Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 355: Boundless Fun

Li Delei was interested in the intangible assets and huge network behind Mr. Ni, so Zhao Song couldn't help but be greedy.

But the difference is that Li Delei asked Mr. Ni to ask for help, while Zhao Song asked him to give money.

From Hanka in the 1980s to more than ten years now, Mr. Ni is simply a living map of the northern integrated circuit industry since it was reformed. It is absolutely clear which research institute is good at what and which company produces what. Zhao Song What Tesla needs most now is such a person!

With the formal establishment of Tesla's organizational structure system and the brainstorming of Zhao Song, Tesla executives and IBM for more than half a month, the idea of ​​building Tesla's product chain and supply chain has become clearer , At the same time, it also surprised Zhao Song more and more.

Apple is also exploring the organizational structure of the Milky Way, but this time, Tesla is ahead of it - because what Tesla is doing is what Apple is doing when it has 78 billion US dollars in another time and space thing:

Provide funds to suppliers to develop and produce unique and expensive new components, and obtain these components before competitors. Invest in low-margin manufacturing, get support from suppliers, and let them build a factory near the Tesla Industrial Park!

Unlike Apple, Tesla has an assembly plant, but in terms of spare parts, it can put the inventory pressure on the spare parts suppliers!

And where and how to find those suppliers, research institutions, and colleges with R\u0026D capabilities, you need a living map like Mr. Ni!

An iPhone needs the cooperation of more than 200 suppliers around the world. If most of them can be produced by flower growers, how much cost and tax will be reduced. You know, in another time and space, Apple just does taxation. Come up with a global strategic system.

In the office of the Zhonghai Management Office, Mr. Ni was meditating. Zhao Song poured tea and water diligently, and did not disturb him.

Outside the office door, Li Linna's best friend Long Xiaoxiao probed her head for a while, and found that the richest man was really busy, so she had to pull her best friend out of the office in disappointment, and started shopping in Zhonghai Mall.

"Sister Linna, is he really that busy?" The petite Long Xiaoxiao only looked petite at the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. After leaving the school with long legs everywhere, Long Xiaoxiao is definitely above the average height.

While walking, Li Linna greeted the familiar bunk, and through Zhao Song, she became familiar with most of the people here. Hearing what Long Xiaoxiao said, Li Linna thought for a while before answering: "Lie on my lap to sleep Is it busy?"

"..." Long Xiaoxiao scratched her short hair, "You are Xiu En's hobby."

"Then I'm not busy!" Li Linna nodded solemnly and said, "As long as I'm here, he sleeps on his lap after a meeting, and then sleeps on his lap after finishing his work. Sometimes he even lays on my lap to read and approve documents."

"Why do you have to lie on your lap?"

"Because I'm his girlfriend."

"Uh~" Long Xiaoxiao scratched his head again, messed up his fairly neat short hair, looked at Li Linna's radiant appearance, and asked cautiously: "If this is the case, are you willing to leave him here? Are you going to France?"

"..." Li Linna was silent for a while, and forced a smile: "So what if I don't want to, now I don't understand what he said, I don't understand what he did, why don't you study hard while you are young, and strive Let me catch up to him at least a little bit."

Long Xiaoxiao, who was looking at the dazzling array of computers on various counters, stopped, and a shrewd look flashed across him, "Don't you understand what he said when he was alone with you?"

Li Linna didn't notice her best friend's expression, but shook her head and said, "No, it's what he said at work."

"Sister Linna, I think you are completely unfounded. If you ask me, it's best to stay, it's's best..."

"What's the best?" Li Linna asked curiously.

"Ah?!" Long Xiaoxiao shook her head quickly, "It's nothing, sister Linna, you must think carefully before making a decision." After she finished speaking, she walked towards a counter.

Li Linna looked at her back, curled her lips, and the corners of her mouth curled into an inexplicable arc.

"Miss, do you want to buy a computer? Our company is holding a sales promotion." In an open shop, a clerk enthusiastically introduced to Longlong Xiaoxiao, "Our company has a large exhibition hall of 40 square meters, and there are all kinds of computers. IBM, HP, Toshiba, SONY, DELL..."

"Do you have a Huashi notebook?" Long Xiaoxiao and other guys asked eagerly after they mentioned a long list of computer brands, but there was no brand she wanted. Later, he complained to Li Linna behind him: "It would be great if Tesla produced a notebook."

"We're doing research and development!" Li Linna said generously, "I'll let him give you another one when it's finished."

"Really?" Long Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

"Of course it is true!" Li Linna said with a smile, "You are my best friend!"

"Thank you, Miss Linna!"

The clerk at the side waited for the two of them to finish talking, and then asked patiently: "Miss, do you still need Huashi's notebook?"

"Yes!" Long Xiaoxiao responded immediately: "Sister Lin Na's work can't be delayed! It's the one in the advertisement of 'Huashi Computer, there is absolutely no bright spot' outside the gate. How much is it?"

"12500." The man replied without hesitation.

"Can it be cheaper?" Long Xiaoxiao looked forward to it.

"Miss, the price is the lowest, I dare not earn more from you!" After finishing speaking, the man pointed behind her.

Long Xiaoxiao turned around quickly, and immediately smiled, "Brother-in-law, hello."

Holding Li Linna's slender waist and kissing him on the side, Zhao Songcai said with a smile, "Hello, Long Xiaoxiao. Brother Gan quoted the lowest price, and I won't lie to you!"

"Mr. Zhao, please don't embarrass me, just call me Xiaogan." The salesman said hastily.

Zhao Song shook his head with a smile and stopped talking.

Then there is the logical payment and delivery, brand new notebook, responsible merchant, everything, everyone is happy... maybe.


At night, there is a club, in Zhao Song's cubicle.

Looking at the eight little milk dogs in Erhua's arms, Xiaoyu found the silly four-eyed dog without any effort. Just like what Zhao Song said, that is the stupidest one!

Not only Xiao Yu, but also Li Linna who is beside him are very fond of the four eyes who can't even catch their cock.

"Brother, what's its name?"

Zhao Song thought about it, and asked hesitantly, "How are you doing?"

Rolling a blank look at the brother who is so unpredictable, Xiaoyu thought for a while before saying: "Among the eight puppies, he is the stupidest, so he is called Benben!"

"It's vulgar!" Zhao Song shouted, "It's not as good as 'Li Jianguo'!"

"Pfft~" Li Linna couldn't help laughing.

"That's Li Jianguo's name!" Xiao Yu pouted and said, "How many years have Uncle Jianguo and Uncle Second Wang been fighting because of this?"

"Tei is also a person's name!"

"It's called stupid!" Xiao Yu put her hands on her hips.

"Stupid!" Li Linna agreed.

"That's stupid!" Zhao Song surrendered.


At the same time, in the girls' dormitory of Jingfu College, Long Xiaoxiao carefully opened a brand new notebook, boarded Qiandu, searched for pirated music, downloaded it to TPOD2, and then listened to the song while surfing the Internet, having endless fun.

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