Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 351 Someone Left

The meeting was over, and Zhao Song stood at the gate, shaking hands and hugging every executive he had high hopes for!

Some people say that a flat enterprise will exhaust the boss to death, so Crazy Joe is exhausted...?

Zhao Song didn't know that for more than a year, he had his own insights through the analysis and study of Huawei and the companies that survived the Internet bubble on the other side of the ocean.

That is, the leader of an enterprise plays an important role: for employees, the leader is a hero, he symbolizes hard work and politics, and his every move deeply affects those who follow him. It is precisely because of the example of the leader that the organizational culture can be implemented among the employees.

Apple is like this, Google is like this, Huawei is like this.

Zhao Song also wanted to do the same, but he knew his lack of ability. While speeding up to enrich himself, he drew countless lines on the second layer of the flattened Tesla, further deepening the linkage of various departments—— ——This is a new level of high requirements for Tesla’s first-level leaders, which is why Zhao Song has not announced the organizational structure until now—that is, except for Wei Fang, the abilities of other executives, and Or educational issues!

It's hard to make up your mind, but after making up your mind today, Zhao Songyi chose to believe them without hesitation!

Wu Shihong has been able to work from a nurse to the president of Microsoft's flower planting area, and then to the general manager of TCL Information Industry Corporation.

Lao Rong, the No. 1 florist fan who wrote "Golden State Fans Don't Believe in Tears", can make the 8848 e-commerce website continuously profitable. During this period of time...

What kind of achievement is this?

The legendary grassroots counterattack!

So for Tesla, even if some people have started to fall behind, starting today, Zhao Song still firmly believes that the executives who grew up with him can also counterattack!

When he came back to his senses, the meeting room was empty. Zhao Song turned around and patted Song Guanyi on the shoulder, sighed, turned and left without saying anything more.


It wasn't until Zhao Song disappeared that Song Guanyi turned around and came to an office door. The people there didn't attend any meetings today.

"Brother, wait a moment." Hearing the door opening, Wu Wenyun did not look up, and signed the form calmly. He didn't stand up until the last one was signed.

Once, Song Guanyi was called Yunyi by Zhao Song, while Wu Wenyun was called Yuner. The Tesla logistics points covering the whole capital were created by the two of them from scratch.

Unfortunately, Song Guanyi looked at Wu Wenyun, "How much did you charge?"

"200,000!" Wu Wenyun said bluntly.

"For more than a year, you have earned more than this. Even if you don't want to suffer in Tesla, you can earn more by going to Shenzhou..."

"Brother!" Wu Wenyun interrupted Song Guanyi, and said sadly: "At that time, I could make a lot of money by changing the delivery order of TPOD2 for those dealers. I was obsessed!"

Song Guanyi nodded, "We are all from Ligong. If we can't recognize our own words, this is the end. Thank you for teaching me such a lesson!"

"Big brother~" Wu Wenyun trembled, his heart slowly fell to the bottom.

"Keep the money for yourself. If you don't want to part with your capital account, you can stay here and give it a try."

"Brother, is there no other way?"

"Slap~" Song Guanyi waved his palm and slapped Wu Wenyun's face fiercely, "This slap is for this big brother!"

"The boss is soft-hearted. No one else will see you living comfortably in the capital!" Song Guanyi came to the desk, sorted out the documents, and finally said, "Including me!"


In the middle of the night, there was silence, someone left, and what was left was the brightly lit Wutong Building, a Tesla that kept tossing without panting.


Time passes quietly, at every moment of blinking, at every moment of closing eyes, some people have passed a day, some people have passed a lifetime, and some people have passed several days!

One morning at the end of March, the sun was shining brightly and the temperature was getting warmer. A few buds on the bare tree branches on the side of the road made the breath of spring stronger and stronger.

On the Capital Airport Expressway, Lao Liu, a taxi driver who always loves to do work at the airport, is pulling two passengers in business uniforms forward smoothly.

"Here is the joy ahead, after the commercial, come right back.

