Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 352 Want Its Dog Face?

March 20.

In the taxi driving on the airport expressway, Lao Liu looked forward to it. While ensuring safe driving, he also pricked up his ears, always paying attention to the sound from the rear, and by the way, he also wanted to turn off the non-stop ringing radio.


"Today, the Ministry of Information Industry issued another document requesting an increase in PHS monthly rental fees and call charges..."

"It's over!" Old Liu's face was ashen, and he finally turned off the wrong radio.

Glancing at the rearview mirror again, seeing the two people who had remained silent, Lao Liu said unwillingly, "Why doesn't the little rich man come out for an interview? Just a few words are fine."

The middle-aged man in the back seat was Li Bowei who had just returned from a business trip. He smiled slightly and said, "Master, Shenzhou has fallen, why don't retail investors scold him?"

"..." Old Liu was speechless.

It was Tesla, not Shenzhou, that first released the cancellation of the Frozen foundry agreement. Everyone in the stock market turned a blind eye to such an obvious stop signal. Instead of scolding others, it is better to scold yourself for being greedy!

The taxi slowly stopped at the entrance of the Pacific Building. Li Bowei paid the fare and got off with Duan Yuming. Before closing the door, Li Bowei thought for a while and said to Lao Liu: "Master, it's not that much, you can either stay Let’s go, or sell it sooner.”

After finishing speaking, Li Bowei closed the car door.

"Manager!" At this time, a person who looked like an assistant was standing beside them.

Li Bowei nodded, "Xiao Duan, has the president been here these two days?"

Assistant Xiao Duan shook his head, "No, he's busy with other things!"

How do you know what Zhao Song is busy with? Li Bowei and Duan Yuming stood on their feet, looking at Xiao Duan curiously, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Duan said with a strange face: "He sued a research institute!"


In the past half a month, many interesting things have happened.

The youngest richest man became a hot topic in the news, and when the major media in the United States also reported this incident, it added fuel to the fire!

Zhao Song and Xiao Yu had no choice but to move out of your home pitifully, and secretly hid in Uncle Lu's new yard.

Not only Youjia clubhouse, Jingji Institute, Zhonghai, Wutong, Tesla Industrial Park in Pingchang District, and even the Dongji Oilfield Family Hospital in Shantang City have been turned into vegetable markets by crowds of reporters.

"A 21-year-old billionaire, the youngest richest flower grower born."

"A hard-working youth will not leave regrets. Zhao Song, a college student, told us a complete inspirational entrepreneurial journey!"

"Zhao Song and his Shenzhou Technology under the spotlight, let others comment! At this moment, the original sin of wealth on this young man was actually given to him by the capital market and the majority of stockholders!"

"From niche compatible phones to high-end brand phones, in terms of brand building, Zhao Song led his Tesla to complete an epic curve overtaking!"

"One step at a time, two steps at a time of ups and downs, every story of his can be seen on IT forums, and every experience of his can be heard in Zhonghai. He created the flash mob of the popular world, his real-time Advertising has opened up a new field of corporate marketing, and his publicity copywriting is what every advertising company is eager to learn from!

"Zhao Song and his Tesla, but you can see it clearly, but you can't touch it!"

"Shocking: A research institute directly under the Ministry of Beijing, an hour after Tesla submitted the lawyer's letter, apologized to Tesla and paid 3 million liquidated damages! At the same time, the relevant responsible persons who violated the confidentiality regulations were promptly investigated and dealt with!"

"The news confirms that a total of 13 scientific research institutes, colleges, and enterprises have accepted support funds for a product project from Tesla, and the first phase of 23 million yuan has been fully paid. At the same time, Tesla has also obtained patents for future related research results. The right to share, and the right to exclusive product supply or the right of first purchase!

According to the information we got, Tesla did not set up a similar institution like the Fantasy Research Institute, but formed a research and development team based on the product line! The above 13 research and development projects belong to only one product line of Tesla! "

"Chip! Chip! It is certain that two of the scientific research institutes are developing chip projects. Although they are not such pearl chips as CPUs, starting from peripheral chips, Tesla may become the next Vimicro!"

"Relevant experts said: Regardless of the cost of time, the cost of trial and error, and the support of national funds, only a sole proprietorship like Tesla can do it!

But no matter what, the behavior of our young richest man has indeed reversed the quick success and quick profit ethos brought about by a certain business godfather a little bit! "


"Is it really okay to say that about our classmate Xiao Zhi?"

In Xiagou Village, there is a small square in front of the house.

Zhao Song, who was squatting aside, put down the newspaper, speechless.

It was almost noon, the sun was high, the scorching sun and the slightly cold air made it difficult for people to take off or wear them.

The small square is square, with four big sides. On one side is Zhao Song, on the other side is Uncle Lu, on the other side is Brother Lu, and on the other side is Lian Shunhe...

"Uncle Lu, my Brother Lu is afraid of being photographed by reporters, why are you so far away from me?"

"I'm afraid too!" Uncle Lu waved his hand and shouted loudly, "Squatting over there honestly, I was photographed with you, and I'm sure to annoy those relatives to death!"

"Okay!" Zhao Song had no choice but to look at Lian Shun, and after a while, he shouted with a strange expression on his face: "Brother, even if Lian Shun is young, he is over 70, and he still has the ability to give birth to a baby." ?"

Lian Shun has 8 babies! Lian Shun's daughter-in-law, a young German shepherd named Er Hua, had eight prostitutes, so she gave birth to eight!

Erhua looked at the 8 nursing babies tenderly, and Lian Shun looked at them tenderly!

Big Brother Lu had black lines all over his head, and said in a low voice, "Probably not anymore. When Lian Shun served, his nervous system was always in a state of excitement, so he should have degenerated more seriously than ordinary dogs!"

"Zhao Song, I saw 'Li Jianguo' from Erwang's family with Erhua that day." Uncle Lu asked at this time.

"No!" Zhao Song vaguely heard Uncle Lu's words, and immediately replied: "The 'Four Idiots' of the Sheng Calligrapher beat 'Li Jianguo' away. Same, no guts!'"

"That's the four idiots!" Uncle Lu nodded affirmatively. In the whole village, there were only four German shepherds, three males and one female. Dogs from outside the village did not dare to come in at all.

"Uncle! Go and see Si Sha's heartless and cheerful idiot, does he look like a dog who has been snatched away after being a father?"

Uncle Lu had no choice but to growl: "Isn't there a new technology now? Why don't we go for a paternity test!"

Zhao Song also replied loudly: "Have you considered Lian Shun's feelings? We can lower our face, but Lian Shun still wants his doggy face!"

Two chapters today, one more chapter in a while

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