society that the equity deployment of Shenzhou Technology was officially completed.

Jingcheng Electric Control has also received the funds needed for integration.

February 15.

Shenzhou Industrial Park, Factory No. 4.

A supervisor angrily came to Xiaojie, a young woman, put a defective TPOD beside her, and then slammed it down with a hammer.


At noon on the same day, BenQ released a newsletter on major IT websites, officially becoming a senior partner of Tesla.

Tesla is accelerating.

February 17.

The first Frozen chassis manufactured by Shenzhou Technology rolled off the production line in the No. 1 factory building of the Electronic Control Electronics Park.

Half an hour later, Zhao Song moved it to the open space of the park, and in front of countless people, smashed it to pieces with a ferocious face!

On the same day, a group of people panickedly closed the electronics park! Not a single person here can get out until it hits the market!

In the evening, the official website of Hitachi Storage Corporation was updated, and a strategic cooperation agreement was reached with Tesla.

February 18.

When Yuan Wu came back, he hurriedly entered the Shenzhou Science and Technology Electronics Park without reminiscing about the past.

On this day, the official websites of Innovation, Swans, Shanshi, and Wesonic were updated, all related to Tesla.

February 19.

The first batch of TPOD2 arrived in the United States.

Zhao Song picked up the phone and asked calmly, "Li Wei, where is my specialty store?"

"It's been handed over to Liu Cong!" Li Wei said the same tone on the phone, as if the two were just a simple partnership, "On Fifth Avenue, 450 square meters, the place is not big, but half of the property rights, I will find a way to buy the other half."

"Understood!" Zhao Song pursed his lips and did not thank him. This is what Tesla deserved, and it was a full three months late. "Why doesn't Weiwei Group develop the Nordic market?"

"There is not enough manpower, Tesla can take over." On the phone, Li Wei remained calm.

"Thank you."



February 21.

In the morning, Shenzhou Technology announced that it will resume trading in 4 days later, that is, on February 25.

At the same time, Factory No. 4 in the Tesla Industrial Park.

The supervisor came to find Xiaojie angrily.

"Ka~" is still a hammer.

"The last time, this time we lost half of each of us! Xiaojie, there is no more chance!"

"Yes, supervisor!" Xiaojie bit her lips tightly holding back her tears.

The quality control of TPOD shulle 2 has reached a demanding level.

February 22.

The head of the Mitsubishi Display business department came to the capital. Zhao Rong led Jiaming Trading and Duan Yuming's BOE team to receive the whole process. LCD monitors were encroaching on the market, and a negotiation on the transfer of Mitsubishi CRT Diamond Display technology officially started.

In the afternoon, the seventh Tesla supplier plant in Pyeongchang Industrial Park broke ground. In the next three months, this number will expand to 17, including Wuming Chassis Factory, Wesonic Branch Factory, Shanshi Technology, And overclocking three!

Tesla's supply chain integration is on the right track.

February 23.

In the early hours of the morning, the first batch of Tesla-branded PCs officially passed the 48-hour copying machine, and the entire line of tests passed.

After Zhao Song pasted the last sealing strip, ten large trucks roared towards the Capital International Airport, where two Boeing 747 cargo planes were ready to go.

Ten hours later, in Ginza, an island country, the Tesla flagship store passed the environmental protection test, and the display racks and various equipment that had been waiting for a long time entered the venue.

Outside the enclosure, there were signs of crowds gathering. Many young island men were staring intently at the twelve pairs of long-legged posters on the enclosure, as well as the hazy TPOD shulle 2.

On February 24, 2001, the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar, the year of Xinsi, the month of Gengyin, the day of Wuwu, the dragon raised its head.

7 o'clock in the morning. Xiagou Village.

"Drip, drop, drop, drop~~ Central People's Broadcasting Station..."


A new day starts with a dog barking.

Good morning, Lian Shun.

Good morning, dragon heads up!

Tesla's total assets: 2.4 billion. 3/18 sets of commercial housing.

Well, book friend wins.

There are two and a half chapters today, so I don’t need to say what tomorrow will be, it may be very late, very late.

The details that need to be described in this chapter and in the scroll post are all mentioned in one stroke. If you have any doubts, please add them later.

I have no water, and it takes a long time to write a chapter. This article also expresses a meaning, even if I am reborn, nothing is as simple as I think. Effort, and detail. Very important. Therefore, it is only in line with the core socialist values! :)

Regarding the listing of Shenzhou, those who have suggestions can comment, and the financial affairs will rarely be involved. Just leave it alone.

1: The OKR working method is used a lot in the early stage of American startups. Well, it is just a working method. There are many debates, and it cannot stand the truth.

2: ARM has three initial investments, namely 1.5 million, 1.5 million, and 500,000, and Apple is one of the two 1.5 million.

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