22 fireworks shells were shot into the air by the salute. On this cold early spring night, colorful fireworks were released, illuminating the entire Zhongguancun extremely brightly.

Dianhai West Road was surrounded by crowds.

The surrounding area of ​​Zhonghai, the Pacific Ocean, Hainiao, Jingda Shaw Building, and even the unopened Dingbai are all brightly lit. Standing on Dianhai West Road, one can vaguely see many heads protruding from the windows of these buildings.

People linger on watching the Tesla advertisement on the advertising screen of the China Overseas Wall, looking up at the bright fireworks, feeling ups and downs.


"Papa papa~"

At first, a few people applauded. Gradually, the applause became more and more enthusiastic, and then resounded all over Dianhai West Road.

People's hearts were ups and downs, and many people didn't know whether their applause was for the girls who performed or for Tesla.

Anyway, applause and that's it! Anyway, it’s all good, all wonderful, all shocking!

Chen Ning approached Zhao Song with a flushed face, and shouted loudly amidst the applause like a tide.

"Zhao Song, let's start an entertainment company! When the time comes, I'll take care of the outside affairs. If you have nothing to do, just come up with ideas and let you hold the controlling stake! Make sure you change your girlfriend every week!"

Seeing the sick flush on Chen Ning's face, Zhao Song said angrily, "Don't do it! I've had enough fun!"

"What?" Chen Ning shouted loudly.

"I said!" Zhao Song opened his mouth wide and roared, "I've had enough fun, I'm deficient in yang!"

"Uh~" Looking at the righteous Zhao Song, Chen Ning was speechless.

In the corner, the fantasizing bearded man looked at the advertisement screen thoughtfully. His bald man turned his head and said, "There are a total of 27 independent intellectual property rights in that console. Apart from Apple, it should be the most among all PC manufacturers! "(Assembler)

"Top match, 28888!" The bearded man looked at his subordinates and asked, "Is it expensive?"

"..." The subordinate murmured for a while, and did not speak for a while.

The bearded man didn't care, and looked around at the crowd on Dianhai West Road, "Looking at them, they don't seem to think it's expensive, but they seem to take it for granted."

"Let's go!" The bearded man sighed, and walked out with his men, "Remember to come here again tomorrow and rent out the main advertising space."

"Understood!" This time, the subordinates reacted quickly, no one is a fool, after tonight, Zhonghai Electronics Mall will become a landmark building in Zhongguancun, and by then, the advertising screens here should not be too popular.

"Li Kai!"

"Director, what's the matter?"

The bearded Wei Ming glanced at Zhong Hai, he seemed to see that young and arrogant face in the crowd.

"Li Kai, do you want Tesla to lose this time?"


Li Kai, his subordinate, looked complicated and didn't speak.

"In 26 countries, Times Square's domineering screen was bought out just for this T1?" The bearded man didn't know why, but suddenly got interested in talking. Follow Li Kai to walk on Zhongguancun North Street.

"Counting in the advertisements and other expenditures put on by several domestic TV stations, Li Kai, this is not something that the old bastard of Zhonghai can do. Someone is forcing him."

"Director!?" Li Kai looked at the bearded man in shock.

Patted Li Kai on the shoulder, with a complicated expression on his bearded face, "Zhao Song is betting on Tesla's future! Tesla is very rich, but now it has no money. Intel, Hitachi, Innovation, Guanghe and other upstream manufacturers The signed annual supply agreement crushed Tesla to death!

Li Kai, you are going to report to the superiors tomorrow. In this market competition, whether to fight or not, how to fight, no matter what the superiors decide, you will be responsible in the future! "

"Director, what about you?" Li Kai rubbed his hands at a loss and asked anxiously.

"I'll call Dell!" The bearded man laughed, "Anyway, we are made in China!"


"Made in China! A company that dares to say this in front of the whole world is amazing!" Mr. Wei stood up with a sigh, then helped his wife up, and patted Wei Liang and sister Da Da on the shoulders, "You find someone Good brother!"

"Of course!" Sister DaDa raised her head proudly.

Wei Liang smiled subtly, and supported the two old men with Qianqian's arms.

Mr. Wei waved his hand, "The car is not far away, your mother and I are walking around."

Wei Liang nodded, watched the two elders leave, and then dragged Sister Da Da to Zhao Song.

At this time, Zhao Song had just sent the people around him away.

"Sister, brother-in-law, it's so cold, why haven't you gone back?"

Sister Da Da shook her head and said worriedly: "Tesla TI's global launch is too hasty. Have you considered cultural differences? Do you have a backup plan?"

Zhao Song bowed his head, Wei Liang sighed.

"What's the matter?" Sister Da Da looked at the two of them, her anger surged instantly, and she shouted at Wei Liang: "What are you doing again? What are you hiding from me?"

