Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 345 Mental imbalance.

"They are a special group. It is only their dream to hear any sound, but they do not use listening to realize this dream, but use feeling. Feel the vibration produced by the sound, and feel what they cannot hear through the vibration of sound. And express it with the only body language they can. Show people that they can feel music, and express it too!"

"One of the greatest cultural performances I've ever seen!"

"Unbelievable, thank you to these excellent dancers for their wonderful performances, thank you!"

"Deaf people also have a moving movement, which is a pulsating melody. The silent thousand hands vibrate the strings on the heart, shocking my heart!"

"Avalokitesvara" became popular. During the busiest day in the United States and the most leisurely night for flower growers, the news media needs timeliness, but netizens don't.

As Zhao Song expected, Tesla was included in all netizens' comments.

"Beauty Song", "Water Sleeve Dance", even if there are cultural differences, the groundbreaking laser dance is the concept first proposed by the gringo. On the Internet, all the programs have aroused heated discussions. Slah!

Accompanied by heated discussions on the Internet, half an hour after the press conference ended, the Tesla soft articles on major IT websites around the world began to be reloaded. Tesla's global announcement is also officially launched.

"The most expensive consumer-grade personal computer is on the market! It is not a conceptual product with a high price to show the company's strength, but a mass-produced type!"

"Super large board, crazy stacking, gamer country E-ATX large motherboard, almost integrates all cutting-edge technologies."

"The earth-shattering Geforce3 graphics chip is the world's first launch by Tesla! 460MHZ memory frequency, 7.36Gb/s broadband, 1.6 billion texture fill rate, shocking T\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;L hardware acceleration and GPU concept for 3D graphics cards for PCs It has brought revolutionary development. For the first time, nVIDIA has completely surpassed RADEON in technology, and for the first time boarded the dominance of the graphics card!"

"The G5 mechanical keyboard, which has won multiple international awards, has finally come to the consumer market, but this time, consumers can only see them on the Tesla T1, and the retail market is still hard to find."

"$3,499! I don't know whether it is intentional or coincidental, the price of Tesla's top configuration is the same as that of Apple's Power Mac."

"Tesla T1 is equipped with 28888, which is a sky-high price for ordinary consumers, but for some industries, it is simply a cost-effective choice! The first large-scale application of disk arrays makes your data transmission safe and fast. The key is the magical 1394 FireWire interface!"


"The magical 1394 FireWire interface standard was drafted by Apple!"

March 3, 2001, Saturday, sunny.

Seven days have passed since the press conference, and five days have passed since the launch of Shenzhou and Tesla's tape-out.

No surprises, "Avalokitesvara" became popular, and Tesla's popularity increased significantly; TPOD2 sales were so hot that it began to be out of stock globally; the accessories of the Player Kingdom series were selling well; T1...unknown!

It was a rare weekend, the weather was good, the sun was shining, and the smell of soot in Xiagou Village made Zhao Song very happy. He took out the reclining chair, put on an extra windbreaker, and lay comfortably in front of a house basking in the sun.

He didn't even care about the rumbling construction site behind him.

Putting down the science and technology newspaper in his hand, Zhao Song turned to Chen Ning who was sitting on the other side and said, "That's why I didn't go on stage at the press conference! The technology is someone else's, even if it's shameless, who will listen to it?" Understand?"

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip, Zhao Song went on to say: "Tesla must insist on one point, be customer-oriented, customer-oriented, technology must be reflected in the final product, and then let customers feel it for themselves!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song slammed his mouth and repeated it again and again.


Chen Ning stared straight at the teacup in front of him, at the few pieces of inferior tea dregs floating on the tea.

"I'll bring you some good tea later."

Zhao Song knocked on the small coffee table in dissatisfaction, "I am telling you about the business philosophy, listen carefully, I am now a star of Zhongguancun!"

The dark and thin Chen Ning is not at all like a kid who grew up in a compound. He always likes to wear high-end suits despite his poor figure, like a clothes rack that is one size smaller and a suit that is one size bigger. A fiery temper went everywhere, but when he met Zhao Song, Chen Ning completely restrained his temper. Resignedly said: "You go to work in Shenzhou, you talk about ideas, I implement."

Chen Ning, currently serves as executive vice president of Shenzhou Technology Co., Ltd.

"No!" Zhao Song blurted out two words, and then looked at Chen Ning curiously, "Shenzhou, what is the market value?"

"You don't know?" Chen Ning asked in surprise. These days, apart from Avalokitesvara and Tesla, the rest of the world is the news of Shenzhou. Every day when the stock market opens, Shenzhou is directly sealed by a large number of buy orders. On the daily limit list, he never let go for a moment.

