Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 354 A Few Questions

Dashuaishuai is gone, taking his... who knows what dream, soaring into the sky!

This time, Da Shuai Shuai didn't inform anyone, if Zhao Song hadn't had people staring at him all the time, he might have let him run away silently!

Zhao Song knew that he almost succeeded—this handsome guy couldn't bear to part with his new friends!

In fact, if the handsome guy stays and stays in Tesla, it will be more helpful than him going there, but he still goes there without hesitation!

Two years later, in order to achieve education fairness, the state called on a large number of teachers to go to rural areas to carry out front-line teaching work, and the policy of supporting education was implemented.

But this has nothing to do with Da Shuai Shuai, he is going to work!

A broken school, a group of poor students, and a handsome rural teacher!

It is an honor for everyone to know such a person! But to be such a person, it depends on everyone's pursuit!

"Life is endless, tossing and tossing!" is Zhao Song's latest pursuit.

However, no matter how hard he can be, at the end of March, he has to settle down honestly, because the popularity of our little richest man has gradually receded, and now it is the two sessions that are getting hotter, and what grabs the headlines is breaking the "coreless" history of flower growers The "Starlight One" is Deng Han who just said "I will be back" to Sony!


"Starlight One" is a digital multimedia chip that activates a laptop camera.

It is not a core chip, nor does it have influence or bargaining power in the international industrial chain, but under the current environment, it has been quickly built into a radiant leader in flower cores.

Tesla, which has been getting hot, has not achieved any results. The Loongson school sent by the students and the Zhanxun sent by the overseas returnees were hidden in the corner by Zhao Song.

Only SMIC, whose self-developed chips have been adopted by Four Star and Philips, is left.

Commander-in-Chief of the "Starlight Planting Core Project", "Father of Planting Cores"... At this moment, Deng Han's scenery is boundless!


In the afternoon, the Zhonghai Electronics Market is magnificent, with people coming and going, rubbing shoulders!

Since its opening half a month ago, as a new landmark in Zhongguancun, the per capita traffic of Zhonghai's stores has surpassed that of the young Hainiao Building, and it has increased by half a time!

In the management office, Zhao Song was serving tea and water to the two guests attentively, and then sat quietly opposite them.

Mr. Ni and Li Qiang, the design director of Ark, looked at each other, looked at the silent Zhao Song, and had no choice but to speak.

"Zhao Song..."

Zhao Song quickly answered, "Teacher Ni, you two should just call me Xiao Zhao."

Mr. Ni smiled and nodded, then hesitated for a moment, really not knowing how to speak.

Zhao Song understood their intentions. The government procurement of the first batch of NC machines in Ark was urgently stopped, and the Zhongguancun Sub-district Committee’s investment in Ark was also in the stage of re-examination. The large-scale waste and loss of state-owned funds did not appear in history. However, the Ark Company has entered into dire straits.

Don't underestimate the methods of Secretary Liu, the new Standing Committee member of the capital. Under his pressure, some clowns don't even have room to jump around.

"Mr. Ni, I have a few questions. If you can clarify with me, I will solve the salary of the Ark R\u0026D personnel!"

Mr. Ni and Li Qiang cheered up, and quickly said, "Ask!"

"First, according to the Zhongguancun Sub-district Committee investing 50 million in Ark, occupying 5% of the shares, is your company worth 1 billion?"


"Secondly, can the tools on the Ark Company's NC computer system open files sent from other Windows computers?"


"Third, did Li Delei ever say, 'In a flower grower, real estate makes money, not high technology'."


"Fourth..." At this point, Zhao Song held back his smile, looked at Mr. Ni and continued to ask: "Mr. Li Qiang is not Li Delei's niece and son-in-law. He is lying to you, do you know?"

Li Qiang next to him was in a daze, and so was Mr. Ni. Because of this sentence, Mr. Ni had been alienated from Li Qiang for a long time. Until recently, the company had internal and external troubles, and the two barely got together. Li Delei's thoughts are so deep that a technical expert like Mr. Ni can't figure it out!

I didn't look at Mr. Ni again, it was this one who did bad things with good intentions. Zhao Song turned his head and said to the honest and honest Li Qiang, "Mr. Li, I won't talk about the situation of the ark. If you jump out from there, there is a lot to do in the vast world! And I have two choices here. Listen to me. ?”

Li Qiang glanced at Mr. Ni, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded slightly.

Zhao Song tried his best to hide the joy in his heart, and said solemnly: "First, go to Godson, if there is any result in the future, it will return to the embrace of the country, and you will be considered well-established people by then.

Second, come to Tesla Microelectronics, if you can condescend, the position of Design Director is for you! "

Li Qiang listened carefully, thought for a while, and asked, "What's the difference between the two?"

Zhao Song replied without hesitation: "Godson has a country, and Tesla Microelectronics has a market, a huge market!"

Li Qiang showed his heartbeat, stood up, and shook hands with Zhao Song, "Mr. Zhao, I need time to think about it, and the guys have to discuss it!"

Through Professor Zhou, Li Qiang knew Mr. Zhao's attitude towards R\u0026D personnel, and the rumors in the capital in the past few days let him vaguely know what Tesla is doing. There is a company that values ​​R\u0026D and treats R\u0026D personnel well. The leader, let him gradually dispel the idea of ​​going out to start a new business!

"It should be!" Zhao Song nodded excitedly.

This is a genius who can design embedded cpu, and this is the founder of Junzheng Integrated Circuit in another time and space. With him, together with Professor Zhou's expert advisory group, Tesla Microelectronics and Tesla will be even more powerful!

"Zhao Song." Mr. Ni didn't speak until Li Qiang left the office, and he asked disappointedly: "Give Godson to the country... After making such a big noise, you never planned to be a general-purpose CPU, did you?" .”

Zhao Song nodded without hesitation, "Intel's production and R\u0026D are integrated, they have the most advanced lithography machines, they can try and make mistakes at any time, they bind themselves in the 18-month Moore's Law, whoever can't keep up will fall behind They also have a wintel alliance with Microsoft.

Moreover, piracy is prevalent in our country, and basically all the people are using the Windows operating system; this year we will join the WTO, and the retail market will be opened up in three years, so the fantasy has already begun to seek transformation, Mr. Ni, teach me, how to use After the thing is made, besides selling it to the army and using it in the country, is there any other market? "

Looking at Mr. Ni who was getting more and more disappointed, the smile in Zhao Song's heart gradually widened.

"Grandpa, come to Tesla!"

I received a pop-up warning, um, change it!

Two chapters today, the next chapter, a certain brand name has also been changed.

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