Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 353 Goodbye, Marshal

In the small square, a delicate atmosphere was brewing, Brother Lu interrupted the quarrel between Uncle Lu and Zhao Song with a low shout.


At this time, there was rarely anyone else in the small square, Zhao Song and Uncle Lu kept their mouths shut, watching quietly as Lian Shun picked up the naughtiest puppy in his mouth and walked slowly towards Brother Lu.

Brother Lu's eyes turned red instantly!

"Dude..." Brother Lu's mouth trembled a little, he picked up the puppy, stroked Lian Shun's head, and murmured: "I haven't brought...not...thank you, buddy!"


Lian Shun ran back to Erhua, took a closer look, picked up another one and brought it to Uncle Lu.

"Good boy, good boy~~"

In the end, it was Zhao Song. Unlike before, Lian Shun called twice in advance!


"For me and Xiao Yu!" Carefully picked up the puppy, the obvious four eyes made it look cute, and then looked at the straight hind legs, and Zhao Song was sure that this is a purebred dog. Mu is not a Kunming dog. When it grows up, the four eyes of the puppy will gradually disappear.

"Thank you Brother Lian Shun!" This is a purebred offspring of a military dog—whether these dogs are offspring of Lian Shun or not, Zhao Song will regard it as it is! However, he wanted to be happy, but he couldn't be happy at all.

Pressing down the frantically vibrating cell phone in his trouser pocket again, Zhao Song stood up with the little milk dog in his arms, followed Lian Shun, and carefully put the little milk dog into Erhua's arms.

After carefully memorizing the appearance of the four-eyed little milk dog, Zhao Song turned around.

There was a vague figure shaking at the entrance of the village, and Zhao Song hurried over there.

"Uncle, Brother Lu, I'm going to leave beforehand!"

"Let's go, I'll call you if I have something to do." Uncle Lu knew that Zhao Song was busy, and if he hadn't confirmed the matter of Lian Shun, he would not have disturbed Zhao Song casually.

Nodding his head, Zhao Song took out his vibrating mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and walked out of the village.

"Uncle Li, what's the matter?"

On the phone, Li Bowei said: "President, Wu Ge from Starcom said that it will take a few days to think about it."

Zhao Song frowned and asked, "Let those institutional shareholders inquire about the news, is there any result?"

"Yes! It has been confirmed that the clearing of frequency bands is a rumor. Currently, on the desk of the Ministry of Information Industry, 179 cities have applied for the opening of PHS documents!"

"Do they still have objections to Shenzhou's PHS project?"

"No!" During the phone call, Li Bowei hesitated before continuing, "And someone is quietly raising shares of Shenzhou through a third party."

"Which one?" Zhao Song asked curiously, who would dare to provoke him, a popular fried chicken?

In last year's Guofa No. 18 document, "Several Policies Encouraging the Development of the Software Industry and the Integrated Circuit Industry" was released. This year, during the two sessions being held, the development of integrated circuits was written into the government work report for the first time.

In the meeting, besides China Star Micro Deng Han, Tesla’s Zhao Song was repeatedly mentioned, and there was even a typical trend—a private enterprise, relying on its own strength, wants to be in Tesla What a boldness it is to form an industrial chain mainly engaged in integrated circuits in the surrounding areas!

"Bank!" On the phone, Li Bowei's voice interrupted Zhao Song's imagining and chattering.

"Let them stop, keep the evidence, and deal with them later!" Zhao Song thought for a while and continued: "Now let's talk about Starcom."

In Pacific Shenzhou's office, Li Bowei quickly switched his phone to hands-free mode, took out his notebook, and waited intently.

"The statement that PHS does not last long is not true in itself. This statement comes more from the vested interests of PHS. Their purpose of releasing this statement is to use the so-called "policy risk" to naturally block other communication giants. entry.

This product with a low technical threshold is actually capable of being produced by many domestic communication giants. In addition to ZTE, Datang and Huawei are all available! And with their market capabilities, if UTStarcom starts with them, then it may only get a small market share. "

Li Bowei quickly wrote down the last word, "President, write it down!"