"I don't know!" Zhao Song shook his head and spread his hands, "I haven't watched TV or read financial newspapers since yesterday."

As he spoke, he pointed to Chen Ning's weekly computer purchasing magazine on the coffee table.

"It's almost 30 billion!" Chen Ning said the answer.

"What's the price-earnings ratio?" Zhao Song didn't have any surprises.

"More than fifty times."

"Satisfied with those institutions that previously played equity investment?"


"Okay!" Zhao Song nodded and stopped talking.


After a long silence, Chen Ning opened his mouth, "Or, I..."

"Don't move!" Zhao Song quickly shook his head, "Brother Chen, take care of R\u0026D, channels, and after-sales service, and they can mess around with the rest. I just hope they can hurry up."

This is a society of personal relationships. If Zhao Song was just a common man, he would definitely scold him cynically. If a common man has a relative who can arrange for him to enter Shenzhou, he can still feel at ease. With a guaranteed labor contract, a perfect salary system, and a promising future Listed companies, who is not happy? Humans are animals with such contradictory interests!

When Shenzhou went public, large-scale personnel adjustments were made. On the bright side, it shows that everyone is optimistic about this young company.

On the bad side, it completely disrupted all his arrangements and plans, and made him understand: the world is beautiful, and I think it is even better!

Chen Ning nodded and asked, "The adjustment is over, are you going to work?"



On the side of the road outside Xiagou Village, a Toyota Bawang was parked. Chen Ning opened the door and walked up, not surprised by the people waiting in the car.

Shaking his head, Chen Ning sighed and said, "I didn't say anything."

In the car, Sister Dada, Ding Tao, Wen Lihua, Professor Liu of the Psychology Department of JFJ General Hospital, and Xizi were also sitting.

Professor Liu sighed, "Typical lack of self-confidence. He's scared!"

After speaking, Professor Liu looked at Xizi together with the others.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xizi said: "In high school, he had a very good personality. He was also on the school basketball team. He was the deputy monitor of his class. In junior high school, he had a crush on a girl who told me about it for three years. But after I went to college, I never mentioned it.”

"Is there anything else? What did he experience during the summer vacation after the college entrance examination?"

Xizi shook her head, looked at the few people again, and then added: "The only thing that is a little strange is that he is very good at mathematics in high school, but although he passed the exam in the first half of the freshman semester, he is the last few in the class. You know, the two of us scored the highest in the college entrance examination, and it was never heard that he missed professional courses at that time."

"Did he say why?"

"It's been too long, I forgot."

What kind of excuse is this? The people in the car looked puzzled.

Sister Dada thought about it carefully for a while, and said slowly: "Zhao Song is very talented. During that time, Xingsheng and I took turns teaching him. With Tesla, a company that can practice at any time, he made rapid progress. Coupled with his endless creativity, running a company is like cheating!

Only one thing, he is very afraid of my Wei Liang, and all the people with the same status as Wei Liang..." Sister Da Da glanced at Professor Liu, "It's like an old fritter that has been scrambling at the bottom for many years. "

Professor Liu seemed to have figured out something, and hurriedly asked: "Is there anything else? Did you notice when he became abnormal?"

Hearing this question, Sister DaDa gave Chen Ning a hard look.

"He said that he wanted to develop Tesla in a down-to-earth manner, but after speculating memory into futures with this bastard and earning more than a billion yuan, it completely changed."

"It seems that you didn't participate in the portrait." Chen Ning muttered.

Ding Tao didn't even look at the two angry men and women, and asked with concern: "Professor Liu, is my boss okay?"

Professor Liu shook his head with a smile, "Combined with the market value of Shenzhou Technology, the sudden emergence of huge wealth made him seem to have changed his environment. The sudden unfamiliar environment made him full of fear. The experience he didn't know... made his mentality unbalanced."

"If you are rich and have an unbalanced mentality, don't you become an upstart?" Chen Ning asked suspiciously, "What is his situation now?"

"That's why so many of you are willing to help him!" Professor Liu replied with a smile, then turned his head and explained to Sister Da Da: "It's okay, let your family chat with Zhao Song and tell him that he will contact you about this." The new world is less complicated and less scary."

"The key is..." Sister Dada smiled wryly, "He encountered all bad things, how can he be convinced that the new world is beautiful?"


There was silence in the car, some were puzzled, some thoughtful.


Zhao Song once read a novel, the future winner of the 74th Hugo Short Fiction Award - "Folding the Capital".

