Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 356 Don't Agree, Don't Understand

When the golden sun at the equator meets, day and night are divided equally.

Saturday, March 24, vernal equinox.

Every year on the day of the vernal equinox, the sun almost directly shines on the earth's equator, and the length of day and night is almost equal in all parts of the world.

In Xiagou Village, there is a home compartment. The craze for the richest man subsided temporarily, and Zhao Song and Xiao Yu moved back here again.

In the early morning, Zhao Song’s room was full of busy scenes. Although the post-80s generation in the room was described as the beat generation by the post-60s and post-70s generation, they were still a generation that kept the tradition of planting flowers.

The world is very fun, and everything is a reincarnation. After a few years, the post-70s and post-80s scolded the post-90s, then the post-80s and post-90s scolded the post-00s, and finally, the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s scolded together: bad guys, all changed old!

Since the tradition is maintained, a room full of young people must of course follow the rule of "don't eat from time to time". When in the capital, it is natural to eat the traditional delicacy of the spring equinox in the capital - "donkey rolling".

In the room, Zhao Song was wearing a tie with the assistance of Li Linna, Liao Yingzhu was standing with a stack of folders looking for something, and outside the wide open door, Xiao Yu was working with the help of Xizi and Li Yong. Donkey rolls.

"Xiao Yu, do you know who came up with the name 'Donkey Rolling'?" Zhao Song shouted loudly after putting on his tie and Zegna suit.

By the way, Zegna is still the one given to Zhao Song by her P friend Liu Ying. The woman is preparing to study abroad after she made up her mind to settle down.

"I know, Li Lianying!" Outside the door, Xiao Yu answered loudly, then seemed to know what Zhao Song was going to say, and added, "It's not awkward for us to eat!"

"Oh~" Without a target to tease, Zhao Song smacked his mouth in disappointment, looked at the tied tie in the mirror with satisfaction, hugged his long legs and kissed him, and sat aside with Liao Yingzhu, who pursed his lips and snickered.

"Zhao Song, IBM's progress is very fast. At present, the ERP goal confirmation has been completed, and IBM wants to implement process redesign and system configuration at the same time!"

"Is there resistance in the company?" Zhao Song asked.

ERP, in addition to its own meaning, is also a process of rights transparency. Fantasia’s Xiaozhi, because Fantasia completed ERP this year, gave the president of Fantasia Computer to Comrade Yang Qing with confidence. , before, this buddy has been a deputy!

"No!" Liao Yingzhu shook her head without hesitation, "Kelly, the person in charge of IBM, expressed unprecedented satisfaction with the cooperation of various departments of the company!"

Thanks to Tesla's youth, Zhao Song also stood up with satisfaction. If it was a few years later, it would definitely not be as smooth as it is now.

People's hearts are the most vulnerable thing, especially in an increasingly impetuous society.

"Yingzhu, are you really not going to the opening ceremony of Baili Beauty Salon?"

"No!" Liao Yingzhu shook her head, gritted her teeth and said, "Unless you remove the president of Shenzhou Technology, I don't have time."

"Oh~" As if not seeing Liao Yingzhu's expression, Zhao Song nodded indifferently.

"Boss, please raise your salary. You see, I have two jobs. 2,000 a month is too little!" Seeing that he didn't respond, Liao Yingzhu hurriedly said.

As soon as the voice fell, the bustling outside the door also instantly fell silent.

"Salary increase?" Zhao Song looked at her in disbelief, then shook his head like a rattle, "The one from IBM who teaches you every night is a professor of accounting at the University of Texas at Austin, why don't you give me the tuition First?"

"Capitalist~" Liao Yingzhu muttered in a low voice, then walked out the door with the documents in her arms.

"Remember to report the situation of Shenzhou at night!" Zhao Song shouted with airs.



It wasn't until Liao Yingzhu disappeared that the cubicle of Youjia returned to its lively appearance just now.

Xizi quietly leaned over, "Is she so powerful?"

Zhao Song nodded, and said with deep emotion: "It's more powerful than I imagined."

"How did she get into the Beijing Institute of Mechanical Engineering?" Xizi was puzzled. He and Zhao Song had the highest original scores in the college entrance examination, but there were still a few hell-level college entrance exams that used standard scores.

"She didn't say anything, who knows!" Zhao Song shrugged, "Either she was too partial to a subject, or she fell asleep during the exam, or she didn't take a subject!"

Xizi thought about it, but couldn't figure it out, so she patted Zhao Song on the shoulder, "It's ready, eat something and hurry up!"

"What to eat, eat on the way, if we are late, the eldest lady doesn't know what to say!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song hurriedly put the donkey rolling into the crisper with everyone - this is also the opening ceremony of Baili Beauty Salon!


An hour later, Sanlitun, the capital city.

At this time, Taikoo Li, Sanlitun, where wealth gathers, has not yet started construction. Now there are piles of dilapidated houses and old houses here. Only at night, you can experience the feasting and feasting of 18 years later on the bar street.