At the intersection of Xiagou Village, Zhao Song stopped when he saw the big bully parked by the side of the road.

"That's what it means. You watch and convey it to the other side, and then send someone to Shenzhen City!"

"Contact Huawei?" Li Bowei hesitated for a moment and asked, "President, Tesla's technology is completely capable of independently developing PHS mobile phones. Why do we have to obtain the technical standards of ZTE and Starcom?"

"Because of the technology obtained from these two companies, Shenzhou's PHS mobile phones can be sold nationwide in the future. Although PHS is a fixed line, with our Shenzhou PHS, you don't have to go to the business hall, you can call the customer service of the telecom. The function of renting an account and transferring the network!"

Realize roaming in disguise! ? Li Bowei was startled when he heard the words, and asked excitedly, "I'll go to Shenzhen Market myself!"

"Uncle Li, don't get excited!" On the phone, Zhao Song said with a smile, "Isn't I going to Shenzhen to find Huawei, and besides frightening Starcom, I just want to get in touch with another company?"

"Which one?"

"Hampton Management Consulting (Flower Planting) Co., Ltd!"

An enterprise targeted by Ma Xue, the senior vice president and chief financial officer of a fantasy group and the No. 1 woman in Huahua Capital Market!

Li Bowei looked at the phone with a complicated face. He knew that everything about Tesla was against the fantasy. While the country encouraged and supported it, Zhao Song would sooner or later be a thorn in the side of some people.

If Tesla succeeds, some people's short-sightedness and eagerness for quick success will prove undoubtedly!

But he didn't expect that Zhao Song initiated this struggle first, and it would be Shenzhou who fired the first shot!

"Uncle Li, President Zhang of Hanpu said that he doesn't do business with less than 3 million yuan. You can ask him for me. Tesla's industrial chain and supply chain have a management consulting market of hundreds of millions! Just accept With Shenzhou's capital injection, these businesses can all belong to Hanpu!

Whether you want capital or the market, it depends on what he thinks! "

"Zhao Song." This time, Li Bowei did not call the president, but asked with concern: "Are you ready?"

"There is nothing to prepare!" On the phone, Zhao Song smiled and said confidently: "Uncle Li, before I make a mistake, whether it is Tesla or Shenzhou Technology, there will be no so-called time cost and trial and error cost, because , I'm always right!"

"Click ~" Regardless of being polite, Zhao Song immediately hung up the phone after saying that.

"Pretending again!" I cursed myself in my heart, and got on the long-awaited Toyota Bully.


In the car, apart from Ermao in the driver's seat, only the handsome guy in the back row was waiting boredly.

"Busy people, I said just take a taxi, and you must see me off!"

"Not sending you off?" Zhao Song sat next to the handsome man, rolled his eyes and asked, "Did you get your graduation certificate and degree certificate in advance?"


Signaling Ermao to drive, Zhao Song looked at the handsome man and asked, "Aren't you going to the opening ceremony of Baili Beauty Salon?"


"Let's go this time, if I don't see you, when will you come back?"


Da Shuai looked at the gate of Jingjiyuan outside the window, and remained silent without answering.

"Remember the commercial that you and Betty helped me shoot?"

"Remember!" Da Shuai Shuai's voice was a little hoarse.

"Believe it or not, that stuff is worth hundreds of millions!"

"Heh~~" Da Shuai gave Zhao Song a supercilious look.

"Believe it or not!" Zhao Song curled his lips, and picked up a guitar from the third row, which was given to him by Yin Mingyu, "Sing a song for you, it will be a farewell song!"

Dashuai laughed.

Zhao Song cleared his throat, swept the guitar lightly with his right hand, and began to sing.

"In the Qin Dynasty, the moon was bright, and in the Han Dynasty, the Guan Wanli Long March was not yet returned.

But let the Dragon City Flying General not teach Huma Duyin Mountain"

A piece of "Out of the Frontier" by teacher Gu Jianfen was sung in the carriage of Dabawang heading to the airport, in order to bid farewell to a noble patient.

Goodbye, handsome.

Thank you, King of the Sea!

Thank you Nanshan Idlers for reading Kyushu.

Thank you book friends for your recommendation and reward.

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