The book tells that in the future capital city, it will be divided into three spaces according to social class, and Lao Dao, a garbage worker who lives in the third space, risked his life to travel among the three spaces in order to allow his adopted daughter to receive education. send a letter. In the process, he saw the young women who married into wealthy families play tricks on the middle-class young college students who changed their destiny by studying. He was also rescued by the kind-hearted people who struggled from the third space to the first space. Back to third space.

Zhao Song came from eighteen years after the class began to solidify. In his life, he spent a year to reach the first floor, at a loss.

In front of a house, drinking broken tea and listening to songs, Zhao Song seemed to be at ease. Xiao Yu brought fried melon seeds from the house, which made him feel even more comfortable.

It wasn't until the whole plate of melon seeds had been eaten by him that Xizi walked over as if nothing had happened.


Xizi nodded.

"Let's go."

Zhao Song took off his windbreaker, went back to the cubicle, carried a heavy travel bag on his back, and left.

"Lian Shun!"


5 minutes later, in front of an antique two-story building.

Xiao Yu squatted at the door of the room, quietly hugging Lian Shun.

This is the place where she grew up, even if it is completely changed now, she doesn't want to go in.

In the basement of the small building, Zhao Song dropped the travel bag on the ground.

"Boom~" There was a crisp sound of metal clashing.

Next to the travel bag, there is a pit that has already been dug.

Zhao Song opened the travel bag, and under the light of the room, it immediately shone golden.

It was really shiny, because the duffel bag was full of gold bars!

Xizi turned a blind eye and concentrated on turning the cement mortar with a shovel.

Zhao Song turned the travel bag over, "Wow~" A bag of gold bars was poured into the pit.


Hearing this, Xizi immediately backfilled with soil, then spread mortar, and placed the last piece of 800-standard tiles, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Let's go."




"I'm getting married right out of college, I'm going to have two kids, I love kids."




"The gold bar belongs to my child, so don't make up your mind."



"Zhao Song!" Xizi held Zhao Song back and looked at him with concern.

Zhao Song patted Xizi on the shoulder and lit a cigarette. At this time, the two had arrived in the courtyard in front of the antique building.

"I know what you guys are doing!" Zhao Song said leisurely, "Actually, it's nothing serious, I'm just under a lot of pressure."

"Shenzhou is almost 30 billion. You have money that other people can't make in a few lifetimes. Why are you under so much pressure? Zhao Song, you are not a person who can make you feel sad!"

"Because I'm a stud!" Zhao Song replied helplessly, "Now I really understand why the PC industry is an asset-heavy industry. To get through a complete supply chain, there is no huge amount of money, so don't even think about it. "

"One billion is not enough?" Xizi didn't understand, and asked suspiciously: "I remember that the country only gave Fantasia a special loan of 10 million US dollars, and it was saved."

"That was five years ago, and it still depends on Xiaozhi's mastery in finance!" Zhao Song shook his head, "Now that the threshold has been raised, it doesn't cost that much to buy a low-end Shenzhou, but I want to play high-end! "

Having said this, Zhao Song shrugged his shoulders.

"How's the sales of T1?"

"I don't know yet." Zhao Song shook his head and said, "Flower growers are lukewarm. After all, it's too expensive. The minimum allocation is 12888. Now we'll just look at the news from abroad."

"What happens if you lose?"

"Tesla went bankrupt, transferred Shenzhou shares at a low price, took what I deserved, and became a rich man with peace of mind."


"Win?" Zhao Song tilted his head, showing a bright smile, "If you win, you will be stable! Why did the country acquiesce in the misappropriation of special loans by Fantasia, why did it allow Fantasia to be merged into Hong Kong Fantasia, and state-owned to private? It is because of the PC industry The driving effect on the surrounding area, the fantasy develops and grows, and the country can take more benefits!"

Xizi shook her head, "I don't understand."

"Tesla's development and growth can also drive countless industries."

Compared with the 400 million netizens in 9 years, the 20 million Internet users now have passed this level, and Tesla is eligible to take a bite of this super-large cake!

The market value of Shenzhou can be changed, and professional book friends suggest that it is being perfected. Zhao Song doesn't use Shenzhou's money, and he can't use it.

Written according to the outline, well, this chapter is useless, you can skip it if you don’t understand it. I will make up for it with free words in the future. Two in one today.

A small request: It is unrealistic for book friends not to talk about some things, but can you use the name in the book?

In addition, this book is based on facts, not boasting or blackmailing, focusing on positive energy, and not alluding to anything. This is the story of Shui Lanxing!

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