"It has nothing to do with my brother-in-law!" Zhao Song hurriedly pulled Sister Dada's hands away from her brother-in-law's neck, and said with a wry smile: "Brother-in-law has helped a lot! The main reason is that Tesla's foreign exchange reserves are relatively large, and it is normal for some people to have opinions. Yes, so we need to spread some money out."

"How much do you keep?"


"..." Sister Da Da understood instantly, pursed her lips, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Sister, Tesla is going to fight a patent war."


Zhao Song nodded. Just for patent infringement, Microsoft pays 20 million US dollars every year, and Google in the future will pay 50 million US dollars. They are all leaders in high-tech companies in the United States, but there are still countless small companies that are always watching them. As long as you Your products are selling well, as long as your company is hot, it will be the target under the magnifying glass!

In this life, the small company that was originally eyeing Apple’s IPOD has finally eyed Tesla’s TPOD. As for Apple, it’s another patent war.

"As for cultural differences, how come Nokia, Motorola, and Ericsson have no cultural differences when they come to us?"


"Extreme user experience, minimal aesthetic concept, strong marketing ability, heavy fetish complex and extreme perfectionism! Sister, as long as you make a good product, you can overcome cultural differences! This is why TPOD does not The reason for using the visual operation panel, Tesla will not launch any visual control terminal there before fully understanding the user habits abroad!"


"Sister, don't be serious!" Zhao Song shook his head and interrupted Sister Dada's words, "If you are serious, it is an issue of ideological struggle, which is the business of brother-in-law and the others, and Tesla will not participate in it.

Finally, Avalokitesvara is a show destined to shock the world! I just want to take advantage of it to let the world know that there is a flower planting brand like Tesla. If it is just a pure press conference, an assembled MP3, an assembled computer, let me talk about the hype, will anyone listen? "

Zhao Song finally expressed everyone's doubts, why did a simple new product launch event become a gala, just to attract attention! build the brand!

TPOD has long been known around the world, and the future of T1 is uncertain. Building the Tesla brand is Tesla's most important task at present.

Wei Liang said gently: "Flower planting and manufacturing are now only synonymous with cheap and low-quality. Shouting this out, Tesla is destined to be the most difficult start abroad."

"Speaking out by yourself is better than letting others talk about it every day." Zhao Song shrugged and replied indifferently.

"Come on." Patting Zhao Song on the shoulder, Wei Liang pulled Sister DaDa away.


The prosperity is gone, and the return journey is late at night.

After dismissing everyone, the west gate of Zhonghai became empty. He handed two packs of cigarettes to the two sanitation workers who were cleaning the gate, and casually glanced at Santana who was not far away. Zhao Song turned and walked into Zhonghai.

The main hall is very large, and the performing arts equipment has been emptied, leaving only a brightly lit stage and 200 seats in the corner.

"Is this where Crazy Joe sat?" He recalled the original scene carefully.

"Bang~" Zhao Song kicked hard, knocking the chair to the ground.

Then, he walked slowly onto the stage, stretched out his arms, closed his eyes, and looked intoxicated, as if there were countless people watching him attentively, expecting something.

Slowly walking two steps forward, Zhao Song opened his eyes, looked at the audience with radiance, showed a brimming smile, stretched out his hands, pretended to hold something in his hands, and said.

"First, it's so thin it fits in an envelope!"

Today's chapter, lack of sleep, blood pressure has not come down, I go to bed early. Excuse me.

In this chapter, I chose to sink down, and the single chapter was deleted, so I will be more pure in the future. The amount of comments in these two days is more than in the past two months. To be honest, I can't bear it.

Sink down and write down-to-earth. Thank you all here.

There are two more points:

1. Before the conclusion is reached, this article tries not to involve Huawei. I would also like to remind everyone that a C shock department and other self-media Baijia accounts are just jokes, they are all nonsense, and half of me, a layman, can see that the technical analysis they wrote is nonsense. Huawei is just a manufacturer, let's look away and don't put too much pressure on it, let alone give some irresponsible media a chance to carnival. In addition, I have been using MATE9 for almost two years, and it is very easy to use.

2. Responding to the comments of book friends, in 2001, Huawei was only a manufacturer of communication equipment and had no products for end users. What was it doing? Where did you come from to keep a low profile? What's amazing is the fantasy IDER advertisement. It's TCL's ace color TV, or Haier's pair of brothers in underpants. Instead of expanding its popularity through various purposes, a company keeps a low profile? Is it a business or a spy drama?

There is a very interesting story: Ericsson concentrated the mobile phone supply chain in one manufacturer, and it caught fire! Haha, then we will never see Ericsson mobile phones again, and we will not see it, because it has no user-oriented terminal products.

It's over, good night.

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