The address of Baili Beauty Salon was chosen by Zhao Song. The reason is that it is not good to be too close to the CBD of Guomao, and it is easy to embarrass acquaintances; it is also not good to be too far away. After all, few people have cars these days.

Sanlitun is just right, neither far nor near. There are many embassies in the surrounding area, and foreigners frequently come and go, which adds a lot of international atmosphere here.

Here is the origin of Zhao Song's dream of eighteen houses. In his previous life, he stayed here for a period of time when he was doing field work. Those landlords and petty rich people would trot for fitness and beauty every morning at nine or ten o'clock in the morning. Come here again, bars, discos, countless wonderful encounters open their arms to them.

Handsome men and beautiful women, luxurious and rich, all the dreams of an otaku can satisfy you in the surrounding area of ​​Sanlitun!


"You guys were almost late!"

Outside a modernly decorated beauty salon, Bai Li greeted them with a smile. After seeing Zhao Song and the others, she relaxed a little, and blamed Zhao Song: "It's not bad that you are the richest man, you always have to be the last to appear !"

Zhao Song ignored her complaint, but pointed to Bai Li's straight white legs and asked, "Aren't you cold?"

"Heh~" A blank stare came over.

"Bai Li, Gong Xi Fa Cai!" At this time, Xiao Yu brought up a big fresh-keeping box, "This is our opening gift for you!"

Seeing the absurdly full fresh-keeping box rolling around, Betty said dumbfoundedly: "Thank you everyone, it's a very special gift!"

"The time and the occasion!" Zhao Song replied without shame, and then walked towards the modern and luxurious beauty salon with his long legs in his arms.

"Bai Suzhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, cultivated this body for thousands of years in the cave,


Listening to the background music with black lines all over her face, Zhao Song felt that no matter how much she changed, the arrogance hidden in the deepest part of Bai Li's heart would never be revealed.

Let Dachangleg and Xiaoyu visit freely, Zhao Song found a corner to sit down, and looked at the lobby of the beauty salon.

Light-colored, simple, the theme of Baili's beauty salon is the most cutting-edge beauty equipment in the world, and all the decoration styles are designed to match them.

The women who come here spend most of their time lying down or lying on their stomachs, so the ceiling and the marble floor are where the most attention is spent on the decoration. They are simple and stylish, not monotonous at all.

"Mr. Zhao, hello."

Zhao Song turned his head and immediately stood up. It was Hao Ying's eldest brother, Hao Ren.

"Hello, big brother." Zhao Song didn't seem to notice the change in his address at all.

The two hands are tightly held together.

"Mr. Zhao." Hao Ren smiled and said, "How did you think about my proposal last time?"

"Brother, do you think my Tesla died not fast enough?" Zhao Song smiled wryly.

"How could it be?" Hao Ren is short in stature and has a shrewd look on his face, but it looks like a fake shrewdness to others. His smile became more and more enthusiastic, and he grabbed Zhao Song's hand and said, "Mr. Even the city government has been alarmed by the action of throwing money out of the day, and I heard that the written documents have all come down, and let all departments fully cooperate with you."

Can you not cooperate? If there is another leak, Zhao Song really dares to find a foreign company for research and development.

"Brother, if you really want to do this, the cost price is 3 million, I will make the gateway chip you need, and I will not participate in the follow-up, how about it?"

How much is three million? In 2001, we could buy ten sets of small-area commercial houses!

Hao Ren looked at the sincere Zhao Song and remained silent.

Three million, if the gateway chip can really be made, it's really not much. According to Zhao Song's meaning, if it is made, Tesla doesn't even need intellectual property rights.

Hao Ren is very confident. If he has that thing, he can make hundreds of millions of dollars in performance, but does he dare? He originally wanted to be an empty-handed white wolf.

Looking at Zhao Song's young face, he looked around and saw no one noticed, so he asked in a low voice: "Zhao Song, does Tesla Microelectronics have any achievements?"

"No!" Zhao Song shook his head very positively, "The first small project failed in tape-out last month, and we are currently re-doing simulation verification!"

"Forget it!" Hao Ren shook his head, shook hands with Zhao Song again, and then left without looking back.

Seeing Hao Ren running to Bai Li's side to show his hospitality, Zhao Song shrugged his shoulders indifferently, ignored more and more scrutinizing eyes around him, and continued to sit on the comfortable sofa with peace of mind.

"No one agrees with you, Zhao Song." A crisp voice sounded.

Zhao Song greeted with a smile: "Hi, Beijing chick."

"Is this my unique title among you?" Hao Ying smiled nonchalantly, and sat beside Zhao Song.

"Of course!" Zhao Song admitted generously, then pointed to the crowded hall, "Are these people from your yard?"

Hao Ying glanced over there and nodded, "Most of them are."

"There are so many handsome men and beautiful women in your courtyard." Zhao Song admired. Some of the people who grew up in these courtyards were domineering, and some took shortcuts like Hao Ren, but with their growing environment and the level of education they received, the abilities of most of them were above the standard.

"Of course!" Hao Ying said proudly, then frowned, "Don't change the subject."

"So what if you agree? What if you don't agree?" Zhao Song asked.

Whether these people agree with him or not, what does it have to do with Zhao Song?

"I'm not talking about them!" Hao Ying quickly shook her head, "I'm talking about the rumors in the capital!"

"What is the wind in the capital?"

"Everyone is talking about you!"

"What are you talking about about me?" Zhao Song became more and more curious.

"Young, reckless!"

"I'm the old bastard of Zhong Hai!"

"But you are betting your entire fortune on these two occasions!"

Mr. Zhao tilted his head and thought about it, "Go ahead."

"The operation of Shenzhou's listing has nothing to do with you. To say that you are the richest man is not worthy of your name!"

"Is there any more?" Zhao Song nodded.

Hao Ying thought about it carefully, and said uncertainly: "It seems that no entrepreneur association has invited you yet?"

Zhao Song rubbed his hands together, and asked with a puzzled expression, "The Entrepreneurs Association... is the kind of place where Fantasia Xiaozhi used to chat and drink tea?"

"Uh..." You are so reasonable! Hao Ying blushed and didn't know what to answer for a while.

Zhao Song leaned down slightly, approached Hao Ying, and whispered: "You can pass on what I want to say next.

As long as I work in Shenzhou for one day, I will do my best! If you don't like me and don't agree with me, let them get rid of those people in Shenzhou first. "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Song stood up, rubbed Hao Ying's ball head, and walked towards Dachangleg and Xiaoyu.

Not to mention the Entrepreneur Association, even the Wutong Building where Tesla is currently located, Zhao Song wants to evacuate as soon as possible to see what group it belongs to and who is it?

Wutong, Zhongguancun is a broken household, and Wutong Lifang under it is nothing, but later Wutong Lifang became Sina, which is very powerful. As for its boss Xiaoji, he is the chairman of a certain entrepreneurial association, um , student Xiaozhi is the president. The first person of MBO (Management Buyout) of Florist, the father of Internet of Florist.

To put it bluntly, it is a financial expert, the field that Zhao Song is most afraid of!

In other words, the Internet of flower growers is definitely the most pitiful Internet in the world. There is a father and mother when nothing happens. The key is that the father and mother have nothing to do with each other. How on earth was it born?

Zhao Song was very puzzled.


Also puzzled was Fantasia's bearded man. At this moment, he was in a state of desperation.

Dell's factory in Xiamen has been launched, and a new round of offensive is brewing, starting with the Tesla T1 series, which it doesn't care about at all. Unexpectedly, it is beginning to encroach on the fantasy mid-to-high-end market. Shenzhou Technology, which has a complete sales and after-sales channel, is gaining momentum...

To deal with Dell, the bearded man is duty-bound, and he is also confident that he can stop Dell with the fantasy "ice melting mode"; as for Tesla, a tacit alliance that has not been communicated with has been quietly formed, and a more tacit offensive is on the way. Brewing!

What worries him the most is the combination of the thorny Shenzhou Technology and the talented product manager Zhao Song!

The office was very quiet, the bearded man looked at the bald subordinate in puzzlement, his face full of doubts, "Say it again."

The bald head nodded, picked up the information in his hand and began to read, "At present, Shenzhou Technology has perfected the company structure, sales business group, human resources center, financial center, R\u0026D center, production center, logistics and customs center, customer service center and brand management center. A total of 13 functional departments including the control center have been fully completed, and the average education background of the subsequent 37 recruits..."

The bald man reconfirmed the text on the information, and finally read out in disbelief: "Master."

"Where did they come from..." Before finishing the sentence, the bearded man stopped, and then murmured: "The option pool in Zhao Song's hand!"

The bald man suddenly realized when he heard the words, yes, for the market value of Shenzhou, not to mention those people, even he himself wanted to go to this younger Shenzhou Technology. Compared with it, Tesla, which is desperately spending money on research and development, is not attractive at all. up!

"That kid Zhao Song didn't go to work in Shenzhou, but it doesn't mean he didn't do anything!"

The bald man nodded and said, "That's right! It's certain that their first PC product is ready for launch in the joint research and development department of Shenzhou and Tesla. According to reliable sources, the CRT monitor specially provided by BOE for this product has been rolled off the assembly line!"

"In other words, they only took three months to develop new products..."

How could it be so fast? The bearded man looked puzzled.


At the same time, Beijing Fu girls dormitory.

Long Xiaoxiao also looked at the dead laptop computer with a puzzled expression, with a sad face!

Two in one today. I finished writing early.

The content of this chapter involves the association, refer to Qiandu Encyclopedia, there is nothing sensitive about it.

In the end, it was a little bit lighter, and I tried to get into the plot as soon as possible.

Thank you for your subscription and recommendation. Thanks.

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