Melatonin, deepen sleep, improve the stomach, effective is the last word, Melatonin, please testify to the general public! "

Old Liu curled his lips and raised his hand to change the channel.

"Hundreds of thousands of personal computers are born every day

A small part of it is tested

Others can't imagine

More is required, and the mission given is heavier

it is destined to be

A thought tool for those who follow trends

Tesla, make the mind more powerful"

Immediately afterwards, there were two strong heartbeats, "Boom, boom." Then the male voice reappeared and said in a low voice,

"Technology is people-oriented!"

Lao Liu's hands froze, he opened his mouth, and seeing the two passengers in the back row also looked interested, he said: "Tesla broadcast this advertisement a few months ago. for a day."

The two passengers looked at each other and asked with a smile, "Master, are you so concerned about Tesla?"

"It's not about paying attention, but I can't forget it even if I want to!" The driver Liu Yaoyao nodded, "It's too much trouble. If it weren't for the last sentence of the press conference, 'planting flowers and making', I always thought it was a foreign company. "

"Is it good or bad?"

"Okay!" Lao Liu nodded affirmatively, "Listen to their commercials, watch their press conferences and that flash mob... Interesting, informative, and indescribably excited in my heart! It's just..."

"Just what?" asked the older passenger in the back seat with interest.

"It's just that these days, this company has stopped!"

Dumbfounded, he pointed to the radio, and the middle-aged passenger said, "Master, this overwhelming Tesla advertisement has hit half the world. Is this called cessation?"

"That's not what it means!" Old Liu smiled, let go of the steering wheel with his right hand and made a gesture, "It just feels like our little richest man, instead of tossing Tesla, tossing Shenzhou!"

After finishing speaking, Lao Liu glanced at the rearview mirror and asked expectantly, "Are you two the leaders of Shenzhou?"

"That's right!" The middle-aged passenger admitted generously. In front of the well-informed taxi driver, the clothes he was wearing couldn't conceal his identity.

Enduring the excitement in his heart, the driver, Old Liu, slowed down and asked expectantly, "Is there any good news for Shenzhou in the short term?"


On March 4th, a brand new Monday, when the bullish stock market just opened, Tesla and Shenzhou Technology Co., Ltd. issued an announcement at the same time: Due to quality reasons, Tesla officially canceled the foundry of Shenzhou Frozen contract.

After the news was released, Shenzhou finally opened the daily limit, and then an hour later, with the massive funds joining, Shenzhou once again raised the limit——Shenzhou U disk has occupied the northern market, the profit prospect is promising, there is no loan, and a healthy financial situation , people are still optimistic about its market outlook.

Whether it is a retail investor or an institution, they are all immersed in the stories they make up.

On March 6, the listed company BOE announced that it had formally reached an agreement with the island country Mitsubishi Corporation on the transfer of Diamond Long picture tube technology, and at the same time accepted Tesla's 80 million pre-purchase contract!

BOE is gradually moving towards a dominant position in the sunset industry of CRT.

People know that the money is to pay BOE for Mitsubishi's technical fees and to renovate the production line.

On the same day, BOE's daily limit, Shenzhou loosened, and finally opened the daily limit.

March 11.

Shenzhou issued an announcement to invest in the PHS project of ZTE Group and obtained a series of technology licensing agreements.

In the stock market, everyone is confused.

March 13.

News of PHS's "soon to die" appeared in the newspapers. The reason was that the Ministry of Information Industry wanted to clear some of the occupied frequency bands, and PHS was among them.

The story is shattered, Zhao Song's Shenzhou technology is green!

The time came to March 20.

Lao Liu, who is driving on the airport expressway, is a taxi driver standing at the highest peak of Shenzhou stock price!

Today's chapter.

It was my birthday on the last day of June, and I actually remembered it when I woke up early. I stayed in front of the computer all day, ate two bowls of Changshou (instant) noodles, and wrote nothing.

Lost chain, full attendance is gone, depressed.

Will try to make it up tomorrow, the new July is coming, come on!

The scorching heat is here, everyone pay attention to your body.

(This chapter may be revised, sorry